Hopes & Dreams
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its still good. it never lets up on the grimdark. theres still rage, but not so much of unbridled rage as it is righteous fury.
well, those go hand in hand, obviously. everything boils down to giant naked people punching each other.
its not even that. the characters have their own quirks, their own flaws, their own personalities. whether its Mikasa's obsession of protecting Erin to Sasha being selfish when it comes to food. sure they CAN be strong, but why make that their only defining feature? why limit them to something so fucking menial to their character by forcing them to act accordingly to their power level? its fuckin' dumb. stop focusing on social justice cokcamamey bullshit everyone is sick about and just focus on writing GOOD characters.One of the things I really like about Attack on Titan is that it doesn't pay any attention to Gender at all. In this show a character's sex has absolutely no bearing on the story, EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. Annie flipped Reiner and the dudes a fucking tank and no one made any stupid remark that he got beaten by a girl. Also people are killed and eaten indiscriminately, no one get's any special treatment because of their gender.
I hate it when someone writes a 'strong female character' just for the sake of writing a 'strong female character'. DAMNIT JUST WRITE A STRONG CHARACTER, THEIR GENDER DOESN'T MATTER.
Ruin don't be a scrub, this show has always been good. Now stop starting shit.
I'm talking more about how the main form of combat (the Omnidirectional Gear or whatever the kids are calling it these days) is discarded fairly early on in favor of Eren and his giant naked punches. And now the characters who seem to be able to get anything done with the things are Mikasa and Levi the Hedgehog.
I'd also like to specify that when I say strength, I'm talking about fighting ability.
I'm not talking about strength of character which is an entirely different thing.
Mikasa is a very skilled fighter, but I don't think she's a strong willed person.
Eren and Levi are strong willed people, but that's an entirely different topic.
I'm talking more about how the main form of combat (the Omnidirectional Gear or whatever the kids are calling it these days) is discarded fairly early on in favor of Eren and his giant naked punches. And now the characters who seem to be able to get anything done with the things are Mikasa and Levi the Hedgehog.
It just kinda rubs me wrong to see a cool idea go to waste in favor of giants punching other giants, this coming from an indisputable fan of giant things punch each other.
plus when the main puncher is a character I can't related to (or even like all that much), it just loses the appeal
dude, Aremin is my favorite character in the series. He's the greatest. Shota-He-man 2weeksevergee it's like having a strong protagonist is important or something
on the real tho, the only character I like is Armin. kid goes from pissing himself to psychological warfare, and that's cool
Mikasa is way too static (and dear god the incest vibes it's like tales of legendia all over again) and when her entire motivation is a rage machine that I don't like, it's hard to care about her
never cared for jean either
That's a relief, I was about to get all up in your business if you had accused me of something like that.
I can see why people dont like Eren. he's not the greatest character but he's certainly not bad.That's a relief, I was about to get all up in your business if you had accused me of something like that.
As for the primary method of combat in the series, compared to how often the 3D Maneuver Gear is used Eren fighting as a Titan is relatively rare. Likewise, proper skilled use of the 3D Maneuver Gear is also pretty rare.
I think this scarcity of power is done on purpose to emphasize how difficult it is to kill Titans.
Also you're all nuts for not liking Eren or any of the other characters. Also it's too late for spoilers.
I think his ability should have been retarded strength though tbh. out of all the titans he fights his body just falls apart on impact, why could it be something like he can increase the centrifugal force of his own attacks. I mean, its super hype to see that his own attacks could destroy HIS OWN BODY. thats beyond retarded strong!
Well he's already super dangerous, so I'm OK with giving him a more strategic ability. It's also ironic that he would use other Titans to further his own goal of destroying them all. There's a sense of perfect revenge in that ability.
Nah it's not that weird, I mean that really could have been done better but it still sounds good.
I didn't think such a battle hungry song could be turned into a lullaby and still sound good.
I'm sure Vic is freelance considering he's done voice work for Viz while he was doing voicework for Finu as well.
try to go in neutral and dont be too hype for it. thats just me with anything but go into it however you feel like going into it.
Real talk, I can't help but go in with a sense of dread. I just finished Aku No Hana not too long ago, so I'm fearful this will fall terribly, terribly short of that. I hope it's just as good as the tumblr echo chamber suggests, but I just have the worst feeling that it's going to be the worst kind of teenage-aimed grimdark dreck.
Don't worry, you are wrong on so many levels that the average human mind cannot even comprehend it.