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Gaming General Discusison

But the real question on everyone's mind is and say it with me "What could pawssibly go wrong"

But in all seriousness I'm stoked and already preordered 12 copies
The concept art for it looks great.

Oh god why

Who thought this was a good idea
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Well apparently this was funded by the Bubsy Two-Fur game and I bought like 30 of that damn thing to hand out like candy, knowing full well something like this would happen, sooo me, among others, maybe?
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Well apparently this was funded by the Bubsy Two-Fur game and I bought like 30 of that damn thing to hand out like candy, knowing full well something like this would happen, sooo me, among others, maybe?

"What could pawssibly go wrong?" indeed :^)
I don't really see a reason why the game can't be good, but I'm not a fan of the style they went for.
Apparently it's being developed by the guys who rebooted Great Giana Sisters.
This game might actually be....
Oh hell, those scumbags? Back in 2014 they slipped Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams into Humble Indie Bundle 11 without Mac or Linux ports, promising they'd be ready very soon so don't worry it's totally fine for a bundle that's supposed to be cross-platform. Three years later, no ports, no word from them, and no way to get refunds either.
DBZ game by arc sys in the works. It's going to use a similar style to xrd with 2d style with 3d models. Dunno too much about it, but it seems like something to keep your eye on.
That warrants its own thread... but maybe not yet. So uh, guess we'll post here?
The only thing I'm weary about is how it's 3v3.
I like that ArcSys is trying a new style of sorts.

The thing I'm unsure of is whether 2.5D means "like Guilty Gear Xrd" where it's still 2D gameplay but with 3D graphics. I hope it is.

I'm not really sure what kinda position modern ArcSys is in though. It feels like they've had a slight decline, but haven't gone the way of Capcom.
So Arc is using kof match set-ups? I'm intrigued.
I don't think it's KOF
aside from the screenshots showing multiple characters' HP bars, they made the 3DS fighter with a Mahvel 1 style team size of two teammates and an assist
Blacksad is getting an adventure game. Weird.

For anyone unfamiliar, which I imagine is most of you, it's a French noire comic (written by Spaniards), I only read the first 3 arcs years ago (read what came in the first volumw) and it was pretty good. Though being noire when it got towards the "sexy" end of that it felt a little... you can guess.
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In similar unexpected news.
After 2 years of Radio Silence
City Shrouded in Shadow's not fuckin' dead
It's basically this game like Disaster: Day of Crisis where you're a normal person trying to survive/escape a city as it's being attacked by monsters, or two giants duking it out.
It's kinda an all-star game, kaiju-wise, you'll be in the middle of fights with Ultraman, Godzilla, Fuckin' Gamera, and even Evangelion Robots vs Angels.
Sadly, no crossovers though. Each "Episode" focuses on a different monster vs Monster thing.
But hey, escape a city while Godzilla vs King Ghidorah are dukin' it out, fucking badass right?

Just be prepared to import this shit, due to Ultraman and Gamera, localization hopes look low.
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Supposedly it's based on Marvel. That's super cool to hear, I'm curious what ArcSys's take on Mahvel would look like.

I'd cackle so hard if this ends up beating out MvCi. Though at the same time I'd also be a little jealous that a certain other Marvel-inspired game never gets that kind of spotlight...
well I mean, it IS DBZ. That's like instant money unless you're a handheld game (with some exceptions)
That's a really good looking game for one thing. :o
I wonder what characters it'll have, I suppose the cast won't be too big... Apparently it'll have some Super characters so i'm hoping Hit makes it.

And i really love Blacksad, I'm really glad it's getting a videogame after all those years... Though for some reason if it happened i thought Telltale would be the one to do it (though thehy're probably busy with all those Minecraft games... :^) )
I'm not really sure what kinda position modern ArcSys is in though. It feels like they've had a slight decline, but haven't gone the way of Capcom.

What do you mean?
GGXrd still has a RNG-based mechanic denounced by the competitive scene that's kept in for the only discernable reason of "because it's cool." And it was recently buffed.

It's broadly well-designed, but YRC makes for a lot of offensive power, too.

They also still aren't using GGPO

And as for their licensed title, I've heard P4A has oversimplified and oversized hit/hurtboxes. I don't know much about it though.

But worst-case scenario we can count on this DBZ game to at least be cool as hell.
DBZ mostly needs to be cool
if it controls well and I can play as Piccolo then it should be fine, doesn't even need to be balanced
YRC definitely comes with some problems and while the netcode appears to be better than XX it's still ass. It's the only game I play @Spencer in where we consistently have lag, and we play SFV.

Also from an outside the game standpoint they're still doing the upgrade release thing, while Rev 2 is better than Rev in this sense it's still charging money for a patch while invalidating the previous versions. If you couldn't get SFV patches without buying the season pass I imagine people would be far more upset with the game than they are now.
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GGXrd still has a RNG-based mechanic denounced by the competitive scene that's kept in for the only discernable reason of "because it's cool." And it was recently buffed.

You mean danger time? If it's that I don't even know how the shit that thing works.
You mean danger time? If it's that I don't even know how the shit that thing works.
It randomly happens during clashes, you get 20% more damage and on hit you get a "mortal counter" which is essentially a counter hit that puts the opponent in slow motion hitstop so you get to do basically whatever. I don't know what changed about it for Rev/2.
In Rev2 both players gain some Tension meter as soon as Danger Time begins.

I can't for the life of me figure out why Danger Time is a thing that exists, but I do know that ArcSys games are still a lot of fun in spite of a few silly design decisions. I'll be the first to say I loved P4A.

YRC definitely comes with some problems and while the netcode appears to be better than XX it's still ass. It's the only game I play @Spencer in where we consistently have lag, and we play SFV.

Also from an outside the game standpoint they're still doing the upgrade release thing, while Rev 2 is better than Rev in this sense it's still charging money for a patch while invalidating the previous versions. If you couldn't get SFV patches without buying the season pass I imagine people would be far more upset with the game than they are now.

Yeah, rollback is really harshin' my enjoyment of Revelator. I get that people really dislike SFV, but I have zero clue how anyone thinks that the netcode for Rev2 is acceptable in this modern era of quality netcode.
I never realized just how much I needed Curly Brace in a fighting game.

Also since this is Nicalis, does that mean I'll get a Linux port?
yo I loved Cave Story and Code of Princess, this may actually get me to buy a switch lol
Yeah, rollback is really harshin' my enjoyment of Revelator. I get that people really dislike SFV, but I have zero clue how anyone thinks that the netcode for Rev2 is acceptable in this modern era of quality netcode.

Just say "this modern era of Skullgirls." :P

But yes at one point I did see someone say "5 frames of delay is a good connection"

Uhh how good IS the netcode in Injustice or Tekken?


Also someone in comments said Code of Princess was an alright game with super-good characters. Hm.
Just say "this modern era of Skullgirls." :P

But yes at one point I did see someone say "5 frames of delay is a good connection"

Uhh how good IS the netcode in Injustice or Tekken?

I've not played Injustice 2, so I won't speak to it... but if it is using MKXL's netcode then it is fantastic. Skullgirls obviously has has fantastic netcode. Killer Instinct has the best netcode I've ever seen in a fighter. SFV's netcode though completely unacceptable in relation to the others I have mentioned is also better than anything Arcsys has. I believe T7's netcode is delay, but for some reason I think it compares favorably to the aforementioned rollback games. Not sure why, and I have also heard the PS4 has terrible netcode. Anyone else more familiar with it should pipe up about it.

Other smaller games like Lethal League, Fightcade games (3s, Jojo, VSav), and not-Steam Melty also blow Arcsys out of the water.

Hell, at this point, I think I can fairly say that Arcsys is one of the *last* fighting game companies pushing shitty netcode.
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Uhh how good IS the netcode in Injustice or Tekken?
From my experience thus far Tekken netcode is pretty damn good, even on three bar connections it's usually completely smooth, had matches against Asia (unless they were lying, but 3 bars) that ran smooth and as I said, Xrd is the only game @Spencer and I consistently get lag in, we've been playing Tekken a lot since it came out at 3 bars and have had occasional hiccups when my internet is bad but as far as I remember it's mostly been perfect. He can correct me if I'm mistaken.
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yo I loved Cave Story and Code of Princess, this may actually get me to buy a switch lol
It's also for PC. And PS4. They said so in that handy video. :P
oh. well hopefully my friends will get it on PC as well lol.
I've been watching Maximilian stream Tekken and Injustice, and he seems to dig the netcode performance.
I've been watching Maximilian stream Tekken and Injustice, and he seems to dig the netcode performance.

Yeah, like Aden and I have said... T7 (at least on PC) seems to have great netcode.

I believe it is delay, but I think the slower pace of T7 (something that starts up in 10 frames is blistering fast) and the natural input delay combine to somehow make it work? I really don't understand why it is good to be honest.

I should add that I have been really enjoying T7, so maybe my bias is showing. But I have all but quit other good games for no other reason than its netcode (looking at you Xrd).