Alright, being that guy. Questions/feedback incoming. Sorry. Noted that you're not the one with the designs, but I'm just gonna lay these out there.
1.) What is the "fury" button supposed to do?
2.) What are supposed to be the benefits of adrenaline mode if all the cons lead to eating a free combo due a long recovery and losing all the things that makes the character unique?
3.) What features should be added above frame data and basic functions that form the basis of natural combos?
4.) Vincent's Tiamat Knuckle move follows a MK style motion that I personally loathe:

+button. It doesn't feel natural on pad and it overlaps with Vincent's command overhead ( If I'm in a situation where I'm pressuring the opppnent and tap back (for spacing or blocking whatever) and hit, I'm not going to get the overhead I want. I suggest changing it to a QCB+P motion. It would match the animation more. Also, if you make this change, please change Giga Tiamat Knuckle into a QCB motion so that it's logically a powered up version of Tiamat Knuckle and not say, a super version of his fireball stored into his fist and he just runs with it.
5.) Don's Thresher thrash input doesn't need to be a backwards dp. A backwards dp is, strangely enough, actually more awkward to pull off than a regular dp. You just need the game to recognize that the dp shortcut that everyone uses (fwd+qcf) is a dp. and a half circle forward is always a fireball. (How Skullgirls does it)
6.) Why is mako masher a half circle back? If he already has a QCF motion, there's no need to make the execution harder for a reverse motion. A QCB should suffice.
7.) The timing of hitstop on Vincent's s.hp and look off. With s.hp, the impact freezes on a smear frame. freezes in a way such that it looks like he's trying to grab a leg, not hit the guy.
8.) Personally think Vincent's and j.hp should be switched. Following the "Ryu" model, j.mps are more horizontal and useful for air-to-airs. j.hps are slanted downwards and good for jump ins and defensive air-to-airs. (The classic jump back fierce)
9.) I noticed that you're planning on implementing different hitstuns based on the strength level of the hit. It's cool, but the problem is light hitstuns don't look very different from the idols, so it's hard to tell if I'm really hitting them.
10.) There's an issue where if I jump, hold up, and mash on light punch, after landing I will stop jumping and continue doing ground attacks instead of always getting j.lp.
11.) I don't agree with juggle points because it sets an arbitrary nature of creating combos, but since I don't have a system to suggest replacing it, I'm just gonna ask this: Are there going to be different "classes" of weight and characters with juggle points? Or is everyone going to have to have character specific juggle combos for each character? I already noticed that Don falls to the ground much faster than Vincent, and the juggle combo I threw together on Vincent didn't work at all on Don.
12.) Why is the trigger for adrenaline LP+MP+LK+MK and not something simpler like MP+MK? Mashing these four buttons is not comfortable to input on a pad, and I can't imagine it being comfortable on a fightstick. Triggering X-factor in MvC3 required 4 button presses, but on a fightstick it was easier since the placement of buttons was essentially LP+MP+HP+LK. It feels more natural pressing the punches with your fingers and LK with your thumb. On pad you could map a shoulder button to 3 of the attacks, and hit the 4th needed input (face button) simultaneously. However if nothing is already mapped to MP+MK, there's not much reason not to map adrenaline trigger to that.