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Project Annie of the Stars fangame

Rough animation of Annie's ground chain
She's striking from her right side three times in a row. The second strike should from left-to-right, to keep momentum. Alternatively, you could have her spin all the way around to allow her to do the second strike as a right-to-left swing, and then have the third be left-to-right. Either way, just wanted to point out the swordplay faux pas.
It's an 8 bit game, we could point out the inaccuracies in every Megaman game but then we'd be here all day.
I say let him do what he wants. I like to throw 3 right hooks in a row sometimes, why can't Annie do the same?
I bet that sword is really light anyway.

EDIT: Maybe Annie doesn't have a good backhand. :D
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It's an 8 bit game, we could point out the inaccuracies in every Megaman game but then we'd be here all day.
There were no inaccuracies in Mega Man. It was a perfectly crafted interactive biography of the greatest hero known to man.
She's striking from her right side three times in a row. The second strike should from left-to-right, to keep momentum. Alternatively, you could have her spin all the way around to allow her to do the second strike as a right-to-left swing, and then have the third be left-to-right. Either way, just wanted to point out the swordplay faux pas.
I dunno, the way it is now looks more furious, right to left to right to left looks more like flailing the blade around whereas coming in from the same side several times shows she's going in for the finish; first hit chips, second hit deepens the wound, third hit finished them off. All it needs is some slow in, slow out for each slash and it'll look marvellous.
It's a rough animation, it may get changed in the future.


The four navigators for the game! Molly, Brain Drain and Feng are found in respective stages, and will be added to your team. You will be able to switch around which main navigator you want during each stage, as they all have different functions:

Molly: Expert in evaluating stage layout

Brain Drain: Specializes in analyzing the bosses’ strengths and weaknesses

Feng: Excells in finding hidden areas or structural irregularities

Mrs Victoria: Teaches you how to play

If you want to try out for the voice roles, here are sample quotes.
Molly:"Annie, Annie, Look out for those sharp spikes! Hmmm? What do you ask? No you won’t explode. What made you think that?"

Brain Drain: “It appears that abomination has rather sporadic movement. She is also able to morph into your previous opponents, so prepared for anything.”

Feng: “To get that 1-up, all you gotta do is jump, then jump again. Sure it breaks the laws of physics, but so does most things you do.”

Mrs. Victoria: "Miss Annie, why don’t you practice your swordsmanship on that dummy over there?"
For some reason, I think that the second and third hits of that beta ground chain would work better as a standalone mook launcher and the basic air attack. Dunno why.
But damn, seeing all my team mates doing great work made me think that maybe I should start actually putting things together and stop procrastinating:

We Annie now.
It's a rough animation, it may get changed in the future.


The four navigators for the game! Molly, Brain Drain and Feng are found in respective stages, and will be added to your team. You will be able to switch around which main navigator you want during each stage, as they all have different functions:

Molly: Expert in evaluating stage layout

Brain Drain: Specializes in analyzing the bosses’ strengths and weaknesses

Feng: Excells in finding hidden areas or structural irregularities

Mrs Victoria: Teaches you how to play

If you want to try out for the voice roles, here are sample quotes.
Molly:"Annie, Annie, Look out for those sharp spikes! Hmmm? What do you ask? No you won’t explode. What made you think that?"

Brain Drain: “It appears that abomination has rather sporadic movement. She is also able to morph into your previous opponents, so prepared for anything.”

Feng: “To get that 1-up, all you gotta do is jump, then jump again. Sure it breaks the laws of physics, but so does most things you do.”

Mrs. Victoria: "Miss Annie, why don’t you practice your swordsmanship on that dummy over there?"

Trying my luck as Brain Drain http://www.mediafire.com/listen/p451d99wnwnp2vm/Brain_Drain_VA_sample.mp3
Hope it's good.
that seems like it would make it too easy for platforming.
Zero could do it, and personally I'm very familiar with it, so it just felt odd not being able to.

Also, what the problem with that? I think mobility is the key to a fun action game and seeing that in this game would be nice.
All that a double jump off of walls would do is increase the distances you have to travel and wouldn't add anything to the quality of platforming. You already get infinite wall jumps for no cost so I don't see the necessity of a double jump after a wall jump. If you don't like the diagonal wall jumping from side to side then don't worry as we are including something to deal with that in the final version.
Double jump off of walls would allow situation where you can slide down a wall and use double jump to jump underneath a downward protruding obstacle. I think I've seen stuff like that in I wanna be the Guy playthroughs. It'd be a nice way to access hidden areas.
Double jump off of walls would allow situation where you can slide down a wall and use double jump to jump underneath a downward protruding obstacle. I think I've seen stuff like that in I wanna be the Guy playthroughs. It'd be a nice way to access hidden areas.
This actually does sound cool and introduces some really nice level design options, particularly for the later stages. It also opens some more obscure teachings from Mrs Victoria that extend beyond just the basic controls and into techniques like this one, making her more of a useful ally to pick than just something for new people.
This actually does sound cool and introduces some really nice level design options, particularly for the later stages. It also opens some more obscure teachings from Mrs Victoria that extend beyond just the basic controls and into techniques like this one, making her more of a useful ally to pick than just something for new people.
I think it would be cool to limit how many double jumps you get while wall jumping, or just make it to where distance isnt really affected by the double jump.
I like that this project is getting done, but I really am tired of hearing about Annie every two seconds. I may or may not play this game. Good luck either way, though. Someone let me know if Scythana shows up somewhere.
I think it would be cool to limit how many double jumps you get while wall jumping, or just make it to where distance isnt really affected by the double jump.
That'd be unintuitive as heck, though.
I think it would be cool to limit how many double jumps you get while wall jumping, or just make it to where distance isnt really affected by the double jump.
That'd be unintuitive as heck, though.
Yeah, I'd actually like to do what Sano's suggesting (probably just one double jump whenever you leave the ground, use it before or after a wall jump, but only once until you land again), but I don't want to overcomplicate things for the player any more than I need to. I'll probably test it out anyway though, but if it feels too unnatural I'll go with no restriction on double jumps from wall jumps.
Two new WIP animations come fresh from the oven
Annie's ground chain combo (Attack X3, the last slash is the launcher for air combos) and her possible Winpose
I really like these. The rough models for the combo have good motion and weight behind them. I have a small input on the second one, though. Throwing down the sword and THEN turning around is a motion full of affectation (kazarike, I think, don't quote me on that one, my sensei had a different word for it, slang I think). I know it's a seemingly insignificant detail, but putting away your sword is the last thing you do, no matter what. That's why, in all manner of anime and samurai fiction, the protagonist spins the blade around all stylish and shit (most often meant to be chiburi), and then you get the zoomed in shot of them clicking their sword back into its scabbard.


For maximum badass-ness, she'd spin the sword while turning her back to the camera, and then throw it into the ground. The reason you'd bother to do it in that order is that we've all been trained by years of sword fighting action movies and stuff like that to know that this is the coolest-looking order of events, Simple as that.

But that first one does look pretty sweet, can't wait to see that one done! :)
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I really like these. The rough models for the combo have good motion and weight behind them. I have a small input on the second one, though. Throwing down the sword and THEN turning around is a motion full of affectation (kazarike, I think, don't quote me on that one, my sensei had a different word for it, slang I think). I know it's a seemingly insignificant detail, but putting away your sword is the last thing you do, no matter what. That's why, in all manner of anime and samurai fiction, the protagonist spins the blade around all stylish and shit (most often meant to be chiburi), and then you get the zoomed in shot of them clicking their sword back into its scabbard.


For maximum badass-ness, she'd spin the sword while turning her back to the camera, and then throw it into the ground. The reason you'd bother to do it in that order is that we've all been trained by years of sword fighting action movies and stuff like that to know that this is the coolest-looking order of events, Simple as that.

But that first one does look pretty sweet, can't wait to see that one done! :)
You put words to what seemed to look off about that animation to me.
You put words to what seemed to look off about that animation to me.
And honestly, that's all most people would think: "Hmm, that seems a bit off, somehow." Such small things contribute to the way we perceive everything.
I keep submitting auditions; I hope they're noticing.
I just wish they'd say were to ideally post auditions so they can see and go over them. I posted one as well about a week or so ago and haven't heard a thing from them.