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Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra

yeah but
think how cute she would look holding a cup of tea with her water arms
so cute
so crazy
I really wish Avatar wasn't family friendly, it would have been sick to see Ming-Hua slice some fools up.
well those guys she was chucking over the edge weren't going home soon, I'm sure.

or those guys Ghazan was smacking with
you know
fuckin' lava
that stuff stings, man
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Yeah but all of those are off screen implied deaths that wouldn't upset the youngins who don't know any better.
I wanna see someone actually get stabbed with a sword or something.
remember when katara almost killed that guy
that was metal as fuck
No no. It was water. Metal is Toph's thing. :PUN:

Anyway, this season opener has me far more hopeful for the series than I have been in a long time. A nice, simple clear plot with very clear villains. A worldwide adventure with plenty of wiggle room for expanding the plots in the same vein as Legend of Aang.
I think they bit off more than they could chew with the stuff they tried in Korra Book 1 and 2. A return to a simpler setup seems like a very wise choice.

I'm also loving Korra and Asami in this. 'bout time they were just paired up being awesome all the time.

I avoided the trailers, so Zuko was a nice surprise. It's pretty great how while he's clearly a mature leader now, he still reverts to awkward humor that sounds exactly like young Zuko when he's in the elevator.

Also, what's the bets on ice prison fire bender...
being Mako and Bolin's mom?

Anyone recognize Mako and Bolins' family apartment?

mako family house.png

Iroh and Zuko's apartment in Aang:

iroh apartment.jpg

Not sure if that's supposed to be a reference or just cost effective reusing of assets.

And because.

Death Stare.gif
The scene with them and their grandmother was excellently done
I also like how can tell just by looking at their family which side either brother takes from (and the photo made it even more clear)
What's really funny is that in the scene with Tu at the fruit stand
I found myself going "He looks kinda like Bolin"
then lo and behold
What's really funny is that in the scene with Tu at the fruit stand
I found myself going "He looks kinda like Bolin"
then lo and behold
It was the nose that gave it away for me.
shout out to this week's episode for being goddamn amazing
shout out to Kate Matilla for writing this week's episode
shout out to Lin for getting character development
shout out to metalbending
shout out to Toph for being a terrible parent
shout out to Lin and Su for being terrible kids
shout out to the badass sister fight
shout out to Ming-Hua for driving a car with her water arms
shout out to this episode in general it was fucking radical
Yo why is the Clique closing in the gap on the Young Justice Black Beetle clique SO HARD?

I am so ready to see those 4 old benders put Korra in the dirt.

Also why am I so sure Lin was born from that one dude we see in the Avatar comics and her sister is Sokka's daughter?

Also one of the strongest Waterbenders in the world is a middle aged woman with no arms.
I hate hashtags but #Diversitybitches.

Also it's weird to think that Mr.Combustion had a child, she probably didn't take the goddamn murder of her father very well, and is probably going to get at someone for that.

It's also weird to think that Toph would do what she did, seems very OOC for her, then again I'm think of 13 year old top, not 38 year old toph.

I'm really happy the writers worked the romance kinks out.

It was getting really painful to watch, returning it to a simple formula and building it from the ground up is great, trying to be grandiose at the start like season 1 was too much of a task.

Now it's clear what everyone wants to see.

Team H A R D N I G G A S versus avatar, and to watch Korra munch dirt, because as far as we know, those 4 olds dudes have fucked up:
The leaders of the Water Tribe
Various authority figures, some trained outright to stop the 4 old dudes, including member of the White Lotus
Korra's father
and last but not least
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Korra isn't going to be aired anymore. Get ready for digital distribution because of low ratings. (Maybe I should actually start watching Korra, Since the Last Airbender is tied for my favorite cartoon).
After missing the entire second book, I decided to start from the beginning. 2 Days of marathoning Korra and I finally caught up to the recent episodes... It was time well spent...

Maybe if it made toys it would have done better.

I shit you not that will probably be one of the reasons they're cancelling it.
Not moving the show to Friday nights (AKA TV's graveyard) and actually advertising it might have helped it get better ratings, too.

It might be more on Nick than the audience. They cancelled Invader Zim because only teenagers were watching it, even though they claim it was because of them murderer that watched the show. Avatar and Korra are definitely more popular with an older audience than most of their other shows.
Not moving the show to Friday nights (AKA TV's graveyard) and actually advertising it might have helped it get better ratings, too.
no, Friday Nights is actually a good time for kids TV show programming.

LATE night anything is graveyards for kid's TV shows.

Poor Tron Uprising....
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no, Friday Nights is actually a good time for kids TV show programming.

LATE night anything is graveyards for kid's TV shows.

Poor Tron Uprising....
It's not good for teens, though, which is what this show is aimed at.

That's why Spongebob on that timeslot does better than Korra. Little kids are at home on Friday nights. Teenagers aren't, especially during the summer.
Yeah POS is right, I'm not a teenager but I'm still young and the only reason I stay home on Fridays is for Salty.
It really hasn't been a good time slot for TLOK, I haven't been following it at all since the first two episodes.
yeah, but it also aired on saturday mornings as well, so it changed from that timeslot after season 1.

I havent watched past the first season mainly because it felt like the show was trying to force the feelings of the old show. what with the romance forming in the first season, the more mature feel, etc etc.

it just never struck a cord with me because the first series was more adventurous from the start and it feels like Korra just dropped it...

it still doesn't take away the love I have for Airbender though.
yet another thread that has escaped my...thread...following...thing--fuck you.
Anyway, I just wanted to say book three is fucking godlike so far, especially compared to book 2. I don't know if you guys have noticed because Korra hate bandwagon, but her reverse character development was un-reversed and she's actually pretty cool. Also... I mean I'm not normally the "Waifu" type of guy, but if I was I think she'd be Opal.
also the big bads are hype as hell, hopefully they are defeated by teamwork and not just "lel I'm the avatar".
that is all.
if I remember correctly Korra would air on Saturday mornings.

because I remember always being at work every time it came on and have to DVR it.


also, the ending of season 1 might have started the loss of interest in the series.
Just heard about the whole "Korra gets axed and goes digital"-thing. And while I’m not that big of a fan, I liked "The Last Airbender" much more; I was pleased from how season 3 turned out so far. But this? Major bummer.

I must admit I watch it on the net, but only because it doesn’t air in my country and I would get nothing on TV but a lacking dub anyways.

But Sano described the problem already, it seems the merchandising is lacking. Or at least that’s what the guys over at Nickelodeon think.

I don’t think the overall quality of the season will suffer, but it’s pretty disappointing for fans that the (presumably) last season of Korra isn’t on TV anymore. It will most likely re-air sometime, but it’s still disappointing.
tbh, I was basically making a stab at stupid bullshit companies say when a good show gets axed. I've seen that excuse far too often.

"Motorcity was cancelled because we couldn't make merchandise for it"
"Young Justice was cancelled because a lack of toy sales"
I'm still upset about YJ. fuck Teen Titans GO.

it's an excuse I am fucking sick as hell of and I want it to stop. it's like they think the animators have to come up with toy ideas.

blame your own fucking R&D for lack of toy sales and make them suffer. don't can the show and make everyone in the production crew suffer instead.
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If they'd stop trying with toys and try with figures and posters and other shit that appeals to teenagers/young adults they'd have something.

Like a REAL composite bow that looks like Artemis', or Yung Flash sneakers, or a Nightwing hoodie.
I'm sure like most people around my age in this time period (around 18, late high school early college) I don't really watch TV. I'm pretty sure somebody who does all of the marketing would know that. So the fact that I have seen not one advertisement for Book 3 on TV when I DO watch it, and not a single one on the internet of any kind, says something to me. Essentially that Nickelodeon is the Sega of television.