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Anime/Manga General Discussion

I assume that if I skip SEED I should also watch the sequel to that as well. If it's bad I might not watch because I like watching bad movies because they don't last as long as full series do, but with a bad part of a series it would linger for a while. So I will probably skip SEED.
no. SEED is the biggest insult to Gundam ever. like, to put it in toku terms.

it is the saban's masked rider to KR black. but worse. much, much, much worse.
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Ouch, that is bad, also I screwed up what I said in the post, I meant to say I was gonna skip both if they are considered bad, guess I am a bit tired right now.

What would be a recommendation for one of the better Gundam's and as note the only Gundams I have watch are 00 and Wing?
well, theres:
the original Gundam
Gundam Wing
0083 Stardust Memory (a personal favorite)
War in the Pocket.
Zeta (or just all of the universal century)

I'm not the best Gundam expert, but I heard that these are what people recommend in terms of Gundam
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Original + Zeta and Turn A are my favorites. The Universal Century OVAs are all awesome too (War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory, 08th MS Team, Unicorn).

ZZ was...problematic. It wasn't completely terrible (like SEED was hue) but there was a lot wrong with it.
AGE was disappointing. The first half (first two arcs) was pretty good, the last two arcs were almost as bad as SEED.
I liked Victory more than ZZ but there's a lot to not like about that series, too. Music is amazing, though.

G Gundam and Gundam Wing are hilariously over-the-top and I can enjoy them because they don't take themselves seriously.
Gundam X feels like it fits between Wing and the Universal Century series with its humor and characters, but you can tell they were pressed for time by the end of the series. Still a good series.
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Akame ga Kill! Anime PV. Guess it releases sometime July.

So far it doesn't look too censored, but I doubt it will get as grotesque as the manga. Will watch though, but have a feeling it will be one of those 12 episode anime seasons so my favorite parts wouldn't happen until a S2 comes.

For those interested to this show and haven't read the manga yet below is a fair warning. Not a plot spoiler, but more a general note of what you should expect. Don't read the spoiler note though if you want to watch this and go in blind since that is fun too.
Don't get too attached to anyone. Especially any potential "waifu/husbando" candidates in this work. This manga is infamous because it loves to kill off characters in a sadistic way out of nowhere just when you start to like them. "Plot Armor" is nearly non-existent here so it's a running joke that any action that x character does triggers a death flag due to paranoia that no character is safe.

The author got pretty artistic with how the deaths were presented so if your not a fan of blood then you might not like this work. The anime might tone this down to a degree though so I need to watch the first episode to see how they handle it.

It's not all violence though, it has a comedy aspect too with the character interactions when things aren't serious/calmed down and even has a tad of romance too. Occasional fan-service cheese moments is also a thing with some of the male/female characters. However more often then not it could be comedy at one moment then violence the next so make no mistake that action is the main premise. The special weapon variety and fights themselves are pretty good (when not slaughtering fodder) as you can see fights with weapons that range from Giant Scissors to Sniper Rifles that each have a special ability/perk/gimmick attacked.

Ah forgot to mention that nudity/rape moments might be present (which would lead to a death afterwards), but the anime might censor this out.
I've been working my tush off trying to catch up on Hunter x Hunter. It's great, and I'm enjoying the Chimera Ant arc so far, but I would say it's a tad bit overrated. Komugi though, that adorable little thing makes me feel feelings I can't quite understand. She's too funny.
The anime version or the manga version of the chimera ant arc ?

I would say It's a good arc, my second favourite with my favourite one being the yorknew arc. It would probably help that the chimera ant arc is done, which would help people getting through as opposed to most people who had to wait ages for that arc to be finished. It would probably be my favourite if Leorio and Kurapika weren't forgotten about for the majority of that arc.
Anime, I do plan on getting caught up with the manga once I've finished this arc however.

Right now, Yorknew stands as my favorite arc, and the Hunter Exam is a close second. Heaven's Arena was alright, and Greed Island was really good, I think people give it too much flack.
All of those arcs are really good, I can't really say I dislike any arc so far in hunter x hunter, except I had issues with the chimera ant arc as it took so long to finish while the manga of that arc was being made.
Ever since Black Lagoon has been shown on Toonami, I've been glue to it.To the point where I've said fuck the anime I wanna read the manga.Currently on Vol.6 Ch 38: Greenback Jane.

Haven't felt this way about anime/manga since the Cowboy Bebop & GiTS days.My question is "What current anime/manga have you wanting more"
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and Tiger & Bunny, but if it never gets a second season I will be okay with it.
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and Tiger & Bunny, but if it never gets a second season I will be okay with it.

Had to look up what Tiger & Bunny was,sounds interesting to watch.It seems like they already had two movies made for it as well......some anime don't even get that ;_;
I don't mind it. though I will say it looks better if they take out the lips on the side.

anyone who legit gets upset by this is way too uptight.
sorry for double posting, but, who here has seen Gundam Unicorn? I just watched the trailers and after the most recent one

I just caved and I knew I finally had to jump into this series, but not before bursting into tears because of that one little bit of music by Aimer.

I don't even have a good reason for not jumping into it. I just didn't. I don't know why.
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It looks so un-watanabe
I'm super interested in how it'll turn out
Can someone please show me an instance where a Magical Girl gets punched out during one of those stupidly long Transformation Sequences?
I think it's just an unspoken rule that you don't attack during transformations.

like, its in transformers too.
Yeah I know that but there has to be at least one example where the villain doesn't play by the rules.
Y'know, like an actual villain. No way in hell would I wait for my opponent to finish powering up.
I think there might be some instances where they start a final attack and they get interrupted. but considering the transformation scene is often reused I don't think they try to interupt that cuz the shift in animation would just look weird.
i think more often than not
the transformations are implied to be instantaneous
and the stock footage is there
to pad time in the episode
i think more often than not
the transformations are implied to be instantaneous
and the stock footage is there
to pad time in the episode
and make a commercial for toys.
also that
because you know
these are kids shows and all that (but don't let the weeaboos know that shhhhhh)
there was actually a scene that was like what you were talking about.

in kamen rider Gaim.

the main character got shot in the back during the middle of his transformation.
no see it only counts if it's a magical girl
because Zen doesn't like those
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well, its the closest thing I got to what he's talking about.
I can't think of anything but I'm sure you can find that on a parody of something; for every srs anime there's a silly one making fun of it. I love it.
One of my absolute favourites is Daily lives of Highschool boys

It's hilarious. The girlsbeattheshitoutofboys gets old fast, but the rest is very great. Animation is not the best, but it's clean and has those GTO faces I like.
I doubt Deni-senpai could like it though, this anime really lacks of testosterone :PUN:
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if we're talking about parodies Binbogami Ga!/Good Luck Girl is probably one of the funniest parody series I have ever seen.
I doubt Deni-senpai could like it though, this anime really lacks of testosterone
Believe it or not Chicken-chan a long time ago I looked up some scenes of that show and I was very interested in watching it because it has just the type of humor I like. It was like Nichijou but the main characters are guys.
I have a lot of trouble actually starting a show but since you recommended it I'll make an effort to watch it.

By the way Chicken I never even heard of Dead Leaves before. Well, I think I saw that guy with the TV for a head at some point but I didn't pay any mind to it. Do you think I would like it? Does it have an English dub?
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the english dub of Dead Leaves is fantastic and I would recommend it over the japanese.
The main thing is that the two versions are, like, completely different things.
The japanese is like a REALLY bizarre action movie, whereas the english dub (which has 2.5 times the amount of dialogue as the japanese, btw) more embraces the insanity and watches more like an absurdist action comedy.
Also the english voices for the main characters of Dead Leaves are married IRL and that's cute

iffin you're also in the mood for some badass insanity
watch Redline
it's a truly beautiful movie and also a spiritual experience
Believe it or not Chicken-chan a long time ago I looked up some scenes of that show and I was very interested in watching it because it has just the type of humor I like. It was like Nichijou but the main characters are guys.
I have a lot of trouble actually starting a show but since you recommended it I'll make an effort to watch it.

:0 God is real and Beowulf punched him
Tell me whatcha think after watching it :3

I usually watch with subs; reading english is easier than hearing it.

Cromartie High school.

I'm not sure for which criteria we're suggesting stuff but watch that.
Aww man Cromartie is the shit. I love that Mechazawa guy

Bobobo-bo-bobobobo is also a very great one. It's so odd so see such a silly concept in a Dragonball-like style
Bobo has many many episodes though
Usually I can never go further the second season unelss it's the Mentalist
I thought Bobobo was more of a fist of the north star inspired show.