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Gaming General Discusison

I'm down for some V gameplay on my birthday. Itsuno did say we'd see him before the end of the year, so it's not impossible.

Honestly anything new is nice, I don't think there has been a weak reveal for the game yet.
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It appears that the experience will be hosted on Twitch
Sooooooo. Watch there in about 30 minutes.


The whole thing will be 2 hours long, so I imagine there's either a lot of shit squeezed in there from third parties, or something.
Maybe some 3rd party stuff from PSX got shoved in there, who knows?

We're also due for some Kingdom Hearts 3 news, potentially its last few worlds.

Update: I expected nothing, and I'm still disappointed
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killer7 is now out on Steam, a fucking fantastic game that people should definitely check out. Great OST too, which they put up as well.
Aegis Rim has been delayed indefinitely, Vita version cancelled

we really Vanillaware now boiz
Aegis Rim has been delayed indefinitely, Vita version cancelled

we really Vanillaware now boiz
Fuck! I was actually looking forward to more Vanillaware. Guess I'm going to drop for the Vita Muramasa and play through it again. Also DLC.
Catherine for Steam.
I want a mod that replaces every music track with dialogue from Façade.
Can't wait. Hollow Knight is easily one of the best Metroidvanias out there.
rune factory 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now I can't edit the mess I've made. gj site

edit: done
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Reminder to ask for Yakuza Ishin. And Jet Set Radio. And Virtua Fighter.
And Gunstar Heros. And Crazy Taxi. And Space Chan-ohh
Sekiro is rad, though somewhat deceptive in terms of difficulty since it's a lot easier if you're hyper aggressive.
Project Sakura Wars announced for PS4

I'm very excited for next year. Can't wait.

Also, Sega needs to add him as a secret character.

What's worse, the thing itself or the game list?
1944: The Loop Master
Alien Vs. Predator
Armored Warriors
Capcom Sports Club
Captain Commando
Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
Eco Fighters
Final Fight
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Giga Wing
Mega Man: The Power Battle
Street Fighter II
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Online to upload your high scores to a leaderboard. No mention of any sort of multiplayer.

Also it's $250.
I would argue there is definite value to a Capcom plug in dual joystick that has no online, but it would need more than that pathetic list of games (There is literally no reason they can't more than double that list with quality titles that they own all the rights to, let alone other classics) and also would need to not look like a giant piece of shit.

As it stands, if I wanted to play any of these on FB emulation, which this is, I could just boot Fightcade and have an infinitely better library as well as online. Only con being it's not something that I'm plugging into a TV to play offline with a friend unless I move my computer, but I have a nice enough monitor or could just move my computer.
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The price actually seems reasonable enough for two sticks, and I'm sure someone's gonna try and mod it just for the novelty of taking this abomination to a tournament. But yeah the game list is garbage and the design itself is a joke.
One Player is the Predator, everyone else is a Strike Team
This is legit a game I've been fucking dreaming of for YEARS.

Also FF7 Remake got shown and more info in June I guess.
The predator game reminds me of EVOLVEon paper.
How about you start working on something that is NOT Dota 2-related like ANYTHING ELSE????

How do we delete Dota 2?
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skimming through this the gameplay looks like it might be fun but the fact that everything looks like it's slow motion or the main character is almost clumsy just makes me think it will feel off.
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