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Blood for the Blood Goddess! Eliza BETA Gameplay Discussion

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KK is because if it's just K then non-single-frame assist calls (P~K or K~P) make her return. If people are okay with that I personally prefer single K.
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.

What if she recalled the same way Fortune's head dose: by doing the input that sends her out and holding it?

And since I'm already posting, dose Eliza's s.mp have to be the way it is?
If it dose, can someone tell me how do I use that thing properly? Pretty please?
If Beowulf gets the original summon suffering or criminal symphony input, I'm learning him. You namby pamby grapplers have it too easy. I learned to do that shit off of a parry.

I did too where literally my instant kill set up was ivy's special gi impact, calamity symphony and then summon suffering but i think it will be weird because of the jump motion
Eliza is my savior. Even if it takes me a year I will learn the beautiful blood goddess.
I hate peacock with a passion and eliza is her kryptonite.
I'm not this guy, nope.
These aren't your insightful responses?
I'm going to find a new yahoo answer champion :<

Can't wait to get home from camping so I can try these summons.
Has anyone tried Peacock + chair push?
(if she's in the beta?)
These aren't your insightful responses?
I'm going to find a new yahoo answer champion :<

Can't wait to get home from camping so I can try these summons.
Has anyone tried Peacock + chair push?
(if she's in the beta?)
As far as I know, the summons aren't in beta yet.
We can try QCB+P to recall, but you still won't be able to cancel moves with recall...OR WILL YOU?

I'm not this guy, nope.

hi mike, just curious, what do you think about giving eliza the 3 summons in her skeleton form? would it make her too broken?
hi mike, just curious, what do you think about giving eliza the 3 summons in her skeleton form? would it make her too broken?
It's animations she doesn't have, and she won't be getting any more new frames.
(Why's that so hard for people?)
qcb to recall Sekhmet feels awesome.

With all(?) of her specials in, Eliza still feels a little awkward to control, especially comming in from Fortune and limited other fighting game experience(I know why qcb.K is qcb.K and dp.P is dp.P, still feels awkward).

Personally I'd make the Uppet Khat fire off from either a dp.P or qcf.P(it could even be an under the hood thing), assuming no actual qcf.P special is going to happen.
Simpler motion and all that jazz, even if having invulnerable start-up and being a launcher makes it a dragon punch in spirit.
Of lesser annoyance I'd swap the Kick assigned specials(yes, I know Doom's Molecular Shield was a backwards motion), but that's just wishful thinking based mostly on Weight of Anubis throwing the enemy backwards.
Personally I'd make the Uppet Khat fire off from either a dp.P or qcf.P(it could even be an under the hood thing), assuming no actual qcf.P special is going to happen.
Simpler motion and all that jazz, even if having invulnerable start-up and being a launcher makes it a dragon punch in spirit.
Of lesser annoyance I'd swap the Kick assigned specials(yes, I know Doom's Molecular Shield was a backwards motion), but that's just wishful thinking based mostly on Weight of Anubis throwing the enemy backwards.
I could see DP being QCT, but the K specials aren't based on Doom, it's based on me sitting there and saying "If I wanted to do this move, what motion does it feel like?"
Recall as a special lets you easily do a Sehkmet HP xx recall -> OTG into a combo with Eliza. So something like call assist, air LP Sehkmet call over them for a hyperarmor'd crossup, confirm into a recall to Eliza, combo filler.
Mike, I get the feeling you're taunting me with that Tharja palette she has now since I've always said from day 1 that Tharja is the biggest example of why Stephanie Sheh should've voiced Sekhmet. (I'm sure Wendee Lee will be more fitting in reality than in my mind because I cannot imagine Wendee Lee voicing a vampiric skeleton)

If you need me I'll be crying in the shower, reading all the "Oh man I was NOT looking forward to Eliza at all but she's super fun" messages I've gotten to try to calm my frazzled nerves.

Only two more characters, Mike, just get through it and you never have to deal with this junk again.

Unless someone decides to give you more funding. Seriously why isn't any company giving this man more funding?! I want this game to be a successful franchise on par w/ the other big fighting games!

Uh oh, here i was thinking that the command crab would be like Anakaris's wigglyhands where you have to position it right, but it's fullscreen, not to mention it comes out way faster than i would have expected. Combine this with H Giant Step, and I'll put Painwheel as my first character instead, the ground is no longer a safe place for Peacock.
@Mike_Z Since you just fixed this with Fenrir Drive, Eliza's level 3 will ko before the last hit if there is less health than damage that the super does.
just wondering, because I think this is probably a mistake.

Osiris spins are all now + on block, LK being +13. All things considered I actually like that.


2HP is +8 on block.

Accidental side effect of the recent changes or deliberate?
No wait keep the code for it, use it for when Skull Girls Rainbow edition comes later on.
2HP I agree, osiris spin, well I guess it is a bit dumb because Eliza isn't meant to have safe on block options after full strings, but it makes osiris spin kinda useful too haha.
the K specials aren't based on Doom, it's based on me sitting there and saying "If I wanted to do this move, what motion does it feel like?"
Fair enough, can't read minds, and Doom gets mentioned a lot when the move is brought up.
Just that personally(as in, with no habits other than Ms. Fortune), the qcf.K motion is something I want to do while pushing forward, and the servants are something I'm more likely to do from a distance/defensively(and Weight of Anubis throws the enemy backwards/to me).
2HP I agree, osiris spin, well I guess it is a bit dumb because Eliza isn't meant to have safe on block options after full strings, but it makes osiris spin kinda useful too haha.

Isn't divekick summon the safe on block option? It was like +13 when I checked.
I love her servant summons, but I really prefer the old Sek recall. When I end a combo with j. HP Sek, I find myself putting in the wrong input because my opponent flew over Sek's head and there goes some of my meter for nothing in return. ;w;
Annie deserves Raging Demon and you know it.
Shouldn't Salty Umbrella get raging demon?

Anyway, I'm loving these changes to Eliza. She'll fit right in with Bigband and Cerebella.....and Fukua....and Parasoul....and Filia...and Pea- EVERYBODY! [does Eliza dance]
How does the Eliza dance even-

SO, those servants. I'm a big fan of the divekicking bird.
How does the Eliza dance even-

SO, those servants. I'm a big fan of the divekicking bird.

Considering he's going to be voiced by Goku and the sheer number of DBZ fanboys that exist, I think everyone is going to be a big fan of Horace.
It's animations she doesn't have, and she won't be getting any more new frames.
(Why's that so hard for people?)
could you try using her roar animation for those?
So has anyone experimented with bigband antiair grab+eliza's summon grab? I haven't played anyone since the patch but in my head it sounds gross.
So has anyone experimented with bigband antiair grab+eliza's summon grab? I haven't played anyone since the patch but in my head it sounds gross.
You can block a train tho,
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