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Anime/Manga General Discussion

*Sees that asinine topic revived and continuing with no signs of slowing down*


-Flashbacks to Highschool of the Dead-

*Changes direction of the conversation casually*

Yeah that anime is actually pretty good fan service scenes aside.

My English Professor would have probably done the same thing against this one dude I know in the same situation lol....
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Yeah, if there was one thing that anime was infamous for, it was the fanservice.
I was just.
Walleyed when the boob bounces were synchronized to dodge a bullet.
Yo, I leave for a few hours and I already can't keep up with this thread.

I don't know about that. If they move too far in that direction, won't all Ecchi just become Hentai?
You can push an ecchi show pretty far and it still won't be a hentai as long as genitals aren't shown explicitly. Besides, ecchi has dabbled with nudity since like the dawn of the genre.

Oh my word I am relieved yet still uneasy about not being the only one who watches sekirei.
I also watched both seasons when they first aired. Season 1 attracted me to it, season 2 made me love it. A good reason would be because Kazehana is a main character in Pure Engagement, another would be because the fights were better.

Oh yeah: Kazehana is da bess.

About Highschool of the Dead: seriously, I have no problem with the fanservice, being as over-the-top as it is. Instead, it's the drama, wangsty side about it that I dislike. Oh and the second part of episode 9. Oh and Komuro. God, do I dislike that kind of character.
That's just sunny voicing his opinion. You can't really voice a negative opinion on something without negative words, so I really don't know what you expect. Words like trashy, slutty, fetishy etc. are really the only accurate words we have to express this sort of opinion.
You totally can give a negative opinion without being harsh and insulting. I'll do it right now.

"I think Madoka Magica does not really compare to animes like Cowboy Bebop or Attack on Titan which I believe have better stories which are aimed at a more adult audience."
I could have said "I think Madoka Magica is a very childish show with a mediocre story that can't hold a candle to Cowboy Bebop and Attack on Titan", but I didn't say that because I try to be mindful of the fans that are listening.
I don't think anyone was suggesting that Ryuuko herself serves no purpose other than fan service. You're bringing this way out of proportion. A character design can be overtly sexual, even almost entirely about sexuality, without making the character wearing it nothing past that.
SunnyRei said "cool characters who exist to be paraded around in suspenders." I took that as I read it, maybe it was bad wording but that's in the past now. I just don't think Ryuko's design would be any better if her outfit were changed, that's my opinion.
Also I agree with you on your speech about sexuality and objectification. On that note of agreement we should bury this.

Sooo yeah, @Sanoblaze The Last Of Us: The Animated Movie would be incredible and I want that now.
Also how long is Gintama? I'm thinking about watching that.
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I'll stick to the manga of Highschool of the Dead. Madhouse went overboard on the ecchi factor.
I can't believe nobody would want an anime movie about Tommy from Last of Us! his story would be perfect for a movie! plus, we could see Joel in anime form and maybe him and Ellie at the end!
I can't believe nobody would want an anime movie about Tommy from Last of Us! his story would be perfect for a movie! plus, we could see Joel in anime form and maybe him and Ellie at the end!
I want it! I want that so bad, I love Tommy he's such a great guy. His talk with Joel revealed a lot of things about Joel's past that the story never really got into, I would love too see that animated. I want to see more of that, it would be so interesting, but I think this is off-topic.
I want it! I want that so bad, I love Tommy he's such a great guy. His talk with Joel revealed a lot of things about Joel's past that the story never really got into, I would love too see that animated. I want to see more of that, it would be so interesting, but I think this is off-topic.
No, stuff like this is good. we can bring up other anime adaptations of american/canadian/etc games that are popular and the possibilities.
No, stuff like this is good. we can bring up other anime adaptations of american/canadian/etc games that are popular and the possibilities.
Like Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic. I really liked that movie, although I felt that it kind of lost it near the end.
Has there been an anime anything of Ratchet and Clank? If not, there should be.
What are people's opinions of some of the new animes that haven't gotten quite so much mention:

  • Outbreak Company - Seems interesting, at first glance a generic harem anime, but actually has a bit of thought and politics to it (some "Maoyuu Maou Yuusha" -vibe)
  • Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova (Arpeggio of the Blue Steel) - Well, hard to say how it will turn out, but the ships with living AIs setting seems pretty interesting.
  • Log Horizon - Sword Art Online / .hack ripoff. Looks to be worth a watch. I like how they brought up the "different height is confusing" because that's actually a real thing in VR (it feels really weird to be wrong height in a VR game with Oculus Rift).
  • Strike the Blood - Haven't seen this mentioned at all, seems watchable as far as super power anime's go. Vampires and all that.
  • Machine-doll wa Kizutsukanai (Unbreakable Machine-doll) - This seems really awesome based on first episode. Steampunkish technomagic, with puppetmasters. Go Yaya!

I'd say Kill la Kill is treating Ryuuko's Kamui with irony. I really don't see the ecchi factor there. Its nothing like e.g. Ikkitousen or Freezing.

About Sekirei, I don't even recall it as a particularly Ecchi anime either, I quite liked it as far as super power animes go.

Also, is it americans and nude skin that don't mix, or is it just majority of humans and I'm too far gone? ;)
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I heard a lot of things about Hunter X Hunter's reboot. Is that good?
It's fucking amazing.
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I would only want an adaption of the last of us if they actually made the universe make sense, and the story telling didnt suck. I have so many issues with the story telling of that game that i cant remember right now because it isnt fresh in my head. I think i made it into a list that got lost in the server going down for a few months. Either that or it is absurdly deep in my comment history on SRK. When you beat the game and look at it in hindsight it wasnt actually that good from a story perspective and was incredibly lazy in certain aspects. Its only good in the moment the first time around, until you actually get the chance to think about it.

Also, FUCK NO to an anime adaption of Ratchet and Clank. Those are my childhood memories. Dont taint them please.
  • Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova (Arpeggio of the Blue Steel) - Well, hard to say how it will turn out, but the ships with living AIs setting seems pretty interesting
The CG is a bit off-putting, but not nearly as much as I'd expect. Seems worth the three episode test at the least, though I was sorta unsure. Depends if they flesh out the secondary cast more (did they even name them?); it glossed over how they actually end up on the crew from the school.
Man, I'm so behind on One Piece and Bleach.
Better catch up.

You're not missing that much on either even if you're behind 100+ episodes.
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So I just finished Negima, and I gotta say I really liked it. The story is very similar to something you might see in Naruto, except it's good. It's been a while since a manga has gotten even half of an emotional response out of me('cept Nichijou).
I would reccomend it.
Also did you guys know that Negima has a sequel called UQ Holder? It takes place aomething like 75 years after Negima with Negi's grandson as the main protagonist... I gotta say I feel really bad for him lol.
Kill La Kill...HOLY SHIT. I thought Panty and Stocking was on crack, this show is like Panty and Stocking on speed. This show is so damn entertaining and reminds me why I loved PSG and FLCL. I cannot wait to see more.
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Kill La Kill...HOLY SHIT. I thought Panty and Stocking was on crack, this show is like Panty and Stocking on speed. This show is so damn entertaining and reminds me why I loved PSG and FLCL. I cannot wait to see more.
Too bad Mako is going to die
D: Don't say that, she's adorable D:
That's exactly why she is going to die.
Remember, Trigger is basically Gainax 2.0, so something will happen.
Kill la Kill Episode 3

HOW on EARTH do you top that! It's only the 3rd episode. Their eventual final confrontation will probably destroy the whole dang city. Though it looks like the next episdoe man be a comic relief ep.

Also, I need Figma figures of these characters.
Kill la Kill Episode 3

HOW on EARTH do you top that! It's only the 3rd episode. Their eventual final confrontation will probably destroy the whole dang city. Though it looks like the next episdoe man be a comic relief ep.

Also, I need Figma figures of these characters.
This episode made my brain explode. The rematch between them is going to be astronomical
This episode made my brain explode. The rematch between them is going to be astronomical

eh, i liked the episode, but it was like "we had this really big fight, but go back and fight "Student of the week", see you in 20 episodes"
Awesome all the way through, but sadly also over. :(

The manga finished last year and they haven't done an anime since Season 3 + an OAV. The manga ending was kind of weirdly brilliant though and makes you want to look back at old chapters to look for stuff. :P
In other news, Seitokai Yakuindomo will get a second season
I just recently discovered Okami-san and her seven companions..... and that it hasnt gotten a second season..... OTL

Kill la Kill has the most wonderful visual gags. Also, I guess I have to take back what I said about this show losing nothing from not having fanservice, at this point I don't know what it would even be without all the stripping. Thought it was a really fun episode, though I am sort of with Agent J.

Hunter X Hunter 100 was cool. I've been looking forward to this fight scene for a while. It's not as amazing as in the manga, but it's pretty close. Killua really gets the stylish battles, compared to Gon last episode.

On another note, what happened to this forum to make typing such a pain? The letters take ages to appear.
I think its just your computer
I finally made an anime queue. It's short because I don't have much time to watch anything nowadays, but it's enough to keep me busy for a little while. I'm deciding whether or not I should post it here.
Does anyone care what I am watching?
I finally made an anime queue. It's short because I don't have much time to watch anything nowadays, but it's enough to keep me busy for a little while. I'm deciding whether or not I should post it here.
Does anyone care what I am watching?

Is it bad?