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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Current Watch List
Dead Leaves
JBA: Stardust Crusaders
Daily Lives of Highschool Boys
Michiko & Hatchin
Samurai Champloo

I've had a couple of these saved on my computer for months and I never even touched them. Aside from a few Jojo episodes I haven't really watched anything in a long time. That changes tonight, I've taken care of my errands and I'm going to dedicate this night to anime.
So, talking about Redline and Dead Leaves. How about Trava?
Redline is spiritual successor to Trava
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Trava was Space Dandy before there was Space Dandy. Shame it never got turned into a full series.
I've had a couple of these saved on my computer for months and I never even touched them. Aside from a few Jojo episodes I haven't really watched anything in a long time. That changes tonight, I've taken care of my errands and I'm going to dedicate this night to anime.
so, how was it?
in honor of the 4th of July, I'm gonna watch the most American anime ever.

@chickenwithtie I started watching Daily Lives of Highschool Boys.
This show is so fucking funny it's like watching Nichijou all over again, I love it thank you.

I completely forgot that Kill la Kill existed so I'm adding that to the list.
I would also like to say the obvious, Jojo's is awesome.
the Heroman drinking game:
take a shot if there's an american flag, an extra one if it has animation
take a shot every time Stan Lee is on screen, an extra one if he speaks
take a shot when they say Joey Jones' full name
take a shot when something American happens
take a shot when Lina's family is talking about how much they don't like Joey

you'll be dead in the first episode.
Mahouka Rettosei's anime is as godlike as the LN.

Tatsuya da god

Tokyo Ghoul being as sick as I expected.

I cannot wait until we see our protag get dat hair color change and show motherfuckas what "halfway" really means.

Akame Ga Kiru is Akame Ga Kiru, how would it not be godlike.

I kind of hope they go a different way with the anime and just make it different.
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current watch/read list:
ultimate muscle
the entire works of myazaki
finish the kenshin manga

eagerly awaiting on new:
one punch man
one piece
I started watching Tokyo Ghoul
wish that the gore was a little more hardcore but this isn't an OVA, i suppose.
I hear it's more there in the manga but animated gore is what really gets me going for stuff like this
story seems fun though. I'll stick around with it, for the time being.
I watched the whole Ultimate Muscle anime like, 10 times. The animation is cheap but it's still a lot of fun, I love it.

I'm so happy you like Daily Lives, Denize <3
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I actually want to watch the original Muscle! anime.
I have just gone through Gundam Age and um, its pretty there was some decency at the start but then the second part got better and then was also worser and then the series kinda falls apart due to pacing issues, crappy lead character, stupidest villain plan I have ever seen in a show trying to take itself seriously.

I know to some degree what happens in Gundam Seed and Destiny as a result of playing through the Newest Dynasty warriors Gundam game and even though I saw glimpses of it, is Seed Destiny worse than Age, because if it is than damn that is pretty bad.
SEED is and will always forever will be the worst of the Gundams. a main characters thats the biggest fucking hypocrite, the director letting his wife have more say in the story than anyone else, turning a good female character into a damsel in distress.

trust me, SEED is the biggest trainwreck Gundam will probably ever see.

go watch Unicorn. it's like Anti-SEED.
Only the third act of AGE is agreed to be terrible, fans of the general series will tell you that the first two acts are enjoyable, though.

meanwhile, no one likes SEED Destiny. Like at all. I haven't even seen anyone that likes it.
SEED, however, is more just polarizing (I dislike it, personally, but I know people who like it and all that)
I just lump seed and seed destiny together.

mainly because kira is in both, I hate him, and he's literally the first person who could use a couple good Brightslaps.
If only Bright Noa could be in every gundam series to slap people
He's the hero we need
but not the hero we deserve
(Bright Noa is one of my favorite characters, if you didn't know)
Bright Noa is literally the best Gundam character of all time. he's everyone's favorite.
Bright Noa does seem cool from what I have seen of him.

and yeah Gundam age was sort of enjoyable in the first two parts and the third part is crappy and damn I have never any series consistently regarded as absolutely horrible, like Gundam Seed destiny has since ever.
and what's really cool is that Bright Noa is still relevant because he's in Gundam Unicorn!
@ 12 seconds in.

I've only watched the first episode of Unicorn and it hits you HEAVY on casualties from the start. dudes getting lasered, nuked, entire groups of people just wiped out.

also we got a possible Ple clone and I've always enjoyed Ple/Puru

Niggas like "man, what chapter are we on? 130? Yeah just show Touka's shit and Kaneki's hair change, no one cares".
still wish Tokyo Ghoul was an OVA

Terror in Resonance was something but I have no idea where the fuck it's going

Free! still gay as hell but I'm sticking with it
still wish Tokyo Ghoul was an OVA

Terror in Resonance was something but I have no idea where the fuck it's going

Free! still gay as hell but I'm sticking with it
Why would you want it to be an OVA?

They couldn't cover all the events in OVAs, that would take waayyy to much time.

They do seem intent on speeding things up, considering that opening.

That opening pretty much showed everything important up till like chapter 85.
So I know I never really comment here, and probably for good reason (I barely watch any anime), but I'd like to say something.

A while ago my dad got somewhat interested in Japanese animation, probably because of Miyazaki. One way or another he heard that there were some pretty high quality movies that were made and thought some would be pretty enjoyable to watch. So what was the first movie he rented?

Why would you want it to be an OVA?
They couldn't cover all the events in OVAs, that would take waayyy to much time.
They do seem intent on speeding things up, considering that opening.
That opening pretty much showed everything important up till like chapter 85.
Gore, mostly
animated gore is great when it isn't shit like Genocyber
and I thought this show would give me that
but those damned broadcasting standards shadowing the fuck out of everything (or that fucking negative filter in episode 2)
I wanna see some carnage dammit!
Yeah, NF'ing the guys head was kind of a downer.
Hopefully they wisen up, Psycho Pass had some pretty gory shots.

Maybe they're using it as a plot excuse?

NF'ing the gore shots until Kankei himself becomes okay with dismemberment, then kind of soften up on the censorship?

I can't believe they just were like "here's white haired Kaneki, that shit isn't important or anything".

"Touka's design shooting out from her back, eeeehh."

"A thousand characters you won't even hear about until like 30 episodes down, fuck it".
"We aren't even sure if this got more than 13 episodes but fuck it if we care"
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Whoops, wrong thread. Well it can stay here anyway, I guess.
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There is a second season of gundam build fighters coming up. And boy was the first season something special.




The fires of his anger burn harder than the fires burning his body

at least until Part 4 where he mellows out SUPER hard.
And after that point he's just trying to be a good dad..but he's terrible at it.

But at least his stand is really powerful.
I always thought that joeseph was overall a really great father figure and grandfather..to everyone but josuke. Johnny was great too. In the end. Poor dude.
I don't deny it, but I am also firmly in the camp that thinks he is by far the most boring jojo. So there is some bias involved.
I'm kind of the same way when it comes to mech designs.

like, I love it when a mech that's designed for being in space only, has no feet.

I just love it.
You guys sure have some very specific fetishes

Also Denize how come you've never watched Space Dandy? You should fix that, like, right now. Join us and PRAISE THE BOOTY!