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Anime/Manga/Toon Recommendation Thread


Master of Disguise
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Europe (UK)
Filia Cerebella Ms. Fortune
So we don't appear to have one of these, and I can imagine this topic getting quite large so I didn't want to bloat the general discussion with it. So ask for recommendations and answer people's desires here!

I'll start with the reason I wanted to make a thread like this in the first place: I'm looking for an anime to watch which will really stick with me. One that I've watched that I'm sure most of you will understand what I'm asking for when I use it as an example is Cowboy Bebop. I guess the question here really is "what show do you think is the best", and that also seems like a good way to kick off a recommendation thread.
Is this thread still alive? I wanted to ask what's a good comedy anime. I'm just finshed watching Gintama and Beelzebub.
Can you be a bit more specific about what kind of humour you do/don't like? I haven't seen either of those you mentioned.

Probably my only unconditional recommendation would be The Legend of Koiuzmi. It might help if you know a bit about world politics/mahjong, but even if you don't it only takes 30 minutes and I've yet to see a bad response to it.
I like parodies and black humor. Also some questionable offensive humor. Oh and satirical and dry humor work as well.
Just watched it And I'm already hooked. Thanks for the suggestion.
I like sexual humour, but I always feel disappointed when I watch a new show in the Ecchi genre.

I liked:
  • Golden Boy
  • Puni Puni Poemii
  • The Ultimate Teacher
  • Kamen No Maid Guy
  • Honoo no Labyrinth/Labyrinth of Flames
  • Umishou
  • 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku
  • I Couldn't Become a Hero... (Didn't hate it, but dropped it after 2 episodes)
  • Panty & Stocking (I don't like toilet Humour)
I hated:
  • High School DxD
  • Junk Boy
  • Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de/World War Blue
  • Cosplay Complex
  • Sekirei
  • Iketeru Futari/Cool Couple
Are there any good Comedy Anime shows with sexual humour like Golden Boy? How's B Gata H Kei/Yamada's First Time like?
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Yondemasuyo Azazel-san is loaded to the brim with black humor if that's your main desire.

Great Teacher Onizuka - as well as its predecessor Shounen Junai Gumi - has both sexual and just plain over the top humor in addition to being entertaining as a show on its own (I'm sure I'm not alone when I call it a classic) as well as bearing some similarities to the form of humor used in Gintama, although the notably different premise will definitely keep the jokes fresh.

Also Vlad, GTO is very similar to Golden Boy (so much so that I suspect you've probably already seen it) and it's commonly recommended that a fan of one watches the other as well.
Great Teacher Onizuka - as well as its predecessor Shounen Junai Gumi - has both sexual and just plain over the top humor in addition to being entertaining as a show on its own (I'm sure I'm not alone when I call it a classic) as well as bearing some similarities to the form of humor used in Gintama, although the notably different premise will definitely keep the jokes fresh.

Also Vlad, GTO is very similar to Golden Boy (so much so that I suspect you've probably already seen it) and it's commonly recommended that a fan of one watches the other as well.

No. I haven't watched it yet. I did put it on my "Plan To Watch" list, but I already have like 100+ shows if you check out my MyAnimeList account.
If you liked Gintama you might like Sket Dance which is very similar except it's in a school setting instead of Edo/Sci Fi Japan. They both had a crossover with each other as well.

Daily Lives of High School Boys is another recommendation if you like that type of over-the-top humor. Bonus is all three of those anime have the VA Sugita Tomokazu prominently present so that is a treat.
Daily Lives of High School Boys is another recommendation if you like that type of over-the-top humor.
Seconded for sure. The first 2 minutes of episode 1 are enough to see you're in for something good.
@SHODAN, if you like parodies then you should try watching Excel Saga. After that you can give a try to Puni Puni Poemii, which is a spin-off and has some in-jokes. Episode 26 of Excel Saga (It was actually banned on Japanese TV) and Poemii have a fair share of depraved humour. If you're downloading fansubs, then try the ones by Exiled-Destiny. You not only get subtitles, but also pop-ups from the discontinued ADV DVDs that explain the obscure references and Japanese wordplay.
Well, I would recommend Kamen Rider stuff, but, I've heard many people say it can't count as an anime. (even though it should...)


Eden of the East is a great suspence thriller and its short and doesn't overstay its welcome.
YuYu Hakusho is probably one of the most well handled shounen series ever.
Gintama is great if you love samurai, aliens, and tons of comedy.
if you like Cowboy Bebop I highly recommend Outlaw Star. its like a spiritual successor.
the original Dragonball holds a special place in my heart.
Azumanga Daioh is also really good (and Lucky Star is good, but its not for everyone)
Mushi-shi is a great series to watch an episode before bed.

I can't really think of anymore but I'll definitely post some more when I do.
Just another suggestion, I just stated to watch the slayers from the 90's and also the rebuild of Neon Genesis. Another show I got into and finished was desert punk.
So we don't appear to have one of these, and I can imagine this topic getting quite large so I didn't want to bloat the general discussion with it. So ask for recommendations and answer people's desires here!

I'll start with the reason I wanted to make a thread like this in the first place: I'm looking for an anime to watch which will really stick with me. One that I've watched that I'm sure most of you will understand what I'm asking for when I use it as an example is Cowboy Bebop. I guess the question here really is "what show do you think is the best", and that also seems like a good way to kick off a recommendation thread.

Gonna agree with Sanoblaze and recommend Outlaw Star. I actually watched that one first before I watched Cowboy Bepop. They are very similar.

I like sexual humour, but I always feel disappointed when I watch a new show in the Ecchi genre.
  • Sekirei
Are there any good Comedy Anime shows with sexual humour like Golden Boy? How's B Gata H Kei/Yamada's First Time like?

Aw, I actually really liked Sekirei. :( It's like a more light-hearted version of Fate Stay Night. My only issue was that everyone's busts were way too big, just made everything look ridiculous.

Have you tried Desert Punk? The humor was pretty raunchy and the main character was a sleazeball lol.

I also remember Love Hina (Harem anime) being pretty good, but it was a pain looking for stuff after the main season(s).
Speaking of which, how is Jojo's Bizarre adventure? The Skullgirls community was the first time I've ever heard of it, but apparently it's like the second longest running manga or show in Japan. Everyone seems to like it, but when I looked it up along with the game I was very put off by the characters, art style and immediate humor. It reminds me of Cromartie High School on steroids. I didn't enjoy Cromartie High School at all except for 2 episodes (The one where they were trying to figure out the name of a song, and the one where Mecha-Zawa's little brother was introduced). Everything else felt extremely cheesy and forced, on top of being too random, at least for me.

I haven't watched any episodes of Jojo yet so I don't want to judge it but can anyone share what they enjoy about it? I've been putting off watching it for a while now.
Speaking of which, how is Jojo's Bizarre adventure? The Skullgirls community was the first time I've ever heard of it, but apparently it's like the second longest running manga or show in Japan. Everyone seems to like it, but when I looked it up along with the game I was very put off by the characters, art style and immediate humor. It reminds me of Cromartie High School on steroids. I didn't enjoy Cromartie High School at all except for 2 episodes (The one where they were trying to figure out the name of a song, and the one where Mecha-Zawa's little brother was introduced). Everything else felt extremely cheesy and forced, on top of being too random, at least for me.

I haven't watched any episodes of Jojo yet so I don't want to judge it but can anyone share what they enjoy about it? I've been putting off watching it for a while now.
Which Jojo show are you talking about? The 2012 series that adapted Parts 1 and 2 or the old OVAs from 1993 and 2000 that loosely adapted Part 3? Personally, I found the OVAs to be average and too short, but the 2012 show is one of my favourite animes. And the same staff will be doing a longer adaptation of Part 3 this April. I wouldn't really call it a random comedy since it's more of a shounen action show like Fist of The North Star.
I haven't watched any episodes of Jojo yet so I don't want to judge it but can anyone share what they enjoy about it? I've been putting off watching it for a while now.

I personally like the characters (Many fighting game characters like Rose, Guile, Juri Han and Benimaru were inspired by the designs from Jojo's), the soundtrack (especially the 1st opening in the 2012 show), the references to Western bands/musicians, over the top fight scenes, sad manly tear-shedding death scenes and I like the fact that they change 80-90% of the cast in each Part instead of reusing the same cast for 25 years and the author is not afraid to kill off the main hero (Won't spoil which ones get unlucky).
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Which Jojo show are you talking about? The 2012 series that adapted Parts 1 and 2 or the old OVAs from 1993 and 2000 that loosely adapted Part 3? Personally, I found the OVAs to be average and too short, but the 2012 show is one of my favourite animes. And the same staff will be doing a longer adaptation of Part 3 this April. I wouldn't really call it a random comedy since it's more of a shounen action show like Fist of The North Star.

What's the name of the 2012 version? I guess I'll go with that one first. Just looked up part of the manga just now. It seems so off the wall.^^;

Edit: I'll just google it later when I'm ready to do more research.
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Oh and I forgot 1 other important reason.
@southpawper, I don't want to encourage privacy, but try watching the Blu-Ray versions of the episodes. The low-budget animation is improved and some violent scenes were censored in the TV broadcasts.
Yeah if you like old-school stuff, definitely check Jojo out. It's sort of like Fist of the North Star, except it's fabulous.

Also, anybody know of a good scary series, or at least one that's kind of a mindfuck? Horror anime is a lot harder to come by than it should be, and that's a shame. :\
Also, anybody know of a good scary series, or at least one that's kind of a mindfuck? Horror anime is a lot harder to come by than it should be, and that's a shame. :\

Maybe Gantz or Blue Gender. Gantz pissed me off though. Blue Gender was okay, but the series felt like it dragged on after a while, so I'd recommend the OVA. Both Gantz and Blue Gender are bleak, depressing, and super gory, just letting you know.
Anyone then me who think Invader Zim is probably the best cartoon that came out from Nickelodeon? Exept maby Avatar (not Korra season 2 @_@)
Incredibly disappointed that someone asked for gag anime recommendations and no one recommended flcl. You could have redeemed yourselves by recommending bobobo, but you failed there too.
@SHODAN this thread has failed you.

Anyone then me who think Invader Zim is probably the best cartoon that came out from Nickelodeon? Exept maby Avatar (not Korra season 2 @_@)
If I'm allowed to only count pre-movie episodes, Spongebob is a masterpiece. It's a terrible cash cow with abhorrent fart joke writing and some of the worst pacing in all of cartoons nowadays, but back in the day it was actually very very good. There's a reason it got popular in the first place.
Although generally speaking you should probably ask for or give out a
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Yes, the 3 or soo first Spongebob seasons is a blast. After that, it's downhill!
Avatar, Spongebob and Zim is IMO top 3 best Nickelodeon cartoons.
Then shows like, "Hey arnold", "Ren & Stimpy", "Rocko's Modern life" (soo many adult jokes in this one O_O) and "Jimmy neutron" (if it's classified as cartoon) comes next I think!
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I watch so many cartoons, yet I can't pick out a recommendation since they are all mainstream anyway.
I remember feeling bad about not being able to watch Sonic X since it did reruns in the early morning. Also, opinions on Sonic X? I can't really remember too well if it was good or not since I was a hell of a lot younger back then, plus this isn't even an opinion thread.
I watch so many cartoons, yet I can't pick out a recommendation since they are all mainstream anyway.
I remember feeling bad about not being able to watch Sonic X since it did reruns in the early morning. Also, opinions on Sonic X? I can't really remember too well if it was good or not since I was a hell of a lot younger back then, plus this isn't even an opinion thread.
I remember it being kind of a mess, even to me at age 10. It was entertaining enough that I watched quite a bit of it though. I remember the whole theme song too. What a shitty song.
Although I remember my sister and I using an impression of that one race car driver saying "need a lift?" as an inside joke for a while.
At first, I didn't really understand it, but thanks to Antfish's abridged series and stuff...


I also rec One Piece(my personal favorite)<As much as I still like the 4Kids version, I would still say to go with the Funimation dub>, Bleach, Gurren Lagaan, FLCL, Sket Dance, Kirby, Samurai Champloo and Toriko.
I won. Took me only a secound to get past it!
Series anime (13/24 episodes):

Kaiba: It has such a brilliant art style; I'd highly recommend it if you're looking for something out of the ordinary.
Angel Beats!: Feels.
Usagi Drop: It's the cutest thing you'll ever see- and not cute as in 'Lucky Star' or 'Super Sonico' cute. Actual cuteness.
Azumanga Daioh: Classic. Simply classic.
Black Lagoon (video link contains blood): If you're a fan of crime fiction or anything of the sort, I'd recommend this.
Nichijou: If you're a fan of comedy and haven't seen this yet: Stop doing whatever you're doing and watch Nichijou

Anime Movies:

Cat Soup: If you ever have to describe "abstract media" to someone, point them to this- the movie is only 30 minutes long, c'maaaaaaaaan. Watch it!
Ghost In The Shell (movie): remember to add "2.0" if you decide to watch it. If not, you'll see the 1990's 3D CG.
Wolf Children: originalty overload + Feels = 10/10 movie
Patema Inverted: Originality overload + feels = 10/10 movie- the movies are original, I'm still working on that...
Perfect Blue: A psychological classic.
The Garden of Words: Shoes.

Pretty much every Studio Ghibli movie: Howl's Moving Castle; Spirited Away; Princess Mononoke; Kiki's Delivery Service; Up On Poppy Hill.
It's unfortunate how much of that list I haven't seen yet.
Man like time to revive this thread, ANYWAY I just finished Spice and Wolf season 1 (Wonderful show, recommend it to anyone in general) and Tonari no Seki-kun (Funny 21 episode "Shorts" full of just random shit happening, Watch it of you have the time, im positive that it'll hook you in)
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Read the first Spice and Wolf manga, it's alright, might pick others up if I see it around the bookstore.
Spice and Wolf the light novel is probably the best material for Spice and Wolf.

the anime quotes it entirely but has some slight changes.
I haven't seen very many anime movies, but I wholeheartedly recommend Paprika. It's like the Matrix, but Japan.

I'm gonna recommend some anime I like in no particular order:
Trigun - Action - main character is a pacifist gunslinger and his friends/acquaintances/insurance hounds travel the planet known as Gunsmoke. one of less than 10 things I can say the English version is better.

Nichijou - Comedy - already recommended above

Baccano! - a lot of things - Lots of blood, lots of mystery, lots of action and some horror too. A very very well done plot with likeable characters all around, even the ones you're not supposed to like. Also really good english dub. I prefer it to the original.

The Monogatari Series - Action, Comedy - story follows Koyomi Araragi, a human-turned vampire, and his shadow, posessed by a vampire-turned-something-else, in his town basically being a spirit detective of sorts. There are several actual shows, of differing lengths. But this series as a whole is super well animated and written takes advantage of it. This is animated by SHAFT though, so expect random fanservice.

Shiki- what twilight should've been. escalates super hard at the end though

I also recommend Mushi-Shi
there's more but I can't memory right now
a few Manga:
Holyland - seinen- holy shit that kid can punch people. like...damn.
Negima! Magister Negi Magi - Shonen, harem(y) - follows a young mage named negi who becomes a teacher at mahora acadamy (you guessed it, all girls school) BUT! It only starts off kinda harem-y, as the story progresses it becomes a lot more complex and action packed. I don't really normally go for harem stuff, so take that as you will.
Berserk - seinen - why would you not Berserk
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - shonen/seinen/literally everything- DO YOU EVEN POSE, BRO?
Kekkaishi - action-drama-fantasy - kinda has a romeo and juliet thing going on a little bit, but also has people defending Karasumori, a place that evil spirits are drawn to.

don't watch SAO it's not worth your time.
Does anyone know of an anime that is a comedy in the same vein as Shin Chan dub?
How about western animation?

Rick and Morty - Back to The Future characters in Sipmsonian setting.
Archer - James Bond but funny and better.
Venture Bros - Johny Quest/Superhero parody/love letter
Futurama - Best sci fi ever made ever
Gravity Falls - Twin Peaks for Kids
Avatar The Last Airbender - first and only Western Anime.

(plus, yet to premiere, but keep an eye on it - Mike Tyson Mysteries)