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Gaming General Discusison

We'll see how it goes, I'm not saying it will go well, but damnit I want it to and am willing to try.
I meant more about how it will feel in your hands. Like if you are using both analogue inputs and the touch screen, will it feel OK? I honestly don't own a switch but the few times I have held one it didn't feel good in my hands as far as the handheld, or joycon controllers feel.
And out of fucking left field, Nintendo continues to push the boundaries of the switch. How? With arts and crafts.

okay but how the fuck does this work

I feel like I need to burn some witches at the stake
Man, they were right.
That is for Kids. I'm sure Children and Adults will have some fun with it, but I'm too lazy for DIY stuff.
Not to mention I'd prob look like a jackass swinging all this cardboard around
Alright, Dead by Daylight (Not as good as F13, but decent in its own way) is adding a...
SAW character?
Interesting idea, but... who? And why?
I ain't even watched SAW, but I know Jigsaw himself is old and not direct, Billy is a puppet who don't do shit.
SAW in 2018? The last movie sucked and they went downhill after the fourth one!
Nintendo's tryna sell us the cardboard box.

More eco-friendly than their last accessories.
More quality of life and "games for everyone in the family" stuff

Gotta praise them for trying
They're 70$ though

That's kinda shit.
About the price of a new Joycon pair.
$70 for a starter kit of the game and cardboard. Apparently you'll also be able to buy the game separately and download blueprints to supply your own cardboard, but they didn't give a price for the standalone game.
google perforated cardboard to give yourself a heart attack.
Alright, Dead by Daylight (Not as good as F13, but decent in its own way) is adding a...
SAW character?
Interesting idea, but... who? And why?
I ain't even watched SAW, but I know Jigsaw himself is old and not direct, Billy is a puppet who don't do shit.
SAW in 2018? The last movie sucked and they went downhill after the fourth one!

Jigsaw did well enough they're thinking of doing a SAW 9 so
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So Sony is doing their own amiibo line except they don't do anything

amiibo line except they don't do anything
Toys. They're called toys. And I want all the Crash Bandicoots I can get. Blood Boner looks cool, too.
Do you really

Do you truly need a glorified hot wheel
I know realistically this is just some cool figure lines and nothing more
but my feelings tell me
All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2
Has Yuji Naka done anything particularly interesting lately? Curious to see if this would actually go anywhere
His studio did Rodea the Sky Soldier. That's all I know.
I know realistically this is just some cool figure lines and nothing more
but my feelings tell me
All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2 All-Stars 2


bruh someone say all stars 2?
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Reactions: Jutsei

Trailblazers, a new 3v3 racing game that acts as a love child between Crash Nitro Kart, Sega All-Stars Racing and Splatoon
while you race, you paint the track in your team's color, and it acts as a giant speed panel when you and your teammates drive over it, and the speed boost increases the longer you stay on the color
it's gonna be on all the platforms, this spring
looks super interesting, and i love the Nitro Kart/All-Stars Racing style track design
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Reactions: ZeonicCrab
Well, to be fair, it did get a teaser and all... Feels a bit much for a mobile port.
(let's hope... I don't trust Squeenix... )
Reminder that there was a huge blow up when a weeks long teaser site for The World Ends With You turned out to be a mobile port

don't believe Square's lies
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if it's a mobile port that means it'll be a switch port a year later
Reminder that there was a huge blow up when a weeks long teaser site for The World Ends With You turned out to be a mobile port
You're underselling that shit, they put up a pretty much empty page with a countdown timer on it that played brand new remixes of TWEWY music every day so the only people who would be excited for that shit are the people who played the game in the first place and then it was a mobile port where they kneecapped the gameplay and, by extension, storytelling.

Valkyrie Profile is great though, and it's been really weird that there hasn't been an actual way to buy it for quite some time, so hopefully this will be something other than a mobile port.

Just port Lenneth to stuff, don't do this Secret of Mana bullshit.
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I finished my first playthrough of Prey (Human Abilities only), fantastic game, definitely a good _____Shock spiritual successor with a great sense of worldbuilding and scale. Highly recommended.

I also apparently chose a fucking fantastic time to play, 'cuz Arkane is teasing something new...

My guess? Standalone expac with story development, like Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
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Reactions: ZeonicCrab
Prey was easily one of the best western games in years, and one of the best games last year, definitely excited to see more of it.
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