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Fire Emblem

you have can have kids with your blood siblings
unfortunately they don't turn out to be terrible lobster babies with pathetic existences
but I feel it needs repeating
you can have children with your blood siblings,
So? If your argument is that incestuous relationships have a higher chance of birthing children with defects, you're right.

But here's some math.

Gen P: Parent 1 is carrier of 1 major recessive disorder and the other doesn't have any major recessive disorders

Gen F1: Parent 1 has 1/2 chance of passing recessive gene in a single birth. 2 siblings have 1/2 chance of carrying recessive gene. that's 1/4 chance for both to carry it.

Gen F2: each sibling has 1/2 chance of passing recessive gene. that's 1/4 chance of both passing the recessive gene. But they must both have it first so 1/4*1/4=1/16. 1/16 chance of F2 expressing a single recessive disorder. Every recessive gene present in P only once has 1/16 chance.

Honestly not that much higher than if that person wasn't your sibling.

Like I said before, I'm not advocating incest, just trying to dispel myths and all that shit.

If you don't like it because it's "bad", okay, I don't like it either, but I'm not going to stop two adults from doing what they want to do.

Also, this is a world full of magic bullshit, if they're reasoning for having a healthy kid is "in the magic world full of magic bullshit incest doesn't do that" my suspension of disbelief hangs high enough to let that fly under, especially since in Awakening, EVERYONE LIVES, even if the fell of a tall mountain headfirst, if they were stabbed, etc. etc.
Is it? Or is Bro-Sis just what is confirmed?

If it is then one scenario they're not blood related, and in the other the boy and girl have been away from each other their entire lives, so whatever.

Not that I'm advocating incest, I just feel that unless it hurts someone, you should be allowed to do whatever you want, especially in a video game.

It's also confirmed you can marry your mother and father, too, apparently.

Aside from the moral issues people are having with incest being in the game, it's going to be annoying from a gameplay standpoint.
I don't want to have to worry about accidentally getting an S rank just because I want to have a high support level with my character's siblings. That's annoying.

What bothers me is that Nintendo is such a traditional company when it comes to the content of their games, yet they're fine with adding incest. Yet when they add same-sex marriage, they put it in in such a closed-off way.

Not to mention how erotic they make it.
You guys want to feel uncomfortable? Here's a quote from Elise's (your youngest sister from Nohr) S rank petting.
"What are you doing...? Uuh... It's getting hot Hya! That p-place is O-onii chan, stop This is a strange feeling. The place you're touching feels nice"
Nobody wanted it in the game, and all it is doing is making people uncomfortable.
Your younger siblings are all implied to be underage too
as in not adults
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You know I always thought about how I felt about characters being able to marry anyone at anytime and blah blah.

And I don't like it, if Nintendo made everyone gay and everyone marriable sure, but to make only some of the cast gay yet you can woo the entire cast, I find that odd.

Either have exceptions or don't.
Your younger siblings are all implied to be underage too
as in not adults
I don't know the age of the characters, but to most of the world 16 is the age of consent.

The sisters look young, but they're not Nah nor Nowi looking.
Reading a bit deeper into that reddit thread.
Apparently if you choose to have a same-sex marriage, someone found dialogue for adopting children. That's good, at least, although I don't know how true that is.
Oh, you can also make your child, Corrin, have a same-sex marriage with the one of the two characters, too.
Edit: Apparently, Corrin is the English name for Kamui, which is stupid.
Although you can still make your child homosexual.
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I'm torn on making parts of games skippable, but maybe for all the people who feel uncomfortable with the foreplay mini-game thing they'll make an option to gloss over it?
Look, I'm just going to go by the "snuff it out" argument and leave it at that.

Just as long as it's admitted as wrong, we recognize it as wrong, and it's removed in the series in the next installment. Not addressing it, or excusing it, will tend to be a sign to creators that it's a-okay to continue with it. So, the best way is to just be a bit vocal about its negativity so it's taken as a liability on the game.
I am hype to pet onee-chan Camillia.
Okay, the incest is slightly less weird, but this is a really big spoiler.
Apparently, you're not related to either of these families. You're some kind of manakete?
You're the only lord with the ability to use dragonstones.
This is becoming some kind of soap opera.
Is that a spoiler, didn't we already know that?

I remember hearing that from somewhere else, but I don't really go anywhere else but here for news on this game.

Anytime you have a create a character in the center of your story it's going to get fan-ficy.

There are good fan fics out there.

Also with that tidbit the Hosido path makes no sense.
Is that a spoiler, didn't we already know that?

I remember hearing that from somewhere else, but I don't really go anywhere else but here for news on this game.

Anytime you have a create a character in the center of your story it's going to get fan-ficy.

There are good fan fics out there.
No, not revealed in any official content yet, if I'm correct. it was found by messing in the game's files. It's supposed to be some major twist near the end.
The dragon thing was confirmed, though, although not that you used dragonstones.
So it's incest up until the turning plot-reveal that it becomes not-incest?

That still makes it incest up until the major twist.

Should've expected something like that from Nintendo though to validate all of the petting.
I don't know how I feel about this game, and this is coming from someone that has only played Awakening and Sacred stones (next goal, shadow dragon).

All these fanservices I feel are taking the serie a very wrong way, but I don't want it to be consored/gone. And I don't like that some of the characters almost look identical to some awakening characters.
Also I don't really care for the whole incest thingy, you have the power to not make them marry right?

However, I like that enemies can pair up and that isn't OP anymore. Weapon change I can take for now, need to use it for myself to have a proper opinion on it.

I dunno, I will probably buy nohr version. If I will buy the other version (with reduced pay) we will see later.

But I must ask, what age rating will it have in west? I havn't seen much, only read. And I think it needs to be 18+ if most of the features will be in the game.
It'll probably be rated T because it only has children and sexual undertones. No actually explicit content besides racy costumes and implied sex due to children popping up out of nowhere/plot devices.
I don't know how I feel about this game, and this is coming from someone that has only played Awakening and Sacred stones (next goal, shadow dragon).

All these fanservices I feel are taking the serie a very wrong way, but I don't want it to be consored/gone. And I don't like that some of the characters almost look identical to some awakening characters.
Also I don't really care for the whole incest thingy, you have the power to not make them marry right?

However, I like that enemies can pair up and that isn't OP anymore. Weapon change I can take for now, need to use it for myself to have a proper opinion on it.

I dunno, I will probably buy nohr version. If I will buy the other version (with reduced pay) we will see later.

But I must ask, what age rating will it have in west? I havn't seen much, only read. And I think it needs to be 18+ if most of the features will be in the game.
As mentioned before, there's a plot-related reason for some characters sharing Awakening designs, apparently.

I think I'd be fine with it being censored. A lot of this stuff isn't needed, and I'd rather have some of this not being in the game.
What I mean by this is that while I don't think the petting should be removed, I want some of the more erotic lines toned down. Having read almost all of the petting lines, a scarily large amount of it reads like a hentai.

Regarding the rating, I think chances are, even without anything being censored, it's going to be rated Teen.
They're not going all-out with this. While a lot is implied, at the end, you're just touching someone's face.
Some lines have been removed, though, yet still appear in the games files.
One of the character's lines (Zero, I believe? Don't quite remember who) is them basically asking if you want to have sex, which was deemed too mature to feature in the game.

At the end, it's just a lot of uncomfortable innuendo. There's no sex actually being shown, and, to my knowledge, no game having kind-of-incest ever effected the rating.

The most suggestive thing you see so far is that inside of the petting thing, you can lower the camera down to their breasts and rub that. There's some kissing and a bathouse, though, but that isn't major.

Actually, scratch a lot of that, Japan gave it the equivalent to an M rating, so there's probably something in the game people don't know about
Look, the thing is, you can't solve the incest problem by shrugging and going "Well, I'm not going to do it, so eh."

The problem is that it was a conscious decision made to let you do it. It was specifically designed in game to be allowed, whether or not you actually do it. The fact that they're catering to people who are into that kind of thing is the source.
I'm just going to say that I really hope that they censor nothing. I hate censorship. The game should be brought over fully intact.
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In that case don't think of it as censorship, think of it as a purge of all the evil that's manifested itself in this game.
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Such crimes can only be punished in the most intense of 4Kids dubbing hellfire
Might as well post this here, if anyone was wondering.
All of the options for the Fates character creation. A lot more options, especially with voices and hair, but I'm disappointed that there is no third body type.
How the fuck am I supposed to play as Samus when there's no ponytail hairstyle?
That's easily the worst thing about this game.
Superseded by nothing.
The most offensive thing they could possibly do with this series.
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Just use that spiky Shinobu afro
it's pretty rad looking
What's the thing with the bandages? Why do we need bandages on our faces, though?
I see those everywhere and they always confuse me. Is there something behind them that I don't know about? Or are they just considered cool?

I like the standard female unit a lot, though, so I doubt I'll have much use for the creator. I do think I'll use the face markings and voices, at least.
These games feel like lazy cash grabs lol.

This game. None of that shit was in any of the previous games. Don't talk shit about my games. It's why everyone is so upset about this. It's like if Mario or Kirby suddenly started shooting hookers or if Samus acted submissive and incompetent.

So one part in one game that is amazing makes the series go downhill for you?

Man, I didn't know people were so easily.....Wait, yes I did.

in all honesty, I think the fact that everyone is losing their minds over these things is a bit asinine.

I think the complaints about Fates/If's story, tone, etc. are legitimate. The gameplay may very well be fantastic and no-less worth playing though.

I will be playing it regardless of whether this incest/petting garbage gets sorted out or not, I just hope that this whole petting fiasco isn't an example of what the writing in general will be like.

That's a different Anna, I believe. He name is Anna, though.
I'm not sure if this means this is in the same universe as Awakening, but it's at least a little nod to it.

As previously stated, Anna is the Cid of FE. She's been in countless games ever since the pre-localization/famicom days iirc.

I'm torn on making parts of games skippable, but maybe for all the people who feel uncomfortable with the foreplay mini-game thing they'll make an option to gloss over it?

Incest or not, what kind asshole doesn't make cutscenes skippable?

Skippable cutscenes = always, regardless of game.
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iirc bandaged girls are considered a subset of moe
Well I mean you are playing as some kind of soldier or warrior so I imagine when you deal with angry people trying to attack you with sharp things you could get cuts on your face, that certainly is a possibility.
This game. None of that shit was in any of the previous games. Don't talk shit about my games. It's why everyone is so upset about this. It's like if Mario or Kirby suddenly started shooting hookers or if Samus acted submissive and incompetent.
Well, I was hesitant to say this game cause, you know, it's kinda two games? But I guess not? Ugh.

Look, I don't give a shit about this little fuckboy tale or whatever anymore. I saw a cutscene. One cutscene exactly.

Guess what cutscene.
Look, I don't give a shit about this little fuckboy tale or whatever anymore. I saw a cutscene.

If you like srpg's, I don't see why that would stop you from just skipping the cutscenes and playing the game part. But hey, to each his own.
So if the Severa, Inigo and Owain knockoffs aren't knockoffs and are literally the same characters, that means Fates is in the same timeline as Shadow Dragon and Awakening, or at least a modified version?

Are they supposed to be older but don't look it because art, or are they still teens? Are they actually the present-timeline versions of the characters grown up rather than the time trippin' versions? Why bother with the aliases? Aren't they gonna notice certain 2nd-gen characters looking exactly like palette swapped versions of several of their/their parents' Shepherd mates?
nah man the ripoffs are on the other side

apparently you can pair Tsubaki and Luna in spite of this, and Luna will freak out over how identical Matoi is to Cordelia