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Bayonetta thread? Bayonetta thread

*Umbran Climaxing intensifies*
Pretty late with this, but recently, I finally Platinum'ed all of the levels in Bayonetta on Normal! I'm planning on coming back to it to beat Hard and Non-Stop Infinite Climax after I finish The Wonderful 101 and Freedom Planet when it comes out.
Pretty late with this, but recently, I finally Platinum'ed all of the levels in Bayonetta on Normal! I'm planning on coming back to it to beat Hard and Non-Stop Infinite Climax after I finish The Wonderful 101 and Freedom Planet when it comes out.
You are my new god. *Bows*
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Famitsu scans. Not many novelties besides confirmation that Santa is real.


And a peek at the new demon summons (last is apparently a hydra), courtesy of the Wikia:


Bayo confirmed Pervy Sage

Also fuck yeah Santa
Looks like the game takes place close to Christmas. Otherwise, Rodin wouldn't have taken up the role of Mall Santa.
All glory shall go the Bayo Toad!
Does anyone know of the best strategy for beating Rodin?
I have the Climax Brace and the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa and I still can't beat him because he dodges EEEEEEEEVERYTHING and can react so quickly with such powerful moves.
Does anyone know of the best strategy for beating Rodin?
I have the Climax Brace and the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa and I still can't beat him because he dodges EEEEEEEEVERYTHING and can react so quickly with such powerful moves.

Weapons: Pillow Talk (Laser Beam Sword) & Kilgore

Evil Harvest Rosary - When I dodge, it releases a magical explosion. Best accessory for Nonstop Climax Mode since you can't use Witch Time.

Climax Bracers - Allow you to use Wicked Weaves (like against the Bosses)

On Nonstop Climax Mode, Rodin can pretty much own you in 3-4 attacks, it takes a huge chunk of your life away. Also the lower HP you get him down, the faster and more aggressive he is.

Facing him straight off is a terrible idea since he usually evades your attacks and counters... which is the key to beating him for my tactic.

{Tactic 1 = Far Range}
All I use is Kilgore Wicked Weaves to heavily damage him (which I trick him into evading into my 2nd and 3rd Wicked Weaves).

It worked so well that I never need to use my 2nd tactic against him when he's close range...

{Tactic 2: Melee Range}
Using the Rosary to cancel his melee combo against me while I dodge it, I can quickly retaliate with a PP *hold release* combo with my PillowTalk which can deal a nice 1/4 to 1/2 of his life bar away.
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Weapons: Pillow Talk (Laser Beam Sword) & Kilgore

Evil Harvest Rosary - When I dodge, it releases a magical explosion. Best accessory for Nonstop Climax Mode since you can't use Witch Time.

Climax Bracers - Allow you to use Wicked Weaves (like against the Bosses)

On Nonstop Climax Mode, Rodin can pretty much own you in 3-4 attacks, it takes a huge chunk of your life away. Also the lower HP you get him down, the faster and more aggressive he is.

Facing him straight off is a terrible idea since he usually evade your attack and counters... which is the key to beating him for my tactic.

{Tactic 1 = Far Range}
All I use is Kilgore Wicked Weaves to heavily damage him (which I trick him into evading into my 2nd and 3rd Wicked Weaves).

It worked so well that I never need to use my 2nd tactic against him when he's close range...

{Tactic 2: Melee Range}
Using the Rosary to cancel his melee combo against me while I dodge it, I can quickly retaliate with a PP *hold release* combo with my PillowTalk which can deal a nice 1/4 to 1/2 of his life bar away.
The ONLY thing I don't like about the Climax Brace is that it just randomly throws out Wicked Weaves. Yeah, that works on bosses, because they're usually bigger. But it almost always misses the smaller angels with how inaccurate it is. (And Pillow Talk + Lt. Col. Kilgore? Odd combination...) Thanks for the help, I'll try it out!
I only got the Wii U mainly for this game.

I heard about new a Star Fox game possibly coming out though so maybe my Wii U won't be virtually pointless. I never play it and the most I've ever played it was when I bought Pikmin 3 - which has zero replay value. :'c

And hey, doesn't Enzo remind anyone of Joe Pesci, maybe a little Danny Devito? lol Short and stubby with a filthy mouth and attitude.
I cannot listen to Enzo's voice without immediately thinking Danny Devito, to the point where I was actually shocked when I saw that he wasn't the one that voiced Enzo. I thought I was crazy at first, but recently while playing it, my brother was watching and he exclaimed,

"Why is Danny Devito in this game?"

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My favorites are Durga (always fire) & Scarborough Fair, Onyx Roses x2, and Scarborough Fair x2.

I'm not very creative.

Although, for giant bosses, I always go Kilgore x2, because the number of hits they deal normally plus the Wicked Weaves on each him actually lags the game so bad as to make it super easy to dodge attacks.
Bayonetta 2 Gets Cooperative Tag Climax Mode

A handful of new pieces of information have surfaced today for Platinum’s upcoming Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2, with the most important being word on a multiplayer cooperative mode by the name of “Tag Climax Mode.”

Tag Climax Mode enables players to team up with a CPU character or another player online, either anonymously or via invitation, to tackle various scenarios together that are said to range from dealing with waves of large amounts of enemies to boss battles, among other things. In this mode, players are able to bring in whatever characters, weapons, and accessories that they like, provided that they’ve been previously unlocked in story mode, which in turn means that the farther players are in the main game, the more options they’ll have at their disposal for tackling the different scenarios inside Tage Climax Mode.

Stages within Tag Climax are represented as Verse Cards, with the number of accessible stages limited to the number that players have in their possession. While each stage has multiple difficulty levels, selecting a level requires betting Halos, with higher bets obviously being the key to accessing harder levels. Those who put a lot of Halos on the line, however, can be expected to be rewarded handsomely should they manage to beat their selected stage.

The Japanese voice cast for the major characters has also been revealed for the game, with returning characters being voiced by the same actors brought on for anime adaptation Bayonetta: Bloody Fate and the Wii U version of the first Bayonetta. Check out the list below.
  • Bayonetta: Atsuko Tanaka
  • Jeanne: Mie Sonozaki
  • Ezio: Wataru Takagi
  • Rodan: Tessho Genda
  • Loki: Junko Minagawa
  • Masked Lumen: Takehito Koyasu
Enzo pleaseeeeeeeeee. He could just cuss at the angels.
Man, I am going to lose so many halos betting on Tag Climax Mode, I just know it.

"Hmm... I have a loss streak of 10 against this guy. Welp, they say 11's the charm; ALL IN!!!"
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Wii U
Online Multiplayer
Wifi connections only

Gonna be a bad time
Plus, there's a wired Internet adapter for the Wii U.
Played some Bayo 2 at Comic Con today. Gonna go back tomorrow and tackle the boss fight with the Masked Lumen.
Yay. They confirmed Ninty!Bayo 1 would be on its own disc.

That's for the Western release? I heard we're just getting the digital download and Japan is getting the disc.
Yeah. They said something about there being two discs. Just watch the video and see for yourself.
I'll take your word for it. Don't feel like waiting for my comp to decide whether I see the video or not.
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate English Dub Trailer

Bayonetta: Bloody Fate will be released on October 21st in North America in a Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack.

Courtesy of the Wikia:

And a new Angel, Enrapture, who makes all other enemies hella mad.

Side note, finally got to watch Bloody Fate. "Bloody Mess" would have been a more accurate title. :/