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Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax

Please let Zakuro be playable since her sister is an assist. Murdering characters with Eckilsax would be so much fun.
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why didn't they at least get all the characters drawn on the cover by a single artist in a unified art style?

yeesh it looks no good like that
Latest trailer is out which includes showing off the three new assist characters
Surprised Dokuru Chan kept the blood splats.
So this is apparently out now and I've been watching some streams of it.

Seems ok. I still know only about who half the cast is.
Waiting for my copy to arrive.

Still missed the console chars. Akira and Selvaria

Welp, the 2 characters that interest me the most (Taiga & Shizuo) are bottom tier. Oh well, might as well be a low tier hero if I decide to buy the game.
How ironic. Kirito is often the one to get the Gary Stu label and yet it's his "wife" that out ranks in the fighting game scene.

But in all seriousness, WHY THE FUCK IS SHIZUO BOTTOM TIER?! You do not take the strongest man in Ikebukuro, a guy who can bench press a frigging delivery truck, and design him to be amongst the lowest ranked characters in his fighting game spin off! That's an insult!
So let me get this straight,
Sega developed this game and added a couple of their own animu characters as guest characters
and didn't use a Resonance of Fate character?
2/10, it gets extra points because of moe basketball.
Real talk this game looks kinda interesting.
I don't see it going anywhere but some of the characters look really fun to play.
But Vashyron really shoulda been playable what is this.
So let me get this straight,
Sega developed this game and added a couple of their own animu characters as guest characters
and didn't use a Resonance of Fate character?
2/10, it gets extra points because of moe basketball.
I want Shinobi characters like Joe/Hotsuma/Hibana. Or Streets of Rage characters would be nice. Or Golden Axe.
Yes but consider
Vashyron would be awesome, flying through the air spinning around handguns and raining down grenades
command dashes and super jumps and all that keep away.
Yes but consider
Vashyron would be awesome, flying through the air spinning around handguns and raining down grenades
command dashes and super jumps and all that keep away.
yeah but remember
in Project X-Zone, Vash was relegated to single support
and Zeph and Leanne were the playable ones
Vash's chances would have been slim even if they would have gotten more sega characters
yeah but remember
in Project X-Zone, Vash was relegated to single support
and Zeph and Leanne were the playable ones
Vash's chances would have been slim even if they would have gotten more sega characters

It could've been any of them, I just made an example out of Vashyron cause I like him best.
It'd probably be Leanne, really, another animu girl with a solid focus on handguns instead of SMG's like Zephyr, and Zephyr's standing neutral stance is probably a bit too low in comparison to the rest of the cast.
yeah I have no interest in taking this game seriously I am going to tier whore the SHIT out of it and I hate Kirino more than anyone on the planet.

I want Shinobi characters like Joe/Hotsuma/Hibana. Or Streets of Rage characters would be nice. Or Golden Axe.
Those would be awesome. Phantasy Star characters would have been amazing too.
DFC is coming to West, whens PSO2 or VC3? lmao
I'd say never on Valkyria and still questionable on Phantasy Star. Think both of those should get their own threads, though.

I wonder if there were any license problems with DBFC like there were with Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
SAO is one of the more safer localization characters considering HF was already localized with LS being inevitable based on how well HF sold.
So like, I started watching Durarara!!
and now I really want this game
but I really don't fucking want this game
but I really want this game.
it's more that i really fucking hate SAO than anything else

Don't be an asshole like the rest of the SAO haters though. That's the real reason I can't stand them. It doesn't matter if you think SAO sucks or not, that's no reason to take playable characters out. The worst thing that can happen to a fighting game is its roster being reduced w/o a good reason. Well okay ONE of the worst things.

SAO is one of the more safer localization characters considering HF was already localized with LS being inevitable based on how well HF sold.

I'm still dumbfounded by that. How did that fucking game sell? Not only is it badly localized and has that god awful dating sim feature but practically every site gave it bad press. And this is coming from someone who thought SAO was more of a mixed bag than this awful thing everyone seems to insist that it is.

I pray to god LS is legitimately good. I've been wanting an RPG set in ALO for a while now.

1. Not everyone was anal about stuff like "the black man" or whatever silly mistranslation in the story. Unless your a SAO diehard [or simply you won't really care about the "story" about the daily harem adventures of Kirito anyway. I would go as far as say that that the majority who bought the game either didn't even notice, care, or simply laughed it off instead of willing to boycott an entire game.

2. Dating mechanic I agree was handled like shit, but that was probably looked over because of the result of getting "Oh my god! I can hold hands, princess carry, and pillow talk with mah waifu!" . Not to mention it generates like points faster so you can unlock more stuff associated to x character.

3. I wouldn't say it got "bad press". It was pretty mixed all around. Think the metacritic score was like a 67 not that I'm saying metacritic matters.

4. The gameplay for the Hollow Area was actually pretty fun even if Aincrad portion was shit. Mainly because Hollow Area can actually give you a challenge.

5. Had a ton of content and that is without the free dlc and expansion patch.

6. SAO in general is pretty damn popular whether you like it or not even outside of Japan. Usually that would spill over in the merchandising such as the game spin offs.

7. Lost Song is looking infinitely better because

A. You don't have to play as Kirito.
B. Three person party for regular play instead of two.
C. Combat is more varied and fast paced. [flight, magic, etc]
D. Will actually have online
E. More varied characters
F. Not an upscaled PSP game

Back to Dengeki, I wonder how much translation will happen for this game.
I hope for a special dub
No, I don't mean "everyone in English"
no, by dub I mean "Get Crispin Freeman back for Shizuo and that's all you need to do"
Another new Dengeki Bunko release announced.



- New rebalance
- New features
- New playable character Emi Yuusa [The Devil is a Part-Timer!]
"Emi is a very standard character and plays a lot like Shana did in the last version. Emi's Trump Card is called Holy Vitamin and she can use it to boost herself."




Yeah having second thoughts about getting the now obsolete localization because I highly doubt this will be dlc based on current trends.
Pre-emptive "why couldn't they just hold the localization off until they could get this new version ported over instead" complaint
If it doesn't upgrade Celty and Leafa from support status to playable status and/or throws in Sinon then I don't care about these updates.