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Shirtless Tager hype.
I like Blazblue openings.

They tend to be pretty good.
Wow, I feel like I need to go take a nap after that.
I'm excited.
That's all you need to know.
the character select screen in CP always looks like it could always accomodate a few more characters
that's never a good thing
More DLC constumes? More DLC characters? I'm down for more characters. No really I am, we totally don't need more bad guys. The story totally isn't forcing some good guys to be bad guys for contrived reasons...totally...........
When's Linhua?
All I see is random lady I don't recognize, and two partial shots of Kagura's assistant...she be playable? :/

Also, Shirtless Tager DLC when?
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Should he be playable.
I'm a moron. I completely forgot the game's story and characters for the 10 seconds it took to make that post >_<
they're gonna need to save someone for the 4th game, guys
What exactly is that?
New DLC Characters, or some shade of that?
They do...and they will...I still say this entire story needed more villains. Some of the reasons these guys serve as villains seems really silly, and some of the fights they had to cram in just to make a complete package seemed...silly as well
DLC is system voice. Pretty sure the DLC in this game will be the exact same as CS extend.
DLC is system voice. Pretty sure the DLC in this game will be the exact same as CS extend.
Correct, it's for Kajun and Mai's (Remix Heart) System Voice and they are 300 yen ($2.50) but will be free if the game is pre-ordered on PSN between the April 9th - 19th (jp only I would assume).

Edit: Since these two already have their system voice, I'm going to predict that it's really only a matter of time they'll be playable DLC characters.
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When's obligatory GG cameo?

no seriously, there's plenty of BS both series could pull for a whole dimension crossing, seeing as both have done something similar AND screwed the laws of time and space to no end already...
who are these ppl you are talking about? Are they from that VN about the girls I didn't play? Cause I know what'd the story would comprise of knowing Blazblue...
No, those 2 are from the Blazblue Remix Heart Manga, which was (Big shock!) Japan only. There are translations of their adventures on Imugr somewhere, if you're interested.
Is the manga any good? Is the story as good or better than the almost silly game plot?
Opening for the new game. All the lore
You know, I never really had a problem with the bosses in BB until that monstrosity made it's appearance. Sure CT's boss was spammy, and Hazama was trollish, but at least when I beat them I felt accomplished. I had a friend let me play the version of the Chrono Phantasma fight which let's you use any character and it took me way too long with Relius to beat that thing.

Edit: Nice intro and holy crap new puppet character! Wonder how this one will play?

So the new Puppet character's is Celica Mercury and her drive is called Minerva. I'm guessing she's going to be Carl 2.0. I might need to start learning how to play him properly. Relius was an easy transition because he's basically a stand user and I had previous experience with the JoJo's Venture fighting game.
Wasn't Ragna/Jin/etc the "newcomer friendly" character for BB? Seems they keep making new ones every iteration.

I can see how Mai can eventually be playable [another sword character], but hard to imagine how the other girl would fight. Maybe sort of like Kokonoe, but without the feline gimmicks?
Celica's apparently for newcomers to the game.
Even more so that Platinum.
Which is fine by me I fucking love using Platinum.
I still have nightmares about that pogo-stick.
Platinum is so much fun yo.

I'm guessing Phantom, jubei maybe, and uh...it's been awhile...whoever the lady that summons Highlander is...using the body of Ragna's sister...yeah...her, those guy'll be in the final game me thinks.
Celica's not a puppet character. The two share a health bar and always move together as a single entity.
yeah she's more like a persona character than a puppet one
She's also D tier. Minerva is an extended hurtbox and sharing her health bar with Celica isn't very good. She has some healing moves, though.