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Fire Emblem

that's honestly probably more on the dubbing studio than anything else tbh
What if people are just being really elitist about the voices and are salty that they don't get dual audio for the authentic nihon experience?
There are a few lines I'm not too keen on, but I'm plus on the dub as a whole. Translation too, really, not quite seeing where people are losing their shit against either.
Pretty sure NOE did Xenoblade, hence all the Europe-English actors

moot point, I know, but still
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Well, overall, despite all the controversies, I'm pretty excited.

Based on what an acquaintance with very similar tastes, who played the JP versions last year, told me on another forum, this will probably end up being my favorite Fire Emblem (or at least close/tied) in terms of gameplay. So I'm definitely looking forward to some fast paced and exciting tactical gameplay.

As for the story, I'm trying to go in with an open mind, and I'm cautiously optimistic. I've heard both positive and negative things about it, so the best guess I can make is that'll it'll probably end up like Awakening was for me: a flawed but fun story. I thought Awakening was almost fantastic and had some really interesting elements, thematically and conceptually, but fell short due to lots of subpar execution past the midway mark. With a better script and more thoughtful plotting, it could have been the series masterpiece. I'm guessing If/Fates will probably be the same in that regard. But that's okay, it can still be fun.
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Just because a shitty practice is common, that doesn't make it okay.
Aqua's VA confirmed that they were given the proper instructions when it comes to voice acting.

So, that article is false.
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not really false, but a misquote apparently.
she had talked with Nichegamer and said that it was a misquote on the interview.
i can't believe that they added pickleanon into FE
what a world we live in
I took a shot at fighting Marth.

Marth won.
I took a shot at fighting Marth.
Marth won.
I'm sad that this isn't Smash Bros so I can't make any tip jokes here
instead, i'll just tell you grid your teeth and bear it
Oh, that actually reminds me, for everyone who has Fates and is past Chapter 6, if you go to the 'Purchase DLC' option on the Dragon's Gate, you can pick up the Before Awakening DLC for free right now. I'm not sure if it's a timed offer, I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to be a little fast about it. The DLC gives you access to a few promotion items to class ino Lodestar and Great Lord. You can play the map repeatedly, but I believe that you won't get the items a second time, and if you're playing Conquest, you won't get EXP for the map, but you can use it to grind supports if you want the full unit list.

Speaking of full unit list, if you want every child character in the game, and you're using a male MU, it's vitally important that you don't marry Corrin to a Gen 1 unit with other options. It's actually kinda funny, but there literally aren't enough Gen 1 females to get all the child characters, so with a male Corrin, you have to get married to a Gen 2 unit, or someone whose only romantic option is Corrin.
Which side do I have to be on for that?I desperately need to know.
It's 100% Revelation, and I like to think that it's a reference to that one ROM hacked conversation video.

Also, fuck, Conquest is hard. Like, more than I was expecting. I love it.
Also, to put this into perspective, in the original support, Saizo and Belka talked about how many people they've killed, and how they're well-known feared assassins.
Also, to put this into perspective, in the original support, Saizo and Belka talked about how many people they've killed, and how they're well-known feared assassins.

Do they have that (or a similar conversation) later?

In context with the rest of the series, that support is actually kinda funny. I'd be fine if anything decent from the support was moved up to a future support.
I honestly just like to interpret that support as Saizou and Beruka awkwardly crossing each other in the hallway, eyes locked the entire time
Well. I caved in and bought both versions.
I-I just beat Birthright on Classic/Hard.

I'm a teary mess and I feel like shit.
So, safe to say the game was good.

Holy shit the game was good. I take back everything I said. I don't know about Conquest, considering although it's harder, a plus, it looks to me like some features of the game are just unusable in Conquest (Which I'll play for myself), and that's a shame, since I really enjoyed everything. Especially Corrin, who in the japanese version I found a little whiney, and I'd heard a couple people say he's "Just a little" as well, but english Corrin is really, really god damn good.

My only complaint is the sheer difficulty spike from Hoshido's main chapters to it's last, and there's a problem in both routes with the whole "You can't save" during the final boss, which,
is connected to another chapter, meaning if you beat it and go to the final boss you actually cannot save, and losing makes you redo the first part again.
That's pretty stressful.

Also holy shit the supports are amazing.

And because Azama's S rank with Hinoka is the best support in the game.
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Do they have that (or a similar conversation) later?

In context with the rest of the series, that support is actually kinda funny. I'd be fine if anything decent from the support was moved up to a future support.
apparently, their second support acts like the first one happened.
the one with original dialogue.
btw, here's their original converstion.
Pretty weird, that. Have to wonder if maybe there's something we're missing. The guy who uploaded that video says he thinks it's a glitch, and while that sounds a bit far-fetched, that is very strange if it acts like the first one happened.

Interested to hear that Hoshido is somewhat entertaining, even in the dubbed version. I'm hearing a lot of bad things about Nohr, a shame since I'm really hyped for the gameplay over there.

Ah yeah, yesterday was my birthday, and I had ordered the games (along with a ton of other cool stuff) a week or so beforehand. Not arrived yet, but thas cool, I got an exam coming up this week so I don't have time to play it anyway. My greatest hope is it'll arrive when I get home from class on that day, ha ha.
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So question, if you buy the other version for the discounted price, does it download on your 3DS or is it a unlock on the game card

You need to do an additional download, but it's only like 1000 blocks, I think.
Oh, by the way. Does anybody know if the full fan translation is floating around anywhere on the internet in text form?

I'm thinking I might play the localized version side by side with the fan translation for a while, to see which one is better (if the changes even turn out to be that bothersome at all).
I just finished Conquest, and have gotten to chapter 13 in Birthright. Here's my opinion on Conquest:

It's a really good game, it just doesn't have the best story. The writing is good (especially when it comes to the supports ((although some are still pretty bad)), and personally I really like the translations. I think the characters are better than in Birthright, as well. Some are very good, and you care a lot about most of them. I didn't really dislike any of them.
The story is kind of "meh" because a lot of it feels like filler. The ending, especially, is a little lukewarm.
The final boss is a possessed version of Takumi's corpse. He just kind of comes in after you beat Garon and it felt tacked on. You already accomplished your main goal, so the stakes don't come off as extremely high.
There are moments I feel worked well, despite all of this.
A good example of this would be Ryoma's death/suicide. I thought this hit pretty hard, with it even taking a few tears out of me, surprisingly...
It definitely isn't a "bad" story, it's just not fantastic or anything. Some things hit hard, but other times you'll feel a bit uninterested.

To make the necessary comparison with Awakening, I think the story is a lot better. Now, I'm not one for Awakening's story (first arc is okay, second half isn't the best, writing overall is pretty shitty), but I feel like Conquest's story is decent anyways.

As for gameplay:

The gameplay in this is very good. Like I said, it is probably my favorite FE game when it comes to gameplay. Map objectives vary, the level design is great, it's very strategy-focused, and it's overall very fun, albeit difficult. There are some difficulty spikes I am definitely not a fan of (the difficulty does not feel like a steady increase upward; it's very jagged, with one map taking multiple tries while the next is easy), but it doesn't ruin the game in my opinion.

One issue I have with it is that it takes you very long to have multiple units. You start with few and stay with few until the later half of the game, leaving little time to build up supports or marriages due to the lack of any form of grinding. After finishing the game, I had only 3 marriages.

The other main problem I had with the gameplay is how useless some units are. A lot are pretty mediocre, with some even being downright useless (Odin, primarily), no matter how much you dedicate to them. You're really going to end up relying on Xander and Camilla more than you'll probably want to.
Also a minor nitpick, but like someone else mentioned, the fact that the last two chapters are tied together is very frustrating. It isn't like the endgame chapter is easy, where the chances of you dying are pretty low; it's a full-on chapter that is just as hard as the others. Because of this, it got very annoying and time-consuming trying to beat it while having to play the chapter before it every time I lost.

Really good game, probably one of my favorite FE games. Gameplay is fantastic, however with a few issues, and a decent story that, while being surprisingly dark and hard-hitting at times, can feel really "meh". Characters are good, and the writing/translation of supports is great.
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That would've mattered more when we didn't know that the only part gone was where you rub your stylus on the screen for two minutes.
Sakurai is cool, but I'm not sure I agree, and the removal is another issue then whether petting affects the rest of the game or not.. But all that is not worth arguing about anymore at this point.
But what if I wanted to rub my waifu