Eww, broken quotes :/
Anyway, yeah, Tsubaki comes off as a tool a lot. The Tsubaki I like is when she gets emotional and you see that stress, see those moments when she isn't mind controlled, when she's an actual person and some of her emotional moments with Jin are pretty good I feel. Hell, anything to paint Jin in a good light. By this point I'm so tired of Jin it pisses me off. He's such an asshole and never nice to ANYONE! He abuses Noel, constantly fights with Ragna for little to no reason, and constantly talks down to everyone and gets all angsty. I honestly find it more overbearing and annoying than the Ragna Edginess, mostly cause that's balanced with the often lampshading of Ragna's edginess, Tao, Luna/Sena, Rachel, or other more comedic characters being amazingly prominent whenever Ragna does get overly edgy to balance it out. Combine that with a lot of really legit moments and he grows on you. Jin I'm just tired of. He's never nice and never thinks of anyone but himself, obsessed with Ragna and Tsubaki, and he seems to be growing a hero complex. How can Rachel be calling this guy a hero again?
Oh yeah, those are great, but I mean there are a TON of subpar ones IMO. Enough subpar ones that they need to back off of the gag reels a bit. I always look forward to them, but some of them jsut stick in the back of my head as really bad compared to actually legit funny ones.