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Fire Emblem

You could always use the referee image for the ad hominem

Yeah, but that just felt a bit too on the nose, you know?

ie: my argument does not fall under the textbook definition of strawman

You're right, and I conceded that fact.
So wait wait wait...

Can I pet Anna or not?
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Anna using those next level gold-digging strats to get real money from people
Here's a YT compilation of the English voices in the playable demo of Fates:
Part 1
Includes Azura, Camilla, Takumi, Kaden, Kaze, Hana, Nyx, Arthur, and Beruka
Part 2
Includes Selena, Rinkah, Sakura, Saizo, Subaki, Hinoka, Leo, Scarlet, Ryoma, Niles, and Odin
Part 3
Includes Felicia, Effie, Male Corrin, Mikoto, Xander, Yukimura, and Garon

Obviously it isn't much to go on, but you can get a decent impression of how they all sound.
I like most of them, but dislike others. I don't like Camilla's voice at all, I don't like Nyx's voice (although I guess it fits), Felicia sounds too bored and old, and Hinoka just sounds terrible. Sakura also sounded really old, and I feel it's a bit unfitting.
Leo and Takumi both sound great, I like Ryoma (someone said that Matthew Mercer would be voicing both Xander and Ryoma. I wonder if that's true, though, as Xander sounds really different), Rinkah, and Arthur (it's so perfectly cheesy).
This actually makes me wonder if Odin and Selena have their original voice actors from Awakening. Selena doesn't have many lines, but from what I've heard of it, she sounds very "off". Odin sounds kind of unrecognizable compared to his Awakening VA. Because of this, I question if Liam O'Brien will return for Laslow. Personally, as I mentioned, while I love Liam O'Brien, I feel like his voice does not at all fit the character.

Overall, I guess the game sounds... Fine? Not great, but not terrible either.
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I sense a meme in our near future.
Camilla sounding like a smoker is making my day
10/10 all the way
So, will you guys be playing Conquest or Birthright first?

I'll playing Conquest first, because I just finished Awakening, and I want to play something that feels fresh.

Also, Camilla is too hot to stay away from for long.
Conquest, because from prerelease crap it seems that Birthright will be a continuation of Rout Emblem: Awakening. Ideally I'd get the Special Edition, but that doesn't seem too likely now.
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Conquest. I like the characters much, much better, and the aesthetic has really grown on me. I also prefer the gameplay.
Conquest, because from prerelease crap it seems that Birthright will be a continuation of Rout Emblem: Awakening. Ideally I'd get the Special Edition, but that doesn't seem too likely now.
That's exactly what people say about Birthright.

It is Awakening 2.0, while Conquest plays like a classic FE game.
Both, at the same time.

Two 3DS's at once.
I'll go with Conquest because linear hardcore campaign >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grind till you win land.

I have kept myself in the dark about both stories as much as possible, so choice comes down to gameplay.
I'm sure there will be DLC ways to scum it out for EXP so I just will get Birthright because I think the Hoshido designs look cooler than the Nohr.
Hinoka is a strong waifu.

So Birthright.

Then Conquest, because I expect third route to be hard, so I want to come off a more challenging campaign.

Can't wait for third route.

Just opens up as soon as a break my heart twice. The salt is going to be real when people are playing Revelations and other people are waiting on the Eshop download.
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Dlc crap is something I can ignore. Probably won't buy anything that's not a legit challenge or a genuine expansion (see: Future of Despair).

I'll do all 3 for sure. But order will probably be Conquest > Birthright > Neutral.

Wanting to play all 3 in a way kind of bugs me. You don't know if you're going to get your favorite story first and your least favorite last, or vice versa. Also kind of devalues the whole "choice" thing, when you'll be making every choice anyway*. But I'm definitely not complaining. 3 Fire Emblem games at once? Fuck yes.

That's some Owlman shit right there.

Hinoka is a strong waifu.
Off topic but I recommend Trails In The Sky. Has probably the best written and most likable female characters (including the heroine) I've seen in an rpg. Also it's the best rpg I've ever played anyway.

Also tfw you find out the game originally came out on jp windows in 2004 and realize all the shit following jrpg's ripped off from it (and didn't do it as well).

So yeah, go play Trails in The Sky! Everyone.
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Here we go, here's what the localized petting looks like.
It's the same, they just removed the interactivity. This is the perfect scenario for me. I really wasn't a fan of the petting, and a lot of people who played the Japanese version told me it is very tedious and boring to actually do if you're just doing it for supports.

Edit: I wanted to mention; dual audio (having the option for both English or Japanese voices) is apparently out, as well.
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Apparently, Elise's age has been increased for the NA version. In one of her conversations with Leo, he says she needs to start acting like the adult she is. Take that for what you will.
Oh, and the Hubba tester is still here, which is what I really was concerned about
Y'know, all this reminds me that i lost my save of Fire emblem 2 remake (the ds one) ages ago.

I don't know if i have the drive to start over and i don't want to jump to awakening so soon.
I'm still gonna pet Rinka and nobody can stop me.

that said I still wish NOTHING was removed in the first place.
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Here's the Polygon gameplay stream
The man who was playing it wasn't the best at it, but he listened very well to the stream chat and showed everyone what they wanted to see, basically.
Hearing the rest of the English VAs, I really like a lot of them and dislike others. Leo sounds great, easily one of my favorite voices in the game. Plus, you've got the Yuri Lowenthal Corrin voice option.
The more I hear his voice, Xander sounds kind of off. Really not a fan of his performance.

Again, dual audio is out if you didn't see my edit on my first post, which is a shame. I wasn't going to use it as I always prefer English voices, but I know a lot of people prefer the Japanese VA. I've heard that the reason they removed it was for licensing reasons. I think this is probably why it isn't in the game, personally. I don't see a reason why they wouldn't include it if they could.

Is it just me, or do the support conversations not have any sound? I either can't hear the little voice clips, or it's completely silent.
oh my god Cam Clarke is the young voice and the old voice
god bless his heart
That "what happened to me" near the end had me laughing uncontrollably.
GameXplain just released a video that shows that some of the petting is still in the game, and that the hyperbolic time chamber still exists.

I guess it's something.
but it would have been even better if they didn't cut anything at all.

actually, that's not even the full feature, that was just to wake her up. it's not the same thing.
You know, I hate to keep this discussion going, but I've been thinking about the petting mechanic again lately, and I think I'm close to reversing my opinion about it being primarily a tonal issue.

I think, it's not the idea of waifus being pet in this kind of setting that hurts the experience for me. That's not much worse than the pseudo-dating sim escapism we already have. It's using the touch pad to do it that's the problem IMO.

I'm totally fine with fanservice, but it's the "feel up your nintendo machine" interaction that's just horrifically unsexy to me. Like, if a text box just came up during the scenes saying:



And then pressing Pet caused the same thing to happen, that would be fine. A little dorky, but it wouldn't be as sheerly cringe worthy to me as the touch pad petting is.

I think I hate the touch pad thing because it's getting into that creepy "virtual girl" type thing where we're slowly stepping into a dark cyberpunk dystopia in which people don't talk or romance eachother because they use machines to do it for them.

A few more centuries from THAT, and humankind will have stepped into full-on H.R Giger Hell, where people are amorphous blobs of flesh grotesquely fused to inhuman machinery.

Makes me wanna go outside a little more.
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The only thing they cut when it comes to the petting is the rubbing itself. I haven't see anyone mention this here yet and I don't remember it being at the end of that video, but the blowing mini-game is still in. It's one of the two events you get when you're married with the person you're doing it with, the other being the waking.

Basically, it's when your spouse comes out of the hot spring, and you blow steam off them.