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USA [Dec 8, 2017] SALTY! Friday Weeklies @ Game Realms (Burbank, CA)

I'd like to think no one will tamper with it!
Google docs/sheets shows a complete history of every change, so it's got that covered. Nobody could get away with anything.
I'm definitely going
Put me down as tentative. It's up in the air atm.
Put me down as a possible yes. i dont see why i wont go this weekend. but i feel like i was going to do something on saturday that im forgetting.
ill update by thursday in case i figure out what it was i forgot to do.
Can I be put down as a definite yes on this Saturday? :)

I can't wait to catch up with you guys again!
Ill be going for sure. new time is 6-12 right?
Yup 6-12.

So we have a small crowd for sat it looks like? Does anyone know about the guys not from the forums that go? I don't know their names but they come for GG and vamp sav
Yup 6-12.

So we have a small crowd for sat it looks like? Does anyone know about the guys not from the forums that go? I don't know their names but they come for GG and vamp sav
Dyne is querying that group-- it seems like we're gonna run under 22 right now with the people from vsav coming along
Posting to say that I'm gonna come by tonight! I'll most likely just be there to help maintain stuff and assist around the lounge :>
Looks like we hit the 25 limit guys. Magma was 25 confirmed yes
Week 1 10/24/15
Wing - 10
Dame - 7
Maguma - 4
WeatherBee/JMZ - 1

Week 2 10/31/15
SP - 10
Bang - 7
Devita - 4
Stuff - 1

Week 3 11/7/15
Wing - 10
Dawn - 7
Devita - 4
Mike - 1

Wing - 20
Some Person - 10
Devita - 8
Dame/Bang/Dawn - 7
Maguma - 4
Mike/WeatheBee/JMZ/Stuff - 1
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How in the world does Dawn have 10 pts total?
How in the world does Dawn have 10 pts total?
Fixed! Thanks

I've reset the attendance sheet and added a third column. If people are bringing monitors or consoles; note it there. We need more setups! Thanks everyone for utilizing this so far!

Have at thee:
Please use this people since there is a cap around 25. The only reason I say this is because yesterday, people that DID NOT say yes showed up and people that DID say yes didn't show up. Don't just say yes to save you a spot because this doesn't let people that actually want to go not able to *cough me yesterday cough*

I won't call you out for yesterday, but I will start calling people out for next Saturday.

I'm actually coming this weekend.
I'll try to show up, but no promises.
happy 30th birthday someone
Missed last week due to surprise family stuff couldnt get out of.
This week ill be there 4shore. might run a bit late but ill play some that night.
Hey, if you sort data make sure you only do it for the first three columns please x.x . If you aren't sure how to keep them arranged properly uh... just don't do it. I'll sort it when I get the chance. Although I adjusted the formula a bit so it shouldn't be so screwy if that happens, but still!

REMINDER: We need more setups, specifically monitors. We currently have my monitor which we use for the main station coupled with the venue's PS4. I have a spare console.

Fifi brings his monitor/console as well, but that's only if he can make it, and it's for +R sides. We could stand to have at least one more monitor for a second station for SG so we can run a timely tourney. Note it in the third column if you can provide this! Thanks!
Gonna put this out there now that I won't be able to attend next week's Salty. My family likes to do Thanksgiving a few days ahead of the actual holiday, and this time it's set for the Saturday before. If anything suddenly changes, I'll let you guys know.
I should finally be getting off work at 3:30 tomorrow, giving me plenty of time to nap and shower.

What time to people usually arrive?
AY last week's pizza was covered due to excess funds! This week however y'all gotta pay up again. So if you plan on eatin' some pizza please bring $3-$5 to contribute to ze pizza times. Carry on.
I will go after the end of my semester!! I don't have a car so I can't go to there and go back at Saturday XDD

It's a long drive from China to Los Angeles, anyway...
But it says right there that he's in the US right now
Week 1: 10/24/15 http://challonge.com/saltytg
Wing - 10
Dame - 7
Maguma - 4
WeatherBee/JMZ - 1

Week 2: 10/31/15 http://challonge.com/SaltyTG2
SP - 10
Bang - 7
Devita - 4
Stuff - 1

Week 3: 11/7/15 http://challonge.com/saltytg3
Wing - 10
Dawn - 7
Devita - 4
Mike - 1

Week 4: 11/14/15 http://challonge.com/sg_tg_salty3
Dawn - 10
Devita - 7
Some Person - 4
Bang - 1

Wing - 20
Dawn - 17
Devita - 15
Some Person - 14
Bang - 8
Dame - 7
Maguma - 4
Mike/WeatheBee/JMZ/Stuff - 1

2 more tournaments left until the end of November! Looks like it's still anyone's prize. (If you guys even care *shrug*)

1st place - $50 store credit
2nd place - $25 store credit.
Since the season's almost over, I thought I'd repost the current rankings at Salty.

Quite the influx of people since we've come to Twin Galaxies.
I'll be here this Saturday mainly to get my HitBox controller back. My wire of the controller just broke on last Salty night.
I'll be here this Saturday mainly to get my HitBox controller back. My wire of the controller just broke on last Salty night.
I FINALLY got your name. :^P

Also please invite your mom inside, I felt super bad when I found out she'd been sitting in the parking lot forever...
Updated the post with useful information on how to get inside and our weekly attendance sheet!
(If you guys even care *shrug*)
I care! But, I mean, also


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