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Project Annie...In Motion!

What no


Keep your eyes on the prize, guys.
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I'd gladly sacrifice Annie for another playable character.

Sorry DDB.
You're the Minette animator you don't count.
The amount of work adding those extra frames in Fukua took was not even close to relatively non-committal...

Oh I know. I'm attempting to appeal to your soft side. The side that would love to add yet another character to the game. I'm also attempting to appeal to your crazy side, as it would take some cojones to actually commit one's self to the number of unpaid hours that a job like this would require. Not to mention the amount of trust you'd need to have in me to even consider doing such a crazy thing :)

Plus I'm sure Alex would not be happy unless it was a character he wasn't as invested in as Annie.

Yeah, ya got me there. I'd probably feel the same way if I were him.

Like say Beatrix or Roxie or Hubrecht.

Is this a hint? Cuz I'd love to see me some Roxie in Skullgirls.

I'm sure that by this point you're either mildly intrigued, completely apathetic, or entirely irritated by the prospect of a fan made character. I wouldn't blame you for feeling either way. We the community are a rowdy and persistent little bunch, ain't we :)
we must fulfill the annie-cient blood pact and raise the Girl of the Stars unto the promised land
The promised land is in the game.
"Promised Land" will actually be the name of Annie's stage
it's just a blank white area with "WE MADE IT" and "D I C K S Q U A D" floating all over the background
it would take some cojones to actually commit one's self to the number of unpaid hours that a job like this would require.
Er. We made 2 characters and a major patch while actually unpaid, and have made 3 more while BASICALLY unpaid.
Not to mention the amount of trust you'd need to have in me to even consider doing such a crazy thing :)
You keep assuming it'd be you. :^)
Is this a hint? Cuz I'd love to see me some Roxie in Skullgirls.
It's a hint that it ain't happenin' with Annie.
by this point you're either mildly intrigued, completely apathetic, or entirely irritated
Primarily irritated at this point because there is NO effort to spare here, but intrigued by the excited members of the community as a source of cheap labor to continue possibly doing things once SG is fully wrapped up officially.
Howzat? :^P
Mike, you're getting my hopes up. What's the catch?
Also I have a theory why they don't want to put these Characters in. They think that the selection screen would look really stupid with a standalone character on top of the others.Then they would have to spend 3-4 months on the individual characters. To make it shorter, Fukua was making fun of the secret characters in Marvel Vs Capcom because she's kinda like that.
Er. We made 2 characters and a major patch while actually unpaid, and have made 3 more while BASICALLY unpaid.

Of course, that's how I already know that you guys are crazy enough to even consider doing things like this :P

You keep assuming it'd be you. :^)

I'm not assuming it would be me, I just happen to be the person who's currently pushing your buttons. Hell, if you find someone who's as crazy as I am, willing to throw away all of their free time, and is better than me in just about any/every way then that's fine by me. I'd be happy to sit at the sidelines with my popcorn and soda to watch the magic happen.

It's a hint that it ain't happenin' with Annie.

Sorry DDB, you heard the man.

Primarily irritated at this point because there is NO effort to spare here, but intrigued by the excited members of the community as a source of cheap labor to continue possibly doing things once SG is fully wrapped up officially.
Howzat? :^P

That about sums things up pretty nicely.

Btw, I wish the whole team the best of luck with finishing up the rest of the IGG related content! I know it's a lot of work, but it's pretty clear that you guys have gotten really good at what you do so it goes without saying that everyone here trusts in you :)
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If not Annie, I vote Beatrix.
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That's not a catch

That's a blow to the heart
aaaaaw dont cry DDB, im sure Annie is proud of you, she loves you DDB, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! But remember this, the only way to convince Mike to make annie a playlable character is *BAM* (Mike puts down the gun, smokes a cigarette and walks in slow motion in the rain with Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees in background)
aaaaaw dont cry DDB, im sure Annie is proud of you, she loves you DDB, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! But remember this, the only way to convince Mike to make annie a playlable character is *BAM* (Mike puts down the gun, smokes a cigarette and walks in slow motion in the rain with Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees in background)

*credits roll*


  • KingOfMen.mp3
    102 KB · Views: 805
Thank you! I earned it after countless atrocities against creatures trying to invade Canada (particularly the Monocle Goose). It was kind of like an XP bonus thing our government gives out. Err, I mean...I got it from genetics and years of theatre elective courses. Yup. That's it. No Canuck magic. At all...ahem, anyways, I'm terribly off topic. :p
Excellent! Excellent.
By the looks of it. You will never give up on Annie will you?
Also the progress being made here is great, I've read this from the beginning and the animations are great and getting better.
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