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Fire Emblem

That's Nyx
she''s apparently super chill and just wants to live a quiet fortuneteller life
she's also a small girl (or very petite woman)
I think you guys are forgetting that Nohr isn't going to have an overworld and will just be hardcore FE.

TBH I really don't care about little add ons like this so long as the gameplay is good. If the story and characters are somewhat amusing, that's more icing on the cake.

I mean, the barracks were fucking stupid in Awakening, but you could just ignore them or button mash through 'em.

I just need to hope and pray that the actual combat is more refined than Awakening and offers more choice, strategy, and general variety than Awakening and I'll be good. Here's hoping, yeah?

Refined is the only issue. Awakening had tons of choice, strategy, and variety. About as much as previous games, and arguably more in some places...until the late game when pairing really became over the top. Then again, late game stupidity is a complaint that could be made about many FE's.

TBH, I feel a lot of complaints about Awakening are more due to "Ikaruga Syndrome" then anything else. IE hardcore fans take out rage on game because casuals over-rated it a bit. As with Ikaruga, it's a damn shame, because it's really good game. Most of the complaints I was told by "hardcore" fans about Ikaruga proved to be complete nonsense (or utterly hypocritical, "there's too much memorization" says the Dodonpachi fna). Same with Awakening. Gameplay, story, art...all about the same level of quality as past games. Some marginal steps forward and backward here and there. But overall still excellent.
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plus when you go Nohr you get

this guy
and you can rub his chin all the times
The art style makes a lot of characters look similar to me :/

I'm really hoping we get cool-looking units this time. Awakening has my least favorite unit-designs in the series D: Radiant Dawn's units honeslty looked the coolest to me (could be because its on the Wii and no other FE has been on such a powerful console...)

I don't consider myself a hardcore fan of Fire Emblem. I consider myself a serious fan, but not hardcore. I dislike Awakening because I think some of choices and the slimmed down gameplay are not the best the series can do or has done and feel it doesn't stand up well in terms of overal design. I've already stated my entire thoughts numerous times, so I'll save that whole debate once again with just this short statement.
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yo, why the fuck is path of radiance so fucking expensive to buy used?!
like, jesus christ, I see people selling just the disc for 98 bucks.
what the fucking tits?!
The art style makes a lot of characters look similar to me :/

TBH Fe's artwork always looked pretty generic to me, with a few exceptions.

I'm glad at least that the No More Heroes guy generally gave the characters in Awakening smaller eyes.

I don't consider myself a hardcore fan of Fire Emblem. I consider myself a serious fan, but not hardcore. I dislike Awakening because I think some of choices and the slimmed down gameplay are not the best the series can do or has done and feel it doesn't stand up well in terms of overal design. I've already stated my entire thoughts numerous times, so I'll save that whole debate once again with just this short statement.

The gameplay wasn't slimmed down though. To be honest, anybody who thinks the gameplay was even a marginal downgrade is looking through Nostalgia Goggles, in my opinion. There are a few steps forward, a few step backs, and a few steps to the side, but overall it plays to the franchises strengths IMO.

Best in the series? Hell no. Just like Ikaruga is far from my favorite shmup. But it's easily one of the better ones (again, like Ikaruga). There is some truth to some of the complaints, but most of the arguments against it over-exaggerate minor shortcomings to an absurd degrees...again, like Ikaruga.
TBH Fe's artwork always looked pretty generic to me, with a few exceptions.
most of the arguments against it over-exaggerate minor shortcomings to an absurd degrees...again, like Ikaruga.
After some thought, I full agree to this line. Maybe I am just nostalgia blind, but its hard for me to like this game either way. I just see that it lacks variety compared to other titles due to lacking some extra weapon types, element circles, and removing some core abilites from some units. It's still the biggest problem I have with it, since I like a change of pace and changing victory conditions compared to just kill everything every time. :/
After some thought, I full agree to this line. Maybe I am just nostalgia blind, but its hard for me to like this game either way. I just see that it lacks variety compared to other titles due to lacking some extra weapon types, element circles, and removing some core abilites from some units. It's still the biggest problem I have with it, since I like a change of pace and changing victory conditions compared to just kill everything every time. :/

I said this before, but I have only two issues with removal:

-removing the magic triangle
-removing defend/escape

The former is more an issue with game balance than variety.

Everything else is pretty much a non-issue. I don't remember any seriously important extra weapon types or core unit abilities that were removed (all the essentials like killing edges, Anti X weapons, magic swords, brave weapons, extra range weapons, etc. are there. Only thing missing that comes to mind are reavers?). I wouldn't call it "slimmed down" at all.

IIRC Rout vs Capture always accounted for 99% of the mission types in almost every FE, and they were basically the same thing (kill everything, vs kill everything...then grab the gate/throne). So removing Capture is really irrelevant.

Escape and defend are the only true losses, and there are missions that emulate the latter in Awakening (defend emmeryon and tiki, and there are a few where you may have to rush to one side of the map). There's no true "hold out against infinite waves" type missions in Awakening, but then those were sadly underused in many of the games (I usually can't remember more than 3 or 4 at most per game).

Otherwise, I found the map variety extremely strong. I had to use a radically different strategy for each and every map, and even beyond that many of them had a ton of gimmicks that set them apart even on a superficial level (go from boats, to rescue, to castle, to volcano with lava floor, during the wallhart arc).

Like I said, "no variety" or less variety is a massive, massive exaggeration. It's about as strong as the past games in that department. A few steps forward, a few steps back.

I was kind of "late to the party" with Awakening. Picking it up after the initial release hype had died down. I wasn't sure what to expect, and quite frankly it blew me away with how excellent it was...especially after many other franchises I enjoy had been disappointing lately. I find it sad to see a good game get lumped in with "waifu/anime games" and trash like that.
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honestly I just don't know why they dropped Senri Kita
I don't find Kozaki terrible per se, but the designs he's put out for the series just aren't as... aesthetically pleasing?
They really doesn't give a good amount of cohesion as opposed to making the designs weird and super anime or fanservicey
Kita could make designs that were still aesthetically pleasing and even sexy without feeling like the design is pandering.

yeah something something gameplay mechanics is all fine and dandy but I do put a good deal of stock into artistic direction and aesthetic. I don't hate Kozaki's completely, there's stuff I don't mind at all like the smaller eyes (though his faces are a little too samey for my tastes), I just really dislike the designs. Kozaki apparently wasn't shown or looked into older designs when he was brought on? It's weird and we would up with toilet knights and clamshells (which IF is remedying, apparently yay) but I still find his overall work to be... lacking (his work on No More Heroes is pretty stellar though, and I'd like to see him more on games like that more so than straight fantasy games)
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This chick looks cool though amirite

Yeah, the art is definately important as well. I honestly liked the old artistic renderings that looked more like they were done on old parchment...or whatever. The GBA and GC/Wii game's character designs were all great I feel. Even when allies were of the same unit type they stood out from each other. The knights in Radiant Dawn didn't really look the same, Edward and Mia look vastly different. Sothe and Heather, Aran and Heather. The dragons. Basically, the character's colors and slight tweaks to core unit design made them stand out. This is also true of the GBA game's character stills. I look at this and see a lot of familiarity. I know I'll be able to recognize them eventually, but I feel a sense of deja vu seeing these characters and it might have to do with all of them looking kinda similar to each other to some extent.
nah she can't be one of those
she's not even an I-cup
So I can feed my waifu cake puffs Reggie???
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Already, IF seems to be fixing quite a few problems people had with Awakening.
They've added six new weapon types, and Nohr is going to have tons of battle win conditions (breaking through enemy lines, defending a base, or just turn caps).
Still no magic triangle, although the weapon triangle has been changed a bit to include magic (magic is now strong against bows and axes, weak against hidden weapons, or daggers, and lances).
They've also added new classes and removed the gender exclusivity, so you can be a male Pegasus Knight if you want to, for example. That I'm a big fan of.
I love the new weapon triangle, although I'd still have preferred a magic one.
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Coming back just to say that Sword of Seals was a huge mistake.

Hector dying so easily without a fight? Bullshit.

Age is no excuse, neither is that Hector's true character was developed in the next game.
Oh, wow... It looks so nice. I love the battle animations and the character designs. I can feel my wallet tugging out of my hand.
Here's hoping for a special edition New 3ds bundle, much like with Awakening? I'd eat that up.
...What is that girl at 5:09 riding, by the way?
It looks like some kind of youkai, but I couldn't tell you the actual name
it's a japanese boogity-boo, that all I could tell you
I might as well post this here, if any of you haven't seen it.
E3 had the first officially English (I think? Correct me if there has been another) trailer for If.
The English title is Fire Emblem Fates.
I prefer the title of If much better, but oh well.
It seems we're going to have the "you're turning into a monster you can't control/you're being possesed" plotline, almost like Awakening. I don't like the design of the deer-thing too much, or the fact this is probably where the storyline is going to be going, but oh well.
The English voices seems out of place to me. Kamui, especially, if that person talking while he attacks is him. I always though Kamui looked a little younger than Robin, so I was confused with his voice.
It seems we're going to have the "you're turning into a monster you can't control/you're being possesed" plotline, almost like Awakening. I don't like the design of the deer-thing too much, or the fact this is probably where the storyline is going to be going, but oh well.

Well, the hero/heroine is a full-on Manakete this time. That scene in the trailer could just be a Wolverine "Berserker Rage" type moment. Either that or they plan on doing an edgy version of Awakening's story.

Kind of like the deer design though. Reminds me a bit of the Chrome/Skeleton Dragon in Pso2. Actually, kind of a funny coincidence that the two dark dragons share similar designs like that, heh.
Well, the hero/heroine is a full-on Manakete this time. That scene in the trailer could just be a Wolverine "Berserker Rage" type moment. Either that or they plan on doing an edgy version of Awakening's story.
>Implying awakening's story wasn't edgy enough
>Implying awakening's story wasn't edgy enough
I liked Awakening's story.. Sure, it was stupid at times
(Oh, I stabbed him, but I held back a little, he'll be fine!)
but I thought it was an okay way to handle the I'm-being-possesed storyline. I never found it too edgy.
(Oh, I stabbed him, but I held back a little, he'll be fine!)

To be fair, that's one of the only times any story like this seems to acknowledge how much of a tank these characters are in gameplay.
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To me, Awakening was deliberately light hearted ,cheesy, and humorous, and that's why it was great fun.

To be fair, that's one of the only times any story like this seems to acknowledge how much of a tank these characters are in gameplay.
that's not fair SGT.
Hector is too cool to just wince in pain.
he takes it because he's a god damn man.
so since Marriage and Children are confirmed
who y'all gonna play matchmaker/eugenics with
I'm thinking of pairing my Avatar with Benoit, since he's right up my alley
I also wanna pair Charlotte with Xander or Leon so she can fulfill the gold digger's noble quest of gettin' dick and gettin' rich
the only thing that got an extreme reaction out of him was the idea of Eliwood marrying his daughter.
and he got mad pissed about it!
wait, Children and marriage are returning? :/

I'm kinda....well only sorta kinda fine with marriage returning, but CHILDREN? What godammed time plot device are we gonna force in this time? D:
well see the twist here
is that the future
is in the past
will they have to censor the sweet booty again so that way our pure American eyes won't be tarnished by the bit that just don't quit.
They might go for the genealogical route like Holy War. Would be cool if your character is actually reincarnated/reborn in a different age over the course of the game. Now that would be hella cool.
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They might go for the genealogical route like Holy War. Would be cool if your character is actually reincarnated/reborn in a different age over the course of the game. Now that would be hella cool.
It'd be hella cool, but honestly feels like that route would mess with the message they got going, of having to fight loved ones and adapting to new powers/family. Having multiple generations would get you more rooted in the chosen side. While it would develop said side and work in that favor, it would also possibly take away reasons for the reborn lead to have differing and contradicting opinions and feelings towards the opposing side.
It'd be hella cool, but honestly feels like that route would mess with the message they got going, of having to fight loved ones and adapting to new powers/family...it would also possibly take away reasons for the reborn lead to have differing and contradicting opinions and feelings towards the opposing side.

I don't think that necessarily follows. It more depends on what happens while you're gone (ie Hoshido could be in the right at first, but maybe a new leader takes over that makes them the bad ones), what kind of revelations come to the front, whether your new family sides with you, or even if you're reborn on the same side as last time.

Also not entirely sure that does contradict the message at all. Adapting to new family could be a generational process as well. Or it could be used to show the ramifications of your previous actions over a long time period.

There's obviously something going on with the whole "Dark Prince/Princess who was switched at birth and can turn into a manakete". We'll have to see what the twist is.