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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Can I just say, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is probably my favorite anime ever.

amazing characters, well written story, amazing voice acting on both Sub and Dub, really great and memorable character designs.

every time I look up scenes from it I just want to start the whole series over again.

Envy is probably my favorite of the Homunculi, and for favorite protag, probably a tie between Lan Fan and Mustang.
I watched Hellsing! Minus the rape scenes, I'm a delicate bitch
I couldn't stand the slow as fuck animation and the terrible anatomy, I LOVED the waiter character till the last episodes. Eh. But the story is interesting as crazy, the characters very memorable and, it's weird for me to say this, I quite enjoyed the jap dub. Must be the fact japanese people talking latin is hilarious. AMEN!
Can I just say, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is probably my favorite anime ever.
Now you have to try Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.
for those who saw my message, please forget I posted it. I thought everyone was referring to the first episode thing and apparently forgot about another scene. Really sorry about that.

Now you have to try Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.
I'll give it a shot. If its on Hulu or crunchyroll I'll add it to my queue as soon as I can.
I havn't seen a singel episode of Gintama yet, should I start watching it?
I know a lot of people, that think it's the best show ever happen, but by my taste there is too many toilet and "dumb behavior" jokes. Circus in bad meaning of the word.
9/10 on MAL still. And it's damn 200 episodes!
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I havn't seen a singel episode of Gintama yet, should I start watching it?
yes. while it does have a lot of crude humor, the characters are amazing and very likable. the absolute insanity is part of the appeal of Gintama.

and them multi-part storylines are just amazing. also, Takasugi is one of the best anime villains.
I havn't seen a singel episode of Gintama yet, should I start watching it?
I hate nearly everything, (which you can see from my posts), but I think Gintama is pretty fun, pretty dumb at times, but still a fun watch.
Gintama is super underrated and staff of the anime know it really hard. so many times they are asking you to please support it and every season or quarter they say thank you for watching.

I love Gintama.
well, considering its had to "end" twice, I'd say it probably doesn't do well enough compared to the more popular shounen jump animes. Even though Gintama is better than some of them.
Woolie will be so proud. His favorite series is finally coming to a close. He must be so happy.
I think it's super good.

Michiko & Hatchin is also super good, have you nerds watched it yet?
Watch it already.

Oh, I love it when I recognize a voice actor. I'm on Episode 11 right now and the voice actor for Daniela Carneiro Jr. is also the voice actor for Space Dandy. I heard him and I was like, "Is that Dandy?"
By the way his name is Ian Sinclair.
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I think it's super good.

Michiko & Hatchin is also super good, have you nerds watched it yet?
Watch it already.

Oh, I love it when I recognize a voice actor. I'm on Episode 11 right now and the voice actor for Daniela Carneiro Jr. is also the voice actor for Space Dandy. I heard him and I was like, "Is that Dandy?"
By the way his name is Ian Sinclair.
I have been putting of Mitchiko to Hatchin forever, but it's been on my list.
I won't

that's a poopybutts series
The joke's on you! Titans don't have a complete digestive tract!

(Thanks for the spellcheck!)
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I remember Attack on titan. I was on that hype train. Then it ended.
And thinking on it now, I can only say it's ok (would think of it higer if it wasn't for that boring middle part).

And after hearing what track the manga choosed, I'm less interested on the newer seasons.
Attack on Titan is one of the best series I've ever watched, but that might be because of a difference in character. Michiko & Hatchin and Gurren Lagann are still higher up on my top ten list.
To me, I read the AoT manga long before the anime came out myself, and by the time the anime was out I was kinda over it. What really, really put the series in "only average" territory for me was

Erin not dying when he was eaten, perfect time to set up some tension by killing off what we're led to believe is the main character, and well they didn't. That's when I came to expect plot armor, and so far I haven't been proven wrong. Also I liked Armin way more and seeing him man up would have made the series much better in my eyes
So is the Fate stay Night anime not considered good ?

Better is to play the visual novel.

A good manga:

Koe no Katachi, avalaible on Crunchyroll.


Some pages:




I wish we had never met. I wish we could meet once again. A boy who can hear, Shoya Ishida, and a transfer student who can’t, Shoko Nishimiya. One fateful day, the two meet, and Shoya leads the class in bullying Shoko. But before long, the class shifts its target from Shoko to Shoya. Years later, Shoya feels strongly that he must see Shoko once again.

Started as a one-shot then developed into a series.

Manga about bullying. Seems pretty cliched at first, but it delves deeper as it goes on. Lots of character of development. Deals with depression, social isolation, some quirks of japanese society, shame and guilt.

Curiosity. There were people who issued a legal process against the manga for showing bullying in japanese society, basically tried to censor it, ya know?
I couldn't stand the AoT manga because it's drawn like shit. Really, the mangaka is incredibly bad. I usually can pass badly drawn anime, but manga I really can't. It's so distracting and annoying.
The story itself didn't get me. Some of the characters did, They can pretty memorable, like Levi. I love Levi. Levi is a short annoying bitch.
Personally, I like the manga's artstyle more than the anime's

the manga has this rough as fuck look to it that more or less fits the setting, even if it still has a long way to go before being anything near good
the anime is all soft and shiny while still trying to look rough, though
it's awkward and dumb looking

some nice animation though
Personally, I like the manga's artstyle more than the anime's

the manga has this rough as fuck look to it that more or less fits the setting, even if it still has a long way to go before being anything near good
the anime is all soft and shiny while still trying to look rough, though
it's awkward and dumb looking

some nice animation though
This, I agree with this whole heartedly. I heard the manga's art got a bit cleaner though, and I actually don't like that (though haven't looked myself). The old artstyle (or current if I'm wrong about it being cleaned) was perfect for the tone IMO.
I love the original artstyle of the manga, and expecting an artist not to change that is kind of an unreasonable thing to ask. I feel AoT did start out strong, but it tripped somewhere and many of us realized it.

my opinion on it
spoilered for anyone who has not read/gotten up to the current events of the manga.
I feel it kinda fell on it's face when it tried to make us sympathize with the enemy shifters. like, if you want to reveal that they might not all be bad that's fine, but humanity shouldn't have to look like the villain to do it. like, Erwin is on trial by humanity and I'm like "that's the most blatant irony I can think of..."

also, I never minded Eren getting the powers of a shifter or the fact that the story didn't shift to a different main character. although I have heard people say that he could have not joined the survey corps and had to live as a farmer, which I am open to.

if anything, I just wouldn't have made Eren one of the top ten in the training corps, especially since his shifting powers kinda make his maneuver gear skill pointless in the long run.
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I am gonna be a Lieutenant.
On that topic, are there any good anime with a military setting out there?
Besides AoT of course.

Lieutenant is a hard word to spell.
Gundam: 08th MS Team
might seem weird to rec a mech series, but 08th MS Team is about infantry fighters, not the ace master pilots
Thank you @Osmiumsmith for bringing up Koe no katachi, I have stared reading and I know I really enjoy it, I don't think I have read such a an emotionally hard hitting series in a while but I really really despise some of the characters in this series, though that is not really a bad thing, not every character is made to be likeable in dramas.
Thank you @Osmiumsmith for bringing up Koe no katachi, I have stared reading and I know I really enjoy it, I don't think I have read such a an emotionally hard hitting series in a while but I really really despise some of the characters in this series, though that is not really a bad thing, not every character is made to be likeable in dramas.

Hey, you are welcome. I am glad that you liked it.

Who are you hating, right now? Put it in the spoiler tags.