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Anime/Manga General Discussion

It's still going?
Man where were you when Esdeath activated ZA WARUDO!!!!!
Man where were you when Esdeath activated ZA WARUDO!!!!!
Ok, so, I remember her going ZA WARUDO
I stopped at the middle of the coliseum fight with esdeath and the blackhole/lightning-I-can't-really-remember guy.
You're telling me it continues on from that??
From what I remember it seemed to have been building up to a horrible rushed ending.
Ok, so, I remember her going ZA WARUDO
I stopped at the middle of the coliseum fight with esdeath and the blackhole/lightning-I-can't-really-remember guy.
You're telling me it continues on from that??
From what I remember it seemed to have been building up to a horrible rushed ending.
It seemed like that but then kept going. This looks like the real final push towards the conclusion but I'd still say it will run through the end of the year.
It seemed like that but then kept going. This looks like the real final push towards the conclusion but I'd still say it will run through the end of the year.

is it worth picking back up or
is it worth picking back up or
It's still bad but at least it's a cheap laugh once a month. I mean it didn't get worse than Rapist clown after that. Be warned it's basically a sequence of people jobbing.
apparently Osomatsu-san is more popular than One Punch Man in Japan right now, and I think that's pretty interesting. especially since Osomatsu-san is probably one of the best animes on TV right now.
I still don't get what that anime is about
Its about a bunch of twins and its comedy apparently?
I dunno, the concept doesn't reach out and grab me as some of the other animes tumblr went nuts about
But then again I didn't get grabbed by the concept of One Punch Man either
I still don't get what that anime is about
Its about a bunch of twins and its comedy apparently?
I dunno, the concept doesn't reach out and grab me as some of the other animes tumblr went nuts about
But then again I didn't get grabbed by the concept of One Punch Man either
Osomatsu-san is about sextuplets who are all pieces of shit and they're all funny.
like, the first episode is basically taking a hot shit on everything that was popular ever, to the point where they go past the amount of parody Japan will allow in an anime.
there are jokes that will outlast their welcome then you welcome it back again.
this is an actual screenshot of the anime

and then in the same skit it's proceeded with this
and greeted with a great bit of voice acting that I cannot repeat with text.
this is an anime that doesnt give a shit and just does what it wants.
there have been times when I have watched the show and have gotten belly-laughs like you wouldn't believe.
like, watch the real first episode that got banned and then the third episode because then you will see what Osomatsu-san is about.

honestly osomatsu is at its best when it's not actively parodying anything and just diving into the depths of how shitty its characters can be
How does an anime parody something so hard it gets banned for the first episode that's wild.
they have a titan in the show, and they don't even try to hide it.
they had a lot of things in the first episode
it's no surprise that they managed to annoy someone that owned something
like, they literally have a character turn into a Virtua Fighter 2 model.
and in that same scene, you see: Attack on Titan, DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, Sailor Moon, and one I don't know but looks familiar.
yeah, that's part of why the episode got officially pulled
(not to mention it kind of balked on its own joke of "excessive references aren't funny"
but the show itself comes into self very quickly, it balances fast skits with more drawn out and deliberate sequences very well.
I definitely agree. If you want to see how far the show's insanity is willing to go, check out the banned first episode.
If you want to see more of the comedy of the show, watch the third episode.

If you want to see how much of a piece of shit the Osomatsu brother's are, watch the skit where Totty is working at a cafe.

BTW. Karamatsu is my favorite. He's such a good-hearted douchebag with the worst luck.
Actually, Karamatsu isn't all that nice (he's still the best though)

The director himself said that Karamatsu isn't nice for its own sake, but rather, he perceives himself as a nice person who does nice things, and only does nice stuff to stoke his own ego and confirm that he is "nice"
I meant that he's a dpuchebag that isn't insufferable. Like, he's not the kinda guy to yell party foul, but he is beyond full of himself. Like, episode 2 shows how deluded he actually is and I love it. Jyushimatsu is easily my second favorite.

And fuck Choromatsu.
Because he knows what he did.
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I have an important question

are there any jojokes? ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Ace Attorney Anime Commercial

I'm wondering if they'll throw in the "Rise From the Ashes" trial with Damon Gant.
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someone please tell me what anime this is?
I remember getting the name a long time ago and i want to find it again.
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Internet Social Media High School Edition the anime?
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I'm gonna say thank you for not saying Boku no Pico,

But I still want to know where that image comes from.

someone please tell me what anime this is?
I remember getting the name a long time ago and i want to find it again.

Best I can tell from a few minutes Googling, it's from a show called 'Kyousou Giga' (Maybe specifically an OVA from that show?), about a 'mirror capital where youkai and humans live together and no one ever dies,' (Got that from MAL), is that ringing any bells?
i guess so. the name itself isn't really ringing any bells.
which is weird because i know I got the name for the show before.
Pretty sure that ain't Kyousou Giga
- Person who watched Kyousou Giga

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I'm gonna say thank you for not saying Boku no Pico

I've seen worse than that. For a yaoi series, it isn't as scary as others claim it to be.
Anyone read the manhua Feng Shen Ji? It has some of the prettiest pages I've seen and at a very high concentration too.
Psycho Mob is really managing to capture the nuance of ONE's original artstyle more than One Punch Man did
nice to see them paying more to the original this time
well, they were trying to be closer to Murata's art, and let's be honest. Murata is a really good artist.

I don't care how good it is.

Why do.
Agreed, is there anything that needs to be added to this?
I mean
If it's more like a spiritual kind of thing and not the exact same cast of characters doing the same schtick
It could be good
Like if you had Haruko and Amarao doing stuff elsewhere

Maybe they'll nostalgia mine a new season of Outlaw Star or something
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