• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.


So Last Night we got a small taste of what is coming in the next build of the game....

in the form of BEAMS [note Helen's Beams will be mostly like Robo's in the form that they are unsafe on hit/block. But the different versions of the Beam will be closer to Cyclops' where one goes straight one angles down then goes straight and the last will bounce off the ground at an odd angle.]

Also They just put in a new state engine so things will start to move along much more smoothly now that they have that going on. So Wall Splats, Ground Bounces, ect will be coming in the following build updates.
Today sure was a special one for those of you who [H3ART] 2Mello and his music.

Today he streamed him working not only on one track but two for Cerebrawl.

One's a revamped theme for Susan possible for when she jumps onto the ring to get the crowd's blood pumping.

Track WIP here: https://instaud.io/qcF#0:00.2

and the other is a track for a character that we don't know yet. But given the style of the piece some kind of gangster/rapper kind of character might be possible. Who Knows.

UPDATE [Mello was cool enough to post this WIP, Listen to it cause it is FUCKING FIRE] https://instaud.io/qgO

Listen in on the stream here:https://www.twitch.tv/mellomakes/v/70763183

~Keep it Real Boys and Girls~
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If I pay for the prototype would I also get access to the full game or would I have to make a separate purchase on release?
If I pay for the prototype would I also get access to the full game or would I have to make a separate purchase on release?
you will get access to the full game.

it's just like SG where the prototype is like the Open Beta.

and you will get updated on all the other goodies as well like background art work, music, ect.
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you will get access to the full game.

it's just like SG where the prototype is like the Open Beta.

and you will get updated on all the other goodies as well like background art work, music, ect.
Wait so buying the prototype is essentially a pre-order?
Wait so buying the prototype is essentially a pre-order?
i... guess?

as of right now Zero Dimensions is making the game in their free time so that when Evo/Pax Prime rolls around they might have a vertical slice of the game ready to present for possible publishers. If that doesn't happen they will still work on the game independently cause they have jobs outside of Cerebrawl.

look you can donate or not. you can just toss em 5 bucks and just get the ost or something. I really don't care. If you want to support them in other ways you can tweet about their streams.
okay so Official Word from Aaron Oak [GoodNews]

"No, buying the prototype guarantees access through beta. We don't know what a deal with a publisher looks like yet, so final sales may be up to them and we can't make any promises about that unfortunately. If we never get a publisher then yeah, we'll probably just give everyone that bought the prototype a key, but again, no promises."

so there we go?

either way if you want to donate then you are free to do so. if don't have money or you don't want to give cash but you still want to support Zero Dimensions then you can spread the word about this game.

if you DO spread the word about Cerebrawl and someone asks what this game is like, please use Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter as the MAIN comparison. Because really in some of the early articles about Cerebrawl Aaron and Eliot slipped up and described the game being like Marvel vs Capcom 2. this is not true... so to prevent misinterpretation about the game's mechanics please use that game as more of a frame work when describing the game to others who might be interested in it.

thank you~
I actually just played Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. Game is very fun. I dare say that it is more enjoyable than Marvel vs Capcom 1.
I actually just played Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. Game is very fun. I dare say that it is more enjoyable than Marvel vs Capcom 1.
yeah well imagine the City stage with it's breakable floor, add in breakable sides on the stage as well. Make the whole thing just a tad faster and the tag system be like Tekken Tag Team. Where if you are a solo player and you call assist it will do a move based off of your input 1 second after pressing the assist button. or if you are 2 players you calling out assist will allow the second player to do what ever input they want.

Cerebrawl is meant to be fast and freeform.
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yeah well imagine the City stage with it's breakable floor, add in breakable sides on the stage as well. Make the whole thing just a tad faster and the tag system be like Tekken Tag Team. Where if you are a solo player and you call assist it will do a move based off of your input 1 second after pressing the assist button. or if you are 2 players you calling out assist will allow the second player to do what ever input they want.

Cerebrawl is meant to be fast and freeform.

This has now one of my most looked forward to games.

Cerebrawl, Fearless Night, Them Fightin' Herds, and Traf. Lots of great upcoming indie fighters.
Pizza Commences in 30 Seconds



Constructive opinion, instead of double posting here something weekly, would be more interested a highlight or video post after the streams, im pretty sure that people interested on the streams already sub. to the channel.

Like me!
If you were ever curious on the size of Cerebrawl's sprites this little chart will help you size up Cerebrawl with his older sister SkullGirls


[So just behind Persona, which isn't bad given that this is all being done by one guy.] But really comparing the size of a sprite in SF3 to either Cerebrawl or SkullGirls and you can see a huge difference.

If I remember correctly SkullGirls is images that are 1480p down scaled to 720p. Cerebrawl is just 720p at 300pi so it's not as large. Which is good cause right now the game is running on unity and they need as much free space as possible so it can process a ton of images frame after frame.
So I purchased the prototype. It took me five minutes to find an infinite. c.HP in a corner.
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yes this is true. However this is already noted and the new state machine that is being worked on will have this sort of stuff pretty much prevented. Expect it to come out around the weekend of EVO. if not then the week after EVO.

Also welcome aboard man. come talk to Aaron and Eliot over on the Discord. Will isn't super talkative and Mello will give you flavor music pretty much every week.
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Keep forgetting I haven't given some money yet. Group is so full of fun people its worth it on them alone :3
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I've got somewhat sad news [don't worry there is a ton of good in there as well]

So we've just got confirmation from Aaron Oak that Cerebrawl was not accepted in the indie showing of S.I.X. [Seattle Indie Expo]

This is a little sad, but honestly this wasn't too surprising due to the number of entries for this event. The really good thing is that Zero Dimension's submission for Cerebrawl still got a ton of feed back from the judges. So the team have some really good pointers to work off on. This in the long run will help improve Cerebrawl so that once it is ready to be shown to the public, that it will be the best it will ever be.

As of right now the team is working on making a new build ready, with the new state engine, all finished normal attacks for Helen, and maybe... a new special move... [pew pew]

Alrighty I'm going to sign off for now, but before I do I'll leave you with this trailer I made so that Aaron and the Team could use at S.I.X.

I hope you enjoy it.

EDIT: Oh and silly me

Mello forgot that on the soundcloud of Cerebrawl that the version of "Rush the Front" didn't match the one that people got when they donated.

so here's the full version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7SaDsaiiLoJRi1PZXQyNGZzYTA/view
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It's kinda sucks that Cerebrawl couldn't make to the event, but at least it got some nice attention from others and they can improve the game with the feedback. I can't wait to see what the new build will have later. Also, I really like your trailer, Ninja.
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It's kinda sucks that Cerebrawl couldn't make to the event, but at least it got some nice attention from others and they can improve the game with the feedback. I can't wait to see what the new build will have later. Also, I really your trailer, Ninja.

and expect a new CMV coming from me when that new build does hit. It should be happening very soon. Like maybe on or the day after Friday, soon.
So the reason that it wasn't accepted was because there's no room, or was there another reason? Regardless I'm still glad they got feedback for it. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Also what time does the stream start on friday anyway? Been busy so I couldn't catch a few and finding out its on friday kinda messed me up a bit :/
So the reason that it wasn't accepted was because there's no room, or was there another reason? Regardless I'm still glad they got feedback for it. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Also what time does the stream start on friday anyway? Been busy so I couldn't catch a few and finding out its on friday kinda messed me up a bit :/
I am unsure. But from Aaron's comments it seems like there were elements missing from the build to have made the judges feel like the game was a complete vertical slice of the game. [I think this might be because of the un-finished tag system. Something that the team understands and is working on finishing before the end of the summer.]

Now for Streams they happen 12pm PST on Tuesdays and 7pm PST on Fridays. Next stream is going to be most likely Eliot working on Clean Up Frames on Helen's Lazor Special Animation.
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This sounds like a cool game. Wake me when it gets greenlighted on Steam.
This sounds like a cool game. Wake me when it gets greenlighted on Steam.

ehhhhhhhhh that might be a while man... depending on if Zero Dimension can get a publisher when Pax Prime rolls around. If not then they're going to slug thru the production by themselves and that's going to be hard and tricky with only one animator...

but if there is any major news i will let you know about it.
Hi, hello, it's been a while. Very sorry. We're behind on sending this out because, well, we completely remade our state machine (now called the Tsutsumi Engine) and had to put literally everything back into the game.

No more dropped ice cream [combos used to drop randomly, and moves done at certain ranges would do extra hits when they were not supposed to]. No more 500 hit jumping heavy kick.

You'll notice that tagging is currently missing and a few other features. There's a lot we still have to put back in the game, but we're working on it! There's also a set of replay buttons now. Those are used for debugging primarily, which we're currently investigating a ticket system for so that you guys can submit weird stuff that you find with an attached replay file. EZ PZ.

That's all for now! We're really looking forward to getting the game back where it was, and showing you guys all of the new features we're working on.

- Zero Dimension

Hello, everybody! Here is the video showcasing the v0.3 build for Cerebrawl:

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Oh snap! I want to know what their fighting style is like!
Well he kinda has the outline of Josuke from JoJo... you know?

if that's the case then... the Song: "Call The Police!" Might be the theme this character is using. Because it was stated in one of the streams that, that song is indeed a character's theme, just for one we have not seen.

So... maybe this character might be a punk HighSchooler... Sounds... interesting. I'm expecting him to have breakdancing kick like moves.
Confirmed by 2Mello That this Character's Theme is:

"My Rhymes are Nice"



  • 06 - My Rhymes Are Nice!.mp3
    3 MB · Views: 398
Oh shit new character. Ahhhh yeah. His silhouette kinda gives off a dancer theme imo.