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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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I just think people should have a more positive view on LabZero. Be it Beowulf, or Annie, or Scythana, or the waifu you voted for. LabZero gets so much shit from everyone outside, we should show some trust. We're their fans. Going from "this character is gonna suck until I'm proven wrong" to "I hope they do good with this character" would already be a huge step.

Completely agree. While a character may not be someone's cup of tea, you can't admit that Lab Zero isn't one of the hardest working and most dedicated companies out there. Just look at Beowulf right now. They have hundreds of hours of wrestling videos they've taken the time to scan through for inspiration. They're looking at the lore of Beowulf in order to incorporate that into his character. They're taking things associated with wolves and working that in to him. They even did research on fucking chairs, and added chair references. This one character alone has hundreds of hours of research, and will have hundreds of hours of work actually animating, cleaning up, and coloring him. That's JUST Beowulf, and there are 11 other characters just like that.

Form an opinion after they're done and you've experienced everything you can with them. But don't take it out on Lab Zero, because they've gone through enough shit already.
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Well if you wanted to kill the conversation, that was probably the best way to go about it.
I did want to kill the conversation. It was the Eliza Story thread. I even asked y'all to get back on topic in there beforehand. It's fine to spend a few posts talking about other stuff since conversations naturally lead into other topics, but when it's 50 posts worth of conversation it needs to be somewhere else.
I did want to kill the conversation. It was the Eliza Story thread. I even asked y'all to get back on topic in there beforehand. It's fine to spend a few posts talking about other stuff since conversations naturally lead into other topics, but when it's 50 posts worth of conversation it needs to be somewhere else.

Is it me or Beowulf got more disrespect than Eliza? I don't remember people protesting over Eliza winning.
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Is it me or Beowulf got more disrespect than Eliza? I don't remember people protesting over Eliza winning.
Because Eliza has interesting lore and abilities, Beowulf just wrestles
Arcana's just salty that his waifu didn't win.
Arcana's just salty that his waifu didn't win.
dont be silly, my true Waifu has been in for a while
Fukua best girl
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We still don't know much about his section of the lore. Also, wrestling can be plenty interesting with enough creativity and willingness to put one's life on the line weekly.
Yeah, I think Eliza's written before Beowulf which is why we got to know her backstory more.
Is it me or Beowulf got more disrespect than Eliza? I don't remember people protesting over Eliza winning.
trust me, there was like one dude that had more salt about Eliza being in than every anti-Beo combined.
Is it me or Beowulf got more disrespect than Eliza? I don't remember people protesting over Eliza winning.

I'm not sure if it extended beyond DDB being DDB,
but I definitely remember DDB never shutting up about it.
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Isn't DDB Salty over anyone not Annie, and not just Eliza?
Isn't DDB Salty over anyone not Annie, and not just Eliza?

Yes, but,
he was VERY angry at Eliza. Something to do with her boobs I think.
Casual talk goes in The Wulf Den, keep the conversation in here dedicated to Beowulf.
OK then. We're getting off topic anyway.

I also just watched Beowulf's update video today and I like how the announcer calls Beowulf. I wonder when we'll see his icon?
[Falling animation]
I love this one. He actually catches himself just before he hits the mat in true false-wrestling style.

Real talk, what's he gonna do bout that broken tooth

Mod Edit: Image removed from quote. Please don't quote obnoxious looping gifs so close to the originals.
FINALLY! someone realizes Beowulf should do some selling.
I don't like the idea of Beowulf selling because that would imply that he's fake fighting rather than actually fighting, which is what he's doing. Besides, catching yourself before you fall isn't really selling, it's just catching yourself.
In college wrestling it's called a sprawl and it keeps your knees from hitting the ground, a vulnerable position.
Zone's a guy, actually.
His mascot is the girl.
Actually, neither you nor I know Zone-sama's actual gender because she keeps it secret. I just refer to her as a female for convenience and I get that kind of vibe from her twitter posts. Also I refer to Zone as a she because I hate the pre-conceived notion that male is the default gender to refer to people with unknown gender.
Actually, neither you nor I know Zone-sama's actual gender because she keeps it secret. I just refer to her as a female for convenience and I get that kind of vibe from her twitter posts. Also I refer to Zone as a she because I hate the pre-conceived notion that male is the default gender to refer to people with unknown gender.

Goddammit we're getting off-track again,
I was under the impression that Zone-sama's gender was a confirmed deal, that everyone knew he was male.
I wasn't assuming, that's something I actually thought was true, if I didn't know someone's gender I'd try and use gender-neutral pronouns like they.
I also wouldn't have tried correcting you on that if I was just assuming.
I was mainly making a joke. lots of botches in pro wrestling are often accidents while selling IE fumbling razors, taking a chair to the head and then stumbling a few seconds after, the tripping out of the paper wall, that kinda stuff.

plus, it's not like Skullgirls isn't known to have some subtle comedy/antics while a fight is going on.

TBH, I'd love some kind of selling mechanic like a way to build up a crowd/hype and reward you with meter if you sell well and take away meter if you screw it up. integrate real wrastlin' and pro wrastlin' y'know. but what's being done with Beowulf is fine and I can't wait to mess around with him once he's out on console. :)

EDIT: can't wait for Mike to give Beo a move to protect the Russian skies.
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I don't like the idea of Beowulf selling because that would imply that he's fake fighting rather than actually fighting, which is what he's doing.

L0 have said in plenty of interviews that they want to incorporate wrestling style 'selling' of moves into his fighting style. It was even specifically listed as a counter he might have - sell the hit he takes first, then counter.
I mean he cuts through a stage background for his intro and drops a mic to build hype. How serious do you want this character to be?
Cellsai you're misunderstanding me. What I don't like is the fact that there are some people that want Beowulf to act like he's just putting on a performance for a crowd instead of participating in a fight. I'm fine with him hyping up his moves and adding some flare to his style, but the moment it seems like everything is just an act is the moment I stop taking the character seriously.

Luckily Beowulf's crumple animation looks like he's really injured, the way he breaks his fall is a good homage while still maintaining the reality of his situation. I think there's a misunderstanding, probably on my end, of what "Selling" actually means which is causing this disagreement.

What is Selling? To my knowledge it's when somebody fakes being hurt, which in my opinion has no place in Beowulf's set of animations.
from a wrestling wiki

"Selling is a professional wrestling slang term that describes the act of making wrestling look believable to the audience.

When one wrestler performs a wrestling move, it is the opponent's duty to react to the move as if it had been done for real. This helps preserve the illusion of kayfabe. The most common example of this is when a wrestler performs a punch. The attacking wrestling usually stomps his foot at the time of near-impact while the receiving wrestling mimics the effect of being punched. When performed properly, it suspends the belief of the audience.

If a move is badly sold, it is usually referred to as a botch."

also, the hurting itself seems to be a pro wrestling referrence, as pro wrestling is where the phrase "and then X came in with the chair!"
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Alright then here's how I feel about Selling.

Good- Beowulf winding up a big-ass punch while he puts his hand to his ear and beckons the crowd to cheer him on and give him more power. That's fine because it's still a real fight, Beowulf is just being cocky.

Bad- Beowulf slapping his chest while he fake punches the opponent as if he were on a television show where people pretend to fight each other. He was never on a show like that because in Skullgirls Pro Wrestling is REAL. Something like that takes away the meaning of the battle.
I don't think the "Good" part you wrote is selling according to the definition given by the wrestling wiki, but dang I love that move.
here's an example of selling/botching I would like to see: Beowulf stagger animations have him fumbling a razor in his hands. he's been established to have tools and trophies he's acquired from his past battles and one of them being a razor would be perfectly fine to me.

and it's not like we want Beo to be fake fighting. IMO, it would add a little more hilarity to him, more lighthearted if you will. adding in botching would not take away any of his accomplishments like Grendel's arm or anything like that. it would just be more of a thing for the audience/player.
I just want it to be clear that I'm not against Pro Wrestling references, I'm just against turning Beowulf into a joke.
More simply put, selling means just giving the reaction one would expect. Someone "punches you", you reel back. Some "kicks you in the midsection", you respond by keeling over in pain. Someone "rakes your face", you grab your eyes and do the "I can't see" schtick. And so on and so forth.

Then of course there's the "No Sale". Where the move is sold to have no effect. Hogan "Hulking Up", Undertaker sitting up after a huge beatdown, etc. One of the more infamous moments of this was Ultimate Warrior vs HHH at Wrestlemania XII, where Trips landed his finisher and Warrior just got up, hooted and hollared and preceded to lay the smack down. (Infamous because it's now well known that Trips was being punished for an earlier incident of breaking Kayfabe. Ironic in that his skill at putting guys over was really what made his career.)
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hell, a more comedic form of selling is Santino's Cobra Strike. all the dude does is put a sock on his arm, make a snake pose with his arm, and then slam his fingertips into his opponents face and it's enough to knock the opponent out. its goofy, its dumb, but it's just so memorable. :,D I love Santino!

Can Beo have a cobra Strike? please L0?

hell, while we're on pro wrestling references, in honor of the Ultimate Warrior, Beo should at least have ONE win quote where he goes batshit insane.
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As long as Beowulf actually hits Cerebella with his fingertips with enough force to knock her down and as long as he doesn't actually put a dumb sock on his hand I'm fine with that. As long as the fight stays a fight I'm happy.

As a warrior myself I understand that I'm just as biased as the Pro-Wrestling fans here, but if everyone's going to express their opinions on how Beowulf should behave then so will I. He can be funny, he can be serious, but he can't be fake or stupid, that's how I feel.
just, don't even cast a voice actor for Beo. just take tons of clips from Ultimate Warrior and splice them together
hell, a more comedic form of selling is Santino's Cobra Strike. all the dude does is put a sock on his arm, make a snake pose with his arm, and then slam his fingertips into his opponents face and it's enough to knock the opponent out. its goofy, its dumb, but it's just so memorable. :,D I love Santino!

Can Beo have a cobra Strike? please L0?

hell, while we're on pro wrestling references, in honor of the Ultimate Warrior, Beo should at least have ONE win quote where he goes batshit insane.

Wait, Sock attack? Wasn't that Mick Foley's thing? (One of them, anyway.)
As long as Beowulf actually hits Cerebella with his fingertips with enough force to knock her down and as long as he doesn't actually put a dumb sock on his hand I'm fine with that. As long as the fight stays a fight I'm happy.

As a warrior myself I understand that I'm just as biased as the Pro-Wrestling fans here, but if everyone's going to express their opinions on how Beowulf should behave then so will I. He can be funny, he can be serious, but he can't be fake or stupid, that's how I feel.

Oh dear god, did you just reference The Fingerpoke of Doom? >_<
Oh dear god, did you just reference The Fingerpoke of Doom? >_<
I don't know much about pro-wrestling so I guess I did it by accident?
That Wolf Pack Music.
sock on his hand

How dare you... Beowulf would be lucky to get such a godlike move. Mr. Socko is an amazing attack and Beowulf should have it.
And he better have a gigantic version too. Like a super where he knocks you down, puts a giant Mr. Socko on his gigan arm, and then shoves it in your mouth. I'd pay anything to see that super in this game.
It's interesting how the timing between Beowulf's hands touching the floor and his whole body collapsing is much shorter than the flair flops it's referencing from, giving it so that he seems more genuinely replenished of health.
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