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Fortune Combos

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On hiatus from SG
Sep 2, 2013
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Tallinn, Estonia
Ms. Fortune Eliza Unknown
Please share your Ms. Fortune combos.

Right now I'm mostly learning combos from one of the videos by @KhaosMuffins.

From the video:
0:00 Beginner Combo 1:
cr.LK - cr.MP - st.MK (2) - st.HP - HP Rekka x2 - Slide
cr.LK - st.MK (I did st.MP in the video but st.MK works on everyone) - st.HK (3) - HP Rekka x3 - super

0:38 Beginner Combo 2:
cr.LK - st.MK (2) - cr.HP
j.MP - j.HP - LK/MK Axe kick
cr.LK - st.MK (1) - st.HP - HP Rekka x3 - super

1:14 Intermediate Combo:
cr.LK - st.MK (2) - cr.HP
j.HP - ADC - j.HP - MK Axe kick
dash - cr.LK - st.HK (2) - LK/MK Fiber upper
j.LK - j.HP - st.MK (1-2) - cr.HP - j.MP - j.HP - MK Axe kick - super
Sneeze! - dash jump - j.LP - j.MK - MK Axe kick - super

2:12 Moderately difficult Combo:
cr.LK - st.MK - cr.HP
j.LK - j.HP - ADC - j.LK - j.HP
jump - j.MP - j.HP - ADC - delayed j.MK(2) - j.HP - Headspike!
cr.LK - Headbutt! - dash - st.LP x2 - st.MK (2) - Nom!
j.HK - MK/HK Axe kick - dash - cr.MP - st.MK (2) - st.HK
j.LP - j.MK - MK Axe kick - super - Sneeze
(Doesn't work on Double... I think. Rejump with j.LP - j.MP - j.HP)

3:15 I hate doing this hard combo:
cr.LK - st.MK - st.HK (2) - LK Fiber Upper
j.HP - ADC - j.HP - cr.MP - st.HK (2) - LK Fiber Upper
j.LK/LP - j.HP - st.MK (1-2) - HK Fiber Upper
j.MK/MP - j.HP - Headspike! - falling MK axekick - Headbutt!
dash - st.LP (2) - st.MP - st.MK - Headbutt!
dash - st.LK - st.MP - st.MK - Headbutt! - MP Rekka - Slightly delayed super
(Slightly character specific. Refer to this:

4:16 Basic Headless Combo:
st.MP - st.MK (2) - Headbutt!
dash - st.LK - st.MP - st.MK (2) - Headbutt!
dash - st.LP x2 - st.LK - st.MP - st.MK (2) - Headbutt!
MP Rekka - Slightly delayed super

I have learned the first 2 combos and learning the 3rd one, which I've been pulling off in online matches at least 50% of the time. I mostly start my combos with IAD J.HK or IAD J.LK, Light Axe Kick.

Do you have any other interesting head-on/headless combos?
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I can do like half of the hard combo, I'd probably have it down by now if I started practicing fortune again, but valentine tech is taking up my training lab time.
Axe kick loop is back (though shorter). I just don't even bother with combo 8 anymore and do this instead (more damage, easier to do, easy resets).
Courtesy of @guitalex2007:
Keep in mind that the undizzy value on zoom and headbutt were raised to 45 when they juggle, so the combo in this video has to be edited a bit to work.
There isn't any notation in the video so I made some. Tell me if anything isn't right.

cr.lk, st.mk, cr.hp
j.hp, AD, j.hp xx Cat Spike xx Feral Edge
Zoom!, MK Fiber Upper, j.lk, j.mk xx HK El Gato, Zoom!
st.hk, j.mp, j.mk xx HK El Gato, Zoom!
s.mk, s.hk, j.lp, j.mk xx HK El Gato, Zoom!, Cat Scratch Fever

I'll try out the combo and make some tweaks, but the undizzy only ever goes to 360 so its not like there are going to be huge changes, maybe one less loop at most. The damage will be better than what I use regardless of the edit.
Right now I'm trying to get this combo down:

First time ever playing Fortune, having a lot of fun but I still need to work on her basic stuff.

cr.lk, st.mk, cr.hp
j.hp, AD, j.hp xx Cat Spike xx Feral Edge

Tried that combo but It seems like zoom doesn't hit the same way as in the video so I can't connect the next hit. Should I work on a different timing or something?
Usually if something doesn't seem right later on in the combo you will have a timing issue earlier int he combo that you haven't noticed. Every new hit has a window that you can press the button so you can get into situations where you hit the window very early/late and still get the hit, but then the rest of the combo will be off slightly. I haven't done the combo so I can't tell you where that is most likely to happen, but I suggest you re-check the timing of all your other attacks,
Okay so this is a total scrub / embarrassing question but how do you pull off the j.HP AD j.HP? I get that you're supposed to air-dash cancel between the two but I'm just...well...air-dashing. In the videos it looks flawless. Figured I should ask if I'm actually missing something or if it's just a simple matter of me needing to put more practice in getting the buttons right?
You're probably doing it too fast. If you're inputing the air dash and the second jhp during the first jhp's hitstop, then you'll get just a plain airdash. The jhp doesn't get executed because you don't actually start the air dash until the hitstop is over. If you wait a little bit after the first jhp to air dash, then the second jhp will come out fine.
I'm trying to get PC beta combo 6 down as well (someone else has linked it up above) but I'm having severe timing issues with it especially if I do it off of an updo otg confirm... So I've been wanting to to use the opener that omni uses which is

Cr.lk,st.mk,st.hk xx mk? Fiber upper and then follow up. But I'm shit at making combos up so does anyone know of any good ways to followup and end this, as universally as possible?
I'm trying to get PC beta combo 6 down as well (someone else has linked it up above) but I'm having severe timing issues with it especially if I do it off of an updo otg confirm... So I've been wanting to to use the opener that omni uses which is

Cr.lk,st.mk,st.hk xx mk? Fiber upper and then follow up. But I'm shit at making combos up so does anyone know of any good ways to followup and end this, as universally as possible?
Which part(s) are you having trouble with, exactly? Also it won't work off of an updo confirm because your combo stage will be too high and you'll set off IPS after the airdash and because you end up using the OTG later anyways.

Edit: Combo 6 is the "Moderately difficult combo" in the BnB vid as well. Slightly different, but it's basically the same thing.
Which part(s) are you having trouble with, exactly? Also it won't work off of an updo confirm because your combo stage will be too high and you'll set off IPS after the airdash and because you end up using the OTG later anyways.

Edit: Combo 6 is the "Moderately difficult combo" in the BnB vid as well. Slightly different, but it's basically the same thing.

Generally speaking I was having troubles landing the rejump j.mp after the first airdash series.

On some characters I was somewhat consistent, on others not at all and if I updo confirmed it seemed to become even tighter...
The single meter/meterless combo I've been doing is:

c.LK, MK, c.HP,
j.HP, Headspike, j.MP/LK axe kick, HP,
HK Uppercut, follow-up,
j.LK, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,
j.LP, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,
LPLP, MP, MK, 236MP, 236LP+MP

Does a tad over 8k damage iirc.
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The single meter/meterless combo I've been doing is:

c.LK, MK, c.HP,
j.HP, Headspike, j.MP/LK axe kick, HP,
HK Uppercut, follow-up,
j.LK, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,
j.LP, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,
LPLP, MP, MK, 236MP, 236LP+MP

Does a tad over 8k damage iirc.
If that's universal and can be done relatively easily from an otg starter, that's what I'm looking for :)
I think it works on everyone except bella? I'd have to double check. Can't be done from an otg starter because Headspike > j.MP/Axe kick uses up an otg. From an otg start, I use those s.HK > LK fiber upper loops in Khaosmuffins' video.
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What is a good Headless combo off of an OMNOMNOM Command Grab?
Axe kick loop, though you're going to have to delay your ground and air strings a bit so the head has time to come off of cooldown. So it'd look like...
Nom > slow ground chain > slow air chain > LK/MK axe kick > mash the hell out of forward + HP > air super > headbutt > axe kick loop (while taking note of what normals you used in your air chain).
Is there anything I can add to this "combo" I'm working on? It's more "me" friendly but I want to know if I can do more after the feline allergies. (damage and meter output are bad I know but this just a nice pace for me to go by)

I think this is also my highest hit count so far still learning but it's fun.
Is there anything I can add to this "combo" I'm working on? It's more "me" friendly but I want to know if I can do more after the feline allergies. (damage and meter output are bad I know but this just a nice pace for me to go by)

I think this is also my highest hit count so far still learning but it's fun.
You can do a dash jump j.LP after sneeze, though you'll have to delay it quite a bit more than what you did here. Your actual combo doesn't work, however. Crouching HK triggers a blue knockdown so the opponent can tech out right after it.
Oh I see. I'm glad I asked wouldn't to use something that doesn't work. Thanks for pointing that out. It's back to the drawing board for me.
The single meter/meterless combo I've been doing is:

c.LK, MK, c.HP,
j.HP, Headspike, j.MP/LK axe kick, HP,
HK Uppercut, follow-up,
j.LK, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,

j.LP, j.MP, j.MK, MK axe kick, zoom,
LPLP, MP, MK, 236MP, 236LP+MP

Does a tad over 8k damage iirc.

this section is giving me trouble. the follow-up to the HK uppercut is inconsistent for me. i can't just mash it like i normally can, or just doubletap the button like i normally can, or whatever. it seems like, for some reason, it requires some sort of specific timing when you hit people out of the air? or something? can anyone explain that?

afterwards, the j.lk, j.mp, j.mk section eludes me. i'm definitely consistently falling too quickly to the ground to hit with the j.mk. it's not even close, am i doing something wrong?
this section is giving me trouble. the follow-up to the HK uppercut is inconsistent for me. i can't just mash it like i normally can, or just doubletap the button like i normally can, or whatever. it seems like, for some reason, it requires some sort of specific timing when you hit people out of the air? or something? can anyone explain that?

afterwards, the j.lk, j.mp, j.mk section eludes me. i'm definitely consistently falling too quickly to the ground to hit with the j.mk. it's not even close, am i doing something wrong?
Gotta hit with all 3 hits of Fiber Upper for the followup, so you may have to delay it a bit or walk/run forward slightly. Just do j.MP > j.MK.
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Okay cool, I've gotten the Fiber Upper part to work (i just dash up right before it), but I'm still having trouble following up. I can do j.mp > j.mk > mk axekick just fine (a bit inconsistent getting both hits of the j.mk though), but it seems like they're slightly out of range of Zoom after that? Or maybe I'm mistiming zoom? I have no idea, it could be something I'm timing wrong during the start of the combo for all I know. Or maybe the j.lk is actually necessary? Any ideas here?
Okay cool, I've gotten the Fiber Upper part to work (i just dash up right before it), but I'm still having trouble following up. I can do j.mp > j.mk > mk axekick just fine (a bit inconsistent getting both hits of the j.mk though), but it seems like they're slightly out of range of Zoom after that? Or maybe I'm mistiming zoom? I have no idea, it could be something I'm timing wrong during the start of the combo for all I know. Or maybe the j.lk is actually necessary? Any ideas here?
Probably just mistiming it. Mash on zoom as soon as you start the axe kick. Though then again I use MK Fiber upper - j.MP - j.MK - MK axe kick so the height is different.
Can you help me estimate is this combo worth anything?

I don't know how it presents itself along the others with the lower Undizzy.

I'm not that creative with those so I mostly settle at something simple as long as it's reliable and deals around 1/2 healthbar of damage.
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Can you help me estimate is this combo worth anything?

I don't how it presents itself along the others with the lower Undizzy.

I'm not that creative with those so I mostly settle at something simple as long as it's reliable and deals around 1/2 healthbar of damage.
That actually looks cool and does over 7k damage.
qcf + HP

Its a rekka because that's what that type of move is called.
With the head fix, you can now do a fairly easy 7.1-7.5 (depending on head hits) 1 meter axe kick loop combo again.

j.HP j.HP xx 214P
214MK > HP
j.MK xx 214MK > HP
5LP LP 5LK 5MP 5MK xx 236MP xx 236PP

Not optimised I'm sure. I just jumped back into training mode because I only recently found out Fortune had her axe kick loops back.
Bunch of fortune stuff:

Headless sandwich mixups:

7K air throw reset with oki

2LK 5MK Headbutt!
5MP 5MK Headbutt! 5HK
dash to the side opposite of where your head will fly > 2AA 5MP 5MK 5HK
2AA 5MP 5MK MP Rekka > Rekka Super

This sets up a tech sandwich. Rekka super will launch them toward your head, and away from you. If you do omnom + 5MK, you cover every tech option except no tech. Does 7k solo before oki.

Headless burst bait setup:

2LK 5MK Headbutt! 5AA 5MK Headbutt! 5MP 5MK Headbutt! 5HK
J.LP J.LK J.MP J.MK J.Axekick ZOOM! Dash back to avoid burst hitbox.

It being a projectile burst puts them in invincibility frames, but because you're grounded, and your head is near-by, you now have heavy mixup advantage. One of the best set ups for the recent Fortune fuzzyguard set up that's been discovered. Does ~6k to solo characters.

Axekick loop set up:

2LK 5MK 2HP J.HP ADC J.MK J.HP Headspike! xx MK Axekick Dash 5AA 5MK 5HK J.LP J.MP J.MK LK Axekick OMNOM/Zoom! depending on stage position. Omnom preferred in corner At this point, IPS will trigger on any normal. You can throw reset if in corner, or do MP Rekka > Rekka super for damage, or Fiber Upper > Feral Edge for oki. Does 8k to 9k to solo characters.
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I play exclusively Online, so I spent a lot of time perfecting easy execution but optimal damage combos. You'll 2-3 combo kill pretty much every solo character in the game, and easily touch of death teams characters, assuming you play solo fortune.

if you play teams, I have no idea what to say. I haven't spent ANY time in the lab with any other character in the game. Double, Fillia, and Bella are probably your best team mates to deal with characters who can pushblock and punish Fortune's pressure.
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I'm still debating on whether to go solo Fortune or a Fortune/Valentine team, but some online practice should decide that for me.

I do have one question about the first beginner combo, though, and it specifically concerns Filia. Whenever I hit the point in that combo going from 5HK(3) to HP Rekka(3), I tend to miss the second swipe of Rekka most of the time. Is this because of Filia's hitboxes, or am I just scrubbing it up?

EDIT: I can land all three hits with Rekka if I keep 5HK to two hits instead of three.
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I'm still debating on whether to go solo Fortune or a Fortune/Valentine team, but some online practice should decide that for me.
If you're going to play a team, then it would be better to put Val first and Fortune as Anchor with HK Fiber Upper.
I might make another combo video today. One for MDE, and one for the current beta, actually.
If you're going to play a team, then it would be better to put Val first and Fortune as Anchor with HK Fiber Upper.

HK Fiber upper is good for protecting yourself with the assist and maybe counter calling against other assist but I prefer Fortune/Val to give Valentine access to all that meter gained by the time she comes in. I think she has some of the best and most fun supers to utilize in the game.
I'm a lot less meter dependent with Fortune and do pretty well with just her raw damage and abilities on point. I also think the DHC synergy from Fortune to Val is better than the other way around, but that's just me.

Either way, you'll eventually end up with the two characters swapped at some point no matter which order you choose, but I feel a lot more clutch when having the meter available for Val most of the time.
Playing valentine on anchor is an awful idea. Having meter does not justify her complete lack of anti-air defense. Its like playing a solo val with a handicap,something thought nearly impossible even at full strength.
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