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Anime/Manga General Discussion

2nd season of IS: Infinite Statos came out, but haven't got the chance to sit down and watch. That one mecha harem anime where each of the harem girl represents a nationality.

I remembered the French girl was my favorite because she wasn't a tsundere, doesn't try to make it blatant that she wants the D, not the violent kind, and actually has a nice personality in the surface although this might doom her to friend-zone status to the MC especially since he considers her boyish already.
Infinite Stratos 2 didn't live up to the first season in the first ep, it was all fanservice. Though next ep preview raised hope things may pick up.

Kill La Kill and that other Anime with Ks in it look good
Kyoukai no Kanata? So far my favorite of this season.

Edit: Well, its tied with Coppelion, which looks the most intriguing plot-wise.
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How do you guys feel about (Mahou Sensei) Negima (Magister Negi Magi)?
Only manga where you get a Welsh Mage in Japan teaching English doing Chinese (mysticuffs) Kung Fu on Time Traveling Martians. Wut?
I consider the Anime and the manga to be completely different experiences despite being based on the same story.
I have no idea what other anime/manga you're all talking about, but I skimmed through the first episode of
Kill la Kill and it looks FUCKING FANTASTIC.

I LOVE shows like this, it holds NOTHING back, and it isn't afraid to be ITSELF. I would put Kill la Kill in the same category as Soul Eater and Skullgirls. I don't know how to describe this category, but they all share the same spirit, know what I mean? It's the spirit that combines every single theme imaginable! It's the spirit of equal opportunity!
It's the spirit of creativity reaching 100%!
I just CAN'T explain it, at least not in a short post.

All I know for sure is that I am watching this and YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
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I LOVE shows like this, it holds NOTHING back, and it isn't afraid to be ITSELF. I would put Kill la Kill in the same category as Soul Eater and Skullgirls. I don't know how to describe this category, but they all share the same spirit, know what I mean? It's the spirit that combines every single theme imaginable! It's the spirit of equal opportunity!
It's the spirit of creativity reaching 100%!
I just CAN'T explain it, at least not in a short post.

All I know for sure is that I am watching this and YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
<animated gif>
Heartcatch Precure, Little Witch Academia and some Gainax series are some other anime that share the same kinda energetic spirit you may be talking about.
Heartcatch Precure, Little Witch Academia and some Gainax series are some other anime that share the same kinda energetic spirit you may be talking about.
No not at all, sorry. I know those shows and they don't have that special something.
Let's see now, how do I explain this? Here's a shocker, Metal Gear has that spirit, that soul that I'm talking about. Metal Gear and Skullgirls don't limit themselves like most other books, games, and shows do. I guess that's what I'm talking about, my favorite books, shows, and games have no limits.
Skullgirls, Metal Gear, Soul Eater, Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann, Destiny, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman,
these are all things that never limit themselves and are thus perfect in my eyes.

I definitely have to read The League of Extraordinary Gentleman at some point...
You know what's not perfect about Kill la Kill? The crappy fetish the main character puts on half way through. Although I have to give them some props, considering they at least acknowledged that it was stupid looking. Either way, I'm hoping for a costume change. I'll still watch it, though, because Trigger animation is gorgeous.
I actually like the kill la kill protag design. If we're all for free constantly showing shirtless men why are we upset about sex appeal armor?
Well first of all, a shirtless man isn't equivalent to dressing like a prostitute. The male equivalent to that costume would be a super tight thong/speedo or something similar. If this was just a costume with sex appeal, I would be okay. This is a costume that has a little stud to cover her nipple. It just looks trashy.
But other than that, it makes it really really difficult to take her seriously. You don't just slap that sort of thing onto a character and expect people to go with it. Sure, they acknowledge that this is not clothing that any normal person would willingly wear, but that doesn't suddenly make it okay. It's the same problem witchblade had, and it made me stop watching that, so it doesn't make me very happy here.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei finally getting an anime adaption
This will be good depending how far the anime by Madhouse will go with this. Shiba Tatsuya easily in my top 5 list of most badass MC characters I read about. Hope they don't go overboard with the incest overtones though although its more like a brother complex then anything. This work is a LN that already had a manga adaption.

Synopisis: "Magic" is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales. It has become a technology of reality for nearly a century. Various countries in the world are locked in a race in nurturing Magicians. Shiba Tatsuya is an honor student without magic capability at First High School, a magic high school along with his sister who happens to be the top student among the freshmen. What will happen to him? How will he live his school life where he is one of the many reserves in the school looked down upon by the chosen magical students?

He doesn't need to know how to use magic spells like everyone else when he is always level-headed that can analyze your magic, negate your magic, and dispose of you with fast ninjitsu style hand-to-hand combat or using a special custom made pistol handgun that fucks you over.

I think you're blowing it out of proportion by saying she looks like a prostitute. She's showing about as much boobage as Nadia.
So I watched this first episode of Kill la Kill(solely because the art style interested me).
Gotta say it has a pretty good first episode. Really like the FLCL vibes with the animation and ridiculousness. The show seems to move really quickly, which is good considering all the characters are pretty high-energy(espcially the protagonist's sidekick).
Comedy is right on; I was DYING when I saw the kid with the chainsaw and when all the guys jumped in the way of the body to protect Satsuki. The little details like the protagonist returning to drop off the food when she steals the guy's bike, and the blood spatter on Satsuki's face were great too.
As for the story it's okay but I don't expect it to get super serious with a premise as nonsensical as it has.
And for the outfit, I don't really care. Besides, based on the art for the show I'm guessing her outfit is only super revealing when she's in battle mode or something.

Will continue watching.
I'm actually quite pleased with all the good anime we've had this past year.
Pretty damn good looks like!
I'll have to watch Kill La Kill very soon
Database, Database, Database.

I kinda like Log Horizon. Really looking forward to Yozakura Quartet and Phi Brain. Both KlK and KnK are beautiful, I don't feel the need to pick one.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei finally getting an anime adaption
I think you're blowing it out of proportion by saying she looks like a prostitute. She's showing about as much boobage as Nadia.
Like I said, it's not the fact that it has sex appeal, it's that it looks trashy. Plus Fortune doesn't have a fucking stud to cover her nipple. Seriously.
For example, I watched all of Gurren Lagann, and I never said "wow, I can't take Yoko seriously because she's in a bikini and short shorts." That's because of two things:
1.) It wasn't fetishy like that schoolgirl outfit is. The kill la kill outfit legitimately reminds me of the costumes prostitutes wore in saint's row 3. It would fit right in with them. It's really that bad.
2.) There was no costume change, she was always in the bikini.
It's more like Witchblade, which I stopped watching after one episode. Although witch blade has it 1000x worse, since it's a completely different (and much better) story before she gets the stupid slutty suit, so it's not exactly the same either. I'm definitely going to keep watching Kill la Kill, but it still bugs the shit out of me.
I still say you're making a mountain out of a molehill over nothing in terms of the characters design.
Also, prostitues in saints row are a completely different level, and Witchblade's design was MODEST compared to the actual source material's design.

and I did take a second look, and you are right, she is showing more boob than nadia, but less than valentine, so its A-OK in my book. I judge characters by their actions not their looks, and from what I heard, she has lots of good action.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei finally getting an anime adaption
This will be good depending how far the anime by Madhouse will go with this. Shiba Tatsuya easily in my top 5 list of most badass MC characters I read about. Hope they don't go overboard with the incest overtones though although its more like a brother complex then anything. This work is a LN that already had a manga adaption.

Synopisis: "Magic" is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales. It has become a technology of reality for nearly a century. Various countries in the world are locked in a race in nurturing Magicians. Shiba Tatsuya is an honor student without magic capability at First High School, a magic high school along with his sister who happens to be the top student among the freshmen. What will happen to him? How will he live his school life where he is one of the many reserves in the school looked down upon by the chosen magical students?

He doesn't need to know how to use magic spells like everyone else when he is always level-headed that can analyze your magic, negate your magic, and dispose of you with fast ninjitsu style hand-to-hand combat or using a special custom made pistol handgun that fucks you over.





Now all I need it Akame Ga Kiru and Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari animes.

I love shit with Protags who are on point.
Oh yeah.

World Embryo, Baby Steps, Holyland, Tower of God and Teppu all need animes.
Anyone remember a pretty goddamned Awesome manga called Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation? Very very awesome manga that's more or less about Ghost Lawyers who sentence spirits who are lingernig in the world to the afterlife they deserve, listing off their crimes, minor, or major, and then sentencing them with a punishment that sends them there.
It's actaully really creative, stylish, and very very neat.
It actually finished like two years ago, but still hasn't had a manga, WHY I have no idea!
Nah, but I do remember Ghost Sweeper Mikami and that weird Burial Agency manga by the same guy who did MPD Psycho.

Kurosagi ghost something.
Ghost Sweeper Mikami? Wow that is old. Surprised how many chapters it had looking back, but things really got good as Yokoshima evolved from a useless perverted gag character into a more serious in contrast ghost sweeper. Think the manga writer is doing Zettai Karen Children (Japan X-men with little girls) now, but haven't kept up with it for awhile.
I stopped ZKC around the time Hyoubu got shota-fied.

Just too much shit going on and I couldn't care to follow it all.

Hidimari Sketch OST is still the best OST to just have on for no reason at all.

I mean, just clean your room or do an essay or have your earphones around your neck when hanging out and you'll see what I mean.

If Kill La Kill wouldn't have an over the top character design and ridiculously crazy story, it wouldn't have deserved to be called the spiritual successor of Inferno Cop which is naturally the best anime of the millenium.
I don't get why some people expected something else.
If Kill La Kill wouldn't have an over the top character design and ridiculously crazy story, it wouldn't have deserved to be called the spiritual successor of Inferno Cop which is naturally the best anime of the millenium.
I don't get why some people expected something else.
Because it just isn't inferno cop without schoolgirl fetish outfits, right?
Although, honestly, Kill la Kill isn't much like Inferno Cop so far. Actually it's nothing like inferno cop... It's not really a comedy, it's not even near as over the top, it isn't constantly switching genres and it, of course, doesn't have even a fraction of Inferno Cop's gorgeous animation.

Also, considering there's a lot of promo art of Ryuuko in a regular school uniform aside from an exposed midriff... I'm not really too worried about this in the long run, it's just the one thing that kept me from loving the first episode.
I heard a squirtle straight beasted on a Charmander in Origins.

Also, did they swtich the goals of the protags?

Wasn't Red's to battle and Green's to train?

That's why they're THE Trainer and THE Battler?

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My plan was to keep quiet while I watched everyone else chip away at @Horseman's argument, but I'm going to say something now. Unless you somehow think the show is sexist because of what the protagonist is wearing, there is really nothing fundamentally wrong with it. If you do think it's sexist, which I'm assuming you don't, then you have to be ready to call Skullgirls sexist also, which we all know it isn't.

The fact of the matter is, if you can't handle what the protagonist is wearing, that is your problem to deal with and nobody else's. By the looks of it, you're the only one having this problem, so don't try to get everyone else to have a problem with it also.

What you see as trashy and slutty, I see as badass and brave. We all know the old saying, "There's a thin line between bravery and stupidity" and I believe that's what they are trying to accomplish in Kill la Kill. What the protagonist wears in battle is stupidly brave and I love it. I can totally take her seriously, as do all the characters in the show regardless of her outfit.
From what I remember.

Red is the Battler

Green is the Trainer

Yellow is The Breeder

Silver is The Trader

Green is the....I don't even know how to word it, like she helps pokemon evolve or something.

Or do I have that wrong?
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My plan was to keep quiet while I watched everyone else chip away at @Horseman's argument, but I'm going to say something now. Unless you somehow think the show is sexist because of what the protagonist is wearing, there is really nothing fundamentally wrong with it. If you do think it's sexist, which I'm assuming you don't, then you have to be ready to call Skullgirls sexist also, which we all know it isn't.

The fact of the matter is, if you can't handle what the protagonist is wearing, that is your problem to deal with and nobody else's. By the looks of it, you're the only one having this problem, so don't try to get everyone else to have a problem with it also.

What you see as trashy and slutty, I see as badass and brave. We all know the old saying, "There's a thin line between bravery and stupidity" and I believe that's what they are trying to accomplish in Kill la Kill. What the protagonist wears in battle is stupidly brave and I love it. I can totally take her seriously, as do all the characters in the show regardless of her outfit.
It's not really a sexism thing, it's not even a character thing since, thankfully, they gave a valid reason for her wearing it rather than a bad excuse or not acknowledging the fact that she should probably be wearing a lot more, it's a design thing. SHE HAS NOTHING BUT A STUD TO COVER HER NIPPLE.
And yes, this is an extremely subjective discussion. You can like or dislike the costume, I don't care. I tried to make that clear from the start. Although I will say I'm not the only one who dislikes the outfit, I'm just the only one on this thread. It was kind of a big deal when they showed it for the first time.
I think you're reading too far into that "there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity" thing... it has extremely loose connections to the costume.

From what I remember.

Red is the Battler

Green is the Trainer

Yellow is The Breeder

Silver is The Trader

Green is the....I don't even know how to word it, like she helps pokemon evolve or something.

Or do I have that wrong?
Yellow is the breeder when his game doesn't support pokemon breeding? That totally makes sense.
Although I watched all of pokemon oranges origins yesterday, I thought it was pretty good. Giovanni actually has a character arc, and I felt really sorry for Green by the end...
It's not really a sexism thing, it's not even a character thing since, thankfully, they gave a valid reason for her wearing it rather than a bad excuse or not acknowledging the fact that she should probably be wearing a lot more, it's a design thing. SHE HAS NOTHING BUT A STUD TO COVER HER NIPPLE.
And yes, this is an extremely subjective discussion. You can like or dislike the costume, I don't care. I tried to make that clear from the start. Although I will say I'm not the only one who dislikes the outfit, I'm just the only one on this thread. It was kind of a big deal when they showed it for the first time.
I think you're reading too far into that "there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity" thing... it has extremely loose connections to the costume.

Yellow is the breeder when his game doesn't support pokemon breeding? That totally makes sense.
Although I watched all of pokemon oranges origins yesterday, I thought it was pretty good. Giovanni actually has a character arc, and I felt really sorry for Green by the end...

I'm gonna take it you've never read Pokemon Adventures?

Yellow is a girl.