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USA [Dec 8, 2017] SALTY! Friday Weeklies @ Game Realms (Burbank, CA)

....THIS IS WHY YOUR POST KEPT GETTING EDITED DAN and still missed Mech anyways (I am not the ghost editor).
Mech posted after my update. I updated it with him on it now. And @BANG! is going right? I put him on the list assuming he is. He never actually said he's going

EDIT: And I knew this would happen if we added more games other than SG... If 25 doesn't work out, we might have to cut it to SG only. Sorry BB, GG and VS peeps.

That's ONLY if this amount of people doesn't work. We are already going way over what they originally told me a couple weeks ago.

EDIT2 - I think for pizza, everyone who plans on eating should bring $5 to keep it easy. Don't make it pay per slice because it will be a nightmare. Just bring $5, give it to @Some Person and let him keep everything for his time and effort. (Assuming $5/person is enough to cover it)
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Hey, this is my expertise. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's ordering the cheapest pizza possible! (It's certainly not fighting games.) Pizza Hut prices in general tend to suck, and there's never a good deal on Stuffed Crust. However, they also have the Primo Meat Pizza, which is always $10 for a large, for some reason. And since that's stock price, coupons will apply to it. Right behind that is the $8 each for three larges deal. It's only one topping each, and regular coupons won't apply to it further, but it's not a bad deal if you're buying in bulk anyway.
EDIT2 - I think for pizza, everyone who plans on eating should bring $5 to keep it easy. Don't make it pay per slice because it will be a nightmare. Just bring $5, give it to @Some Person and let him keep everything for his time and effort. (Assuming $5/person is enough to cover it)
$5 is the ideal amount to bring to pitch in for stuff. If we order 8 pizzas at $7 each, its about 2.50 per person. Adding drink and sides would drive it up more. Plus tip. So $5 is a pretty safe number. We would have to spend at least $125 across 25 people for it to be $5 per person. So we got a bit of room to work with at $5 a person. Would make divvying it up less a hassle, but thats on SP how he want to handle what's left.

Do they have actual free sodas at TG? Not just energy drinks?

PS are you actually willing to expand for more peeps or now establishing a cut-off at 27?
Im pretty sure ill be there


is there a raisin theres a limit? I thought the list was just to see how many people were going
- It's smaller than UGC (most places are, though). 20 people SEEM like they can fit, but we should start off SMALLER to check. If you are a sometimes-attendee or might be busy Saturday, you might want to skip this week until we have done a trial run. Simply for space reasons, we should really limit the first week to 20 or under and see how it goes. They do not enforce a limit besides the space available.

edit: god mike's big ass font makes this look really rude =X
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wow rude

is anyone going to bring Skullgirls 2: Deadly Airport?!?
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It's Saturday's now. It's even in the title, silly.
why yes i am silly, guess i can sleep on friday nights now, i just looked at the date and its already satuarday morning
i know we full up for players but I might be popping in for a little bit since I'm gonna be working tomorrow and pretty much pass this place on my way home after. I need to see some mans about some stuffs.
is there a raisin theres a limit?
Nobody in this thread except DAN and ME has seen the place. There is a reason there's a limit, because we DON'T KNOW how many people actually FIT there.
If it turns out this week is amazing and everyone could spin in a circle with their arms out, then we can raise the limit. But to fill it to bursting on the first week is probably not a good idea.
OH RIGHT augh I have to go to the office to get the monitor? LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. Guess I'm doin' that.
Sorry folks. I must revoke my confirmation for this week. Apologies for the late notice. Folks came into town and so my evening is no longer free. I'm on board for next week though.
Okay, so today was a good day at a good venue. Like it a lot! Just gonna put a few things out there before going to sleep.

- We ended up getting a lot more money than I actually needed for pizzas and the like (as in twice as much as I needed), so next time we do a pizza run, I can cover it with that money ezpz. Maybe even pick up some extra goodies, who knows (or you can toss me money for extra goodies, should it come down to it).

- Something that I didn't think needed to be said, but apparently must be said anyway. If you request pizza and plan on putting in money towards it, please only take slices from the pizza that you requested. For some reason, (I don't know who) people decided to take slices of the pizza Red Witch requested, and she was left with only one slice. That's not fair to her, and it wouldn't be fair to anyone else that it would happen to. I'll be taking a specific list of who orders what next time to ensure that everyone gets the slices of pizza that they're expecting to receive.

- Since this upcoming Salty will be on Halloween (one of the busiest pizza days of the year), I think it would be best to wait for the Salty after for another pizza run. We were lucky that it was slow when I went in to order today, otherwise it could've taken a whiiiile (also speaking from experience, a giant order suddenly showing up when it's busy can be a nightmare). There are at least a decent number of places around the area for next week anyway, so there's that.

- A minor thing that I can overlook, but the one thing I miss about UGC compared to TG is that there's no available Wii-U for Smash 4 stuff. Again, I can live without it, but I was hoping to put decent time into it (since I have no Wii-U). If this is able to be rectified, it would be reeeeeally nice, but ultimately I can live without it.

- What's the challonge to Twin Galaxies? I wanted to update this week's rankings with it, since quite a bit changed this time with everything.

All in all, 10/10, would visit again. See you guys next week!
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Was a pretty good night! We were gonna see if we could get an earlier start time, ya? I think 6pm was said? ALSO REMIND ME TO REMIND VERDANT TO GET PLATES!
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Ya Doc (the worker) at the end of the night asked me to try to end at midnight from now on. It is a soft close (meaning he isn't kicking us out right away) but that should be our end goal for the tournament. He did say he could come at 6pm though so shift everything 1 hour earlier.

I think the tourney was run a bit better than UGC. It can still be smoother though so we can end on time. I think there should always be a match 'on deck' for the stream so there won't be dead air. We were on the front page of twitch and were at I believe 800 viewers then after they took us off front page, we stayed consistent around 300-500 viewers so we got a lot of new eyes.

Since we are getting many new viewers, I think whoever jumps on commentary should keep that in mind and maybe explain what's going on so we can keep those viewers instead of talking about our inside joke commentary style (I wasn't listening so I don't know how commentary was going). Not saying go super saiyan e-sport commentary, but just keep in mind you have a new audience which some have never seen this game. At one point, I think someone said there was 5 people trying to commentate at once? I don't think that's a good idea but who knows, maybe it was perfect.

Also, please be respectful of the free drinks they offer. When I was cleaning up, I threw away MANY almost completely full cans of soda and water. Maybe someone should bring a sharpie so we can mark our cans? I'm assuming people got a drink, set it down, forgot where they put it and didn't wanna risk drinking someone else's drink. That's fine, but just please try to keep your drink next to you. TG invited us to their home and I just don't want them to think we are taking advantage of their venue or anything.

But other than that, I think the venue is awesome. Thank you all for coming to the grand re-opening of Salty at venue #3. We travelin the USA to play.

Oh and also, I told the stream, not sure if everyone heard (or even cares) but...

Every 4 tournaments, I will be keeping track of points (or if @Some Person is already doing it, that makes it easier) for score for tournament winners. At the end of every 4 weeks, 1st place will be receiving $50 store credit to Eighty Sixed and 2nd place will be receiving $25. This week, we had @WingZero get 1st, Von Dame get 2nd place and not sure who got 3rd. (I'm excluded). But ya, that's a thing happening!

Thanks @Some Person for the pizza run. I forgot to give you my $5 but by the time I went to get pizza, there was none anyways :( So I got McDonalds instead
I did the challonge on my account.
I'm going to be in Canada so someone else gets to do brackets.
Dead air resulted from running all the matches available because of various people going out doing various things, like buying pizza. There was also some dead time because of consumption of said pizza.

If it is going to start at 6 I suggest you make a bracket beforehand for people to sign up on since there are going to be late comers. And to make sure those people get later slots in the bracket.
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Really awesome venue, the camera setup was kind of awkward though for the amount of peeps we had. Overall I'm excited with the new venue, looking forward to playing all you scrubs again. Ggs men EVERYONE.

edit: thanks Mike
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no point trying to run gg when we get kicked out so early, barely even get time to finish SG
no point trying to run gg when we get kicked out so early, barely even get time to finish SG
UGC's 9PM (which the tournament started after!) to 3AM = 6 hours.
Twin Galaxy's 6PM to 12 midnight = 6 hours.

You DO realize that GG started at like 10 or something, right? It's mostly a matter of setups and starting on time. Even SG didn't start till like 9.
Is there a chance the side sg setups are not so close to the big arcade machine? Or at least just have one setup because it's not the roomiest area. Honestly I hated going to the side set up twice.

Also for the challonge, who is gonna manage it? Where and who else is in charge in case the first guy doesn't show up and all that.
I made one anyone can use but I dunno if this has already been solved.
How is it taking you guys 6 hours to run a tournament for SG????
Is there a chance the side sg setups are not so close to the big arcade machine? Or at least just have one setup because it's not the roomiest area. Honestly I hated going to the side set up twice.
Yes, the idea is to set up the room differently.

How is it taking you guys 6 hours to run a tournament for SG????
3 tournaments at the same time, people busy or gone or un-find-able, etc.
say whatever you want, I'll believe it when I see it
Also, please be respectful of the free drinks they offer. When I was cleaning up, I threw away MANY almost completely full cans of soda and water. Maybe someone should bring a sharpie so we can mark our cans? I'm assuming people got a drink, set it down, forgot where they put it and didn't wanna risk drinking someone else's drink. That's fine, but just please try to keep your drink next to you. TG invited us to their home and I just don't want them to think we are taking advantage of their venue or anything.
This is actually a huge pet peeve of mine. IF YOU AIN'T GONNA FINISH A WHOLE CAN find someone to split it with, I'll bring cups or something if I gotta. Don't waste dranks tho D:
Yeah gonna have to find a way to get things a little more in order. Single elim tourneys are whack and I'm hungry for more +R.

The new venue is great, and I'm really grateful for the freedom the people at TwinGalaxies are giving us.

Will try to get there earlier next time. Traffic on the 101,134 was really bad last night.
Pls remember, the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival is happening next friday so you'll want to leave hella early

When I was tired at UGC, I tried sleeping in one of the side rooms and failed.

And here I just pass out for a good 40 minutes or so? And in the most traffic heavy part of the venue to boot?

That's a little embarrassing.

I mean, if I'm gonna nap, I'd prefer it to be in a place that's out of the way.

Anyway, good venue. Comfortable lounge. Nice couches. Free drinks. Cool peeps.
So as it stands, I'm now working until 7pm tomorrow. If I don't show up to Salty tomorrow, that's why.
Sadness D: Also reminder we won't be ordering pizza this week, so find something beforehand! Also remember there may be more traffic than usual ALSO ALSO we are starting earlier at 6pm. Anything else to note?
Remember they are trying to wrap it up by midnight so its 6-12 from now on
Well it took me a whole week but I finally found my ps3 stick. I don't know the situation with space and reservations but I'd still like to come and play
It was decided there was more than enough room for people to come and play for the time being. A few regulars will probably dip today as well since it's Halloween, so thats a few less people than usual.