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Fire Emblem

I mean, it's not complete proof, but Camilla's breathy orgasms sell the sexual undertone pretty well.
And are also filled to the brim with "onii-chan"s like nobody's business.
Hoping that's just your average orgasmic combat lol

Let's just hope that the actual dialogue and petting thing is a little railed in. A little indulgence and cheese here and there can add jua de vie, too much can kill it.

Also there's an interview with the series development team and the new writer here


I'm still cautiously optimistic. I don't think they'll screw up the gameplay, so it'll doubtless be worth playing. Story could either be really good or really bad from the way things have been going though.

It's kinda funny how much of a roller coaster this games announcements have been.

-Initial trailer with music and art




-But the choosing is Pokemon style!


-One side has overworld, other has linear gameplay


-no more breakable weapons!


-My Castle




-S Rank Petting


A lot of stuff they've announced made me feel like "aw yeah, they know what they're doing" but then there's other stuff that's a bit cringe worthy. Then again, My Castle, Petting, etc. are pretty minor elements of the game when you come down to it. I wouldn't abandon ship over something like this.

If they add mid mission saving to classic mode though...
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Not like he game hasn't been filled with sexual undertones before.

Aversa comes to mind, the beach DLC, etc. etc.

Also train #dontpulloutoniichan is scheduled to arrive on time.

Good. Good.
Not like he game hasn't been filled with sexual undertones before.

Aversa comes to mind, the beach DLC, etc. etc.

Also train #dontpulloutoniichan is scheduled to arrive on time.

Good. Good.

You didn't get to feel up your waifu in Awakening though.

Awakening was pushing the envelope at times more then any past game (as far as my memory stretches), but it never really went this far with it, and the goofier overall tone and emphasis on humor made stuff like that feel a bit more natural and amusing.

Here, not only are they shooting for a more serious story, but at the same time they're going full on anime-bodypillow-mode, using a friggin touch screen to feel up characters while they talk dirty to you.

I will admit though, some of the lines I've read (if they're real) are pretty funny. This might not even be a problem if the game plays it into a humorous and self aware kind of thing. Touch screen feelies is still really pushing it though, and at this point the series feels like its a step away from an M rating. I don't mind M rated games, but that's a road I'm not sure the series should be going down or can handle.

If they want a change of pace, I'd rather they stick with the silly and lighthearted style of Awakening, rather than trying to be mature and being immature in the process.
Well. I'm not even disappointed. I knew this was coming.
I might skip this, actually. The way they handled everything is absolutely disgusting.

I knew they were going to add this. I knew all of this was going to be in the game.
The incest was unavoidable. With that many siblings, of course people need them as options for marriage.

But this? This is seriously disgusting. I started reading this by laughing, but now I'm just numb.
This is just too far for me, and it's kind of uncomfortable.

I won't even be mad if, for the American release, they cut all of this out. I feel so bad for the voice actors who need to perform this stuff.
This game is going exactly where I was worrying it would go, and I don't think there is much respect in the series left for me.
I'm not even excited for the game now. It reads like a fanfic some 12 year old made.

I'm glad they have same-sex marriage, now. It's disappointing they limit it to one character to choose from, but it's a step forward.
You could always just button mash through text/skip the cutscenes.

Would be sad if the series joined the list of "games I only play for the gameplay", as it was always fun on both counts before, but hey, if it happens it happens.

Music sounds pretty good from the brief bits uploaded too.

Still gonna pray that this is an elaborate 4chan prank though.
Friendly reminder that incest has been a thing in the Fire Emblem series since the fourth game.

granted said incest was between half siblings and it kinda took the route of "don't do incest unless you want your children to become the devil" but yeah
You could always just button mash through text/skip the cutscenes.

Would be sad if the series joined the list of "games I only play for the gameplay", as it was always fun on both counts before, but hey, if it happens it happens.

Music sounds pretty good from the brief bits uploaded too.

Still gonna pray that this is an elaborate 4chan prank though.
Oh wow, that music is really fantastic.

Anyways, most likely, it's not a big troll from 4chan. On the reddit page, they posted the Japanese voice rips, if I'm correct.

Someone else on that subreddit posted a imgur image of all the current character portaits, if any of you want to take a look.
Some of the children are thrown in there as well.

As long as I can recruit Anna.

She must be my bride.
Anyways, most likely, it's not a big troll from 4chan. On the reddit page, they posted the Japanese voice rips, if I'm correct.

Still needs an accurate translation from a reliable source though, if that's true.

I've really never felt this conflicted about a game before. Some of the announcements have made me incredibly enthusiastic (multiple story paths, no breakable weapons, enemies can now pair as well, new weapon types, two campaigns featuring an overworld and a linear campaign respectively, etc.), and then there are others that are just insane. I really like where the gameplay is going, and some of the initial story related info has sounded promising, but it's hard to believe it's coming from the same people who thought petting was a good idea.

I mean I agree, even discounting the recent s-rank petting fiasco, the concept itself is just embarrassing. I'd expect this sort of thing from Senran Kagura or some niche jp series like that, but a mainline Nintendo franchise? Never would have imagined this.

I don't mind playing a game for the gameplay alone, I do it all the time, but it'll be sad if Awakening ends up being the last game of the series that I enjoy on both fronts.
Still needs an accurate translation from a reliable source though, if that's true.

I've really never felt this conflicted about a game before. Some of the announcements have made me incredibly enthusiastic, and then there are others that are just insane. I really like where the gameplay is going, and some of the initial story related info has sounded promising, but it's hard to believe it's coming from the same people who thought petting was a good idea.

I mean I agree, even discounting the recent s-rank petting fiasco, the concept itself is just embarrassing. I'd expect this sort of thing from Senran Kagura or some niche jp series like that, but a mainline Nintendo franchise? Never would have imagined this.

I don't mind playing a game for the gameplay alone, I do it all the time, but it'll be sad if Awakening ends up being the last game of the series that I enjoy on both fronts.
I'm not sure, quite a few people seem to be lending a hand to translate things OP has a problem with. Either everyone is in on the joke, which I wouldn't be surprised by, knowing reddit, but it seems like this is just going to be the case.

To me, while I'm going to buy the game, I recognize that the series is probably just going to go downhill from here.
The story and gameplay do look promising, but the problem to me is that they're making this game read like some kind of hentai.
They took what people liked, which is marriage and supports, and bloated it to an insane proportion. Awakening did it well, with the perfect amount of fanservice and cheesy-ness, with the light-hearted tone of the game supporting that.
This is just overboard.

The game built up so much excitement and hope, and then demolished it right at the peak of it.
I've never been this disappointed in where a game was going before.
This is just overboard.

The game built up so much excitement and hope, and then demolished it right at the peak of it.
I've never been this disappointed in where a game was going before.

Totally agreed, but...
To me, while I'm going to buy the game, I recognize that the series is probably just going to go downhill from here.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. I've seen franchises like this change hands between writers/artists/musicians/designers/developers to know that things rarely go "down hill" permanently when a franchise lives long enough.

A recognizable example would be Mega Man. It went "downhill" after X5, but then Inti Creates took over with the Zero series and created what is arguably the absolute pinnacle of the franchise.

Even if the story turns into a bad visual novel, FE is still a series that I think has a unique gameplay edge you can't find anywhere else. If they keep improving the gameplay and adding new mechanics while the story goes downhill...well that'll still be a loss, but only in one area, so I don't think that's actually downhill. And you never know when some new writer is going to take charge and turn things around.
Oh wow, that music is really fantastic.

Anyways, most likely, it's not a big troll from 4chan. On the reddit page, they posted the Japanese voice rips, if I'm correct.

Someone else on that subreddit posted a imgur image of all the current character portaits, if any of you want to take a look.
Some of the children are thrown in there as well.

wait wait wait, what's Male Robin, Lucina and Severa doing here? And is that Marth and Ike in there as well? I don't see any other Awakening chars, unless that's Inigo right there I see. Oh, Anna's back? Or is hat Awakening Anna?
wait wait wait, what's Male Robin, Lucina and Severa doing here? And is that Marth and Ike in there as well? I don't see any other Awakening chars, unless that's Inigo right there I see. Oh, Anna's back? Or is hat Awakening Anna?
Male Robin, Lucina, Ike, and Marth are there because you can unlock them via amiibos
wait wait wait, what's Male Robin, Lucina and Severa doing here? And is that Marth and Ike in there as well? I don't see any other Awakening chars, unless that's Inigo right there I see. Oh, Anna's back? Or is hat Awakening Anna?
why did Tharja dye her hair white? why is Gaius' hair black?
That's a different Anna, I believe. He name is Anna, though.
I'm not sure if this means this is in the same universe as Awakening, but it's at least a little nod to it.

Marth's portrait looks amazing, though. Easily the one I think looks best. Ike's is a bit wierd.
Here's hoping the Roy amiibo they're making is going to work with the game as well.
Oh, you can get them via Amibos? Got it. I wonder if you'll be able to get support conversations with them? I also wonder if they'll give them unique character models for Marth and Ike instead of making them using an alt of Lucina and Ike's descendant from Awakening. I'd like to see them with unique mdoels this time around...

Do we know whether class ups are gonna be via Master Seals and if they're keeping the whole Sub Seal reclassing mechanic? I'd personally prefer a more linear class progress, myself, but I wonder what they're gonna do it like?
Also about the girl who looks like Severa (major spoiler alert)
It is actually Severa. She goes by another name in the game and when you get an S rank support conversation with her, she admits her real name is Serena (JP name for Severa). The character she works for doesn't know of this either. There is an leaked audio file which translates to this as well.
if we get a Tharja amiibo, will they have to block off her butt on that one too? ono
These games feel like lazy cash grabs lol.

Inherently private and immature mechanics? Check. Creepily sexier women? Check. Copy/pasted "original character do not steal" characters from the last game? Check. Restricting sexualities to different versions? Check. Easy incest? Check checkity checkcheckcheck.
Also about the girl who looks like Severa (major spoiler alert)
It is actually Severa. She goes by another name in the game and when you get an S rank support conversation with her, she admits her real name is Serena (JP name for Severa). The character she works for doesn't know of this either. There is an leaked audio file which translates to this as well.
I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.
Please tell me you are.
Even if that is Severa, it doesn't really explain not-Inigo, not-Gaius, or not-Tharja.

Also, I'm pretty sure Anna is just a running thing at this point, she's just in all the games, seeing her here isn't really that much of a surprise.
Anna's kinda in almost every game
it's sorta her thing
I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.
Please tell me you are.
It's trueeeeeeee.
Inigo and Owain are also back.
in all honesty, I think the fact that everyone is losing their minds over these things is a bit asinine.
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...Wait, so it is her?
Are you kidding?
I love how it's implied that I'm defending the incest parts like it's the only thing people are losing their minds over. not the same sex stuff, not the petting, no.... it's gotta be the incest that I'm talking about.
if any of ya'll actually paid attention in my posts you'd know I'm against that too.

incest is bad
I agree.
man I don't even care about the petting stuff
I care about the actual dick-in-your-sister, brother's-dick-in-your-vag incest
So one part in one game that is amazing makes the series go downhill for you?

Man, I didn't know people were so easily.....Wait, yes I did.
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like, I'm gonna give this game a chance.
but I still won't go the Oreimo route.
if the gameplay is as good as Fire Emblem Awakening, I'm probably gonna like it regardless.
Man, it's like this country that has a different set of values than ours is making this game or something?

Granted brother sister stuff is pretty much banned everywhere, second cousins are a-ok.
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So one part in one game that is amazing makes the series go downhill for you?

Man, I didn't know people were so easily.....Wait, yes I did.
"Man, I didn't know slapping my sister's tits would get people all hot and bothered."
Is the incest Nohr only? Or can you marry your siblings by birth too?
you sure can
more reason to avoid Hoshido that's for sure
you sure can
..That's even more disturbing
yeah but it's almost like the incest in this game is literally all brother-sister incest or something
Is it? Or is Bro-Sis just what is confirmed?

If it is then one scenario they're not blood related, and in the other the boy and girl have been away from each other their entire lives, so whatever.

Not that I'm advocating incest, I just feel that unless it hurts someone, you should be allowed to do whatever you want, especially in a video game.
you have can have kids with your blood siblings
unfortunately they don't turn out to be terrible lobster babies with pathetic existences
but I feel it needs repeating
you can have children with your blood siblings,