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Gaming General Discusison

Absolver is a great game but it's not built to last. Once I reached level 60 and developed a good deck that beats 90% of my opponents I started getting bored pretty fast. There's not enough content outside of 1v1s to keep it interesting, and everybody loves joining the "meta schools" so matches get stale. Group fights aren't great, 1v3s just aren't viable like they are in Dark Souls.

What it does do, it does well. The combat deck system allows you to customize your fighting style move by move, so no two fighters can be the same, which really sets it apart from other fighting games. The whole system of having to beat a move in order to learn it is also unique, it simulates how fighters in real life improve themselves by fighting others. You learn something new from every fight and I often find myself adjusting my deck at the end of a match. When you get a good fight with someone it's totally magical.

I totally recommend buying it, especially if you're a fan of martial arts, just be aware that you'll probably give up on it quickly if you don't love it.

(Also, Oroboro's school SUCKS, join my school instead! Just search for Zenjitzu at your nearest altar.)
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It's a shame it's not that long. I've been meaning to try it though, but at this point I'm thinking about waiting for a sale.
It's a shame it's not that long. I've been meaning to try it though, but at this point I'm thinking about waiting for a sale.
Yeah definitely wait for a sale
Anyone try Cuphead yet?
Watching Dexbonus on Twitch stream it right now. Just watching it makes me tense.
Did you miss the 3 posts above yours?
...wow, I guess my phone posted that message waaaaay later than intended.
Okay, Cuphead Update: THe game is fun, but yeah it took me a while to get used to the difficulty.

Afer the tutorial at the beggining of the game and another smaller one later on, that's it. You're on your own from there. You gotta remember the tools and when to apply them on your own through trial andd error. I've died over 30 times to the first few levels alone trying to get adjusted. Oh, it should also be noted that there is absolutely no way to recover lost health, at least not that I've seen. Every last Hit Point you have is a precious jewel, and the sooner you learn that the better.

However, none of the bosses felt "cheap." Every death feels like my own personal fuck up and not the game giving me the double middle finger. And after each death, it tell you how close or far you were to the end, which is a great motivator for trying again and again.

Did I mention the music is kickass? because I am a giant sucker for Jazz, and this game is filled with it.

Lovely game, lovely animation, and a difficulty that I have long forgotten. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind getting their teeth kicked in a bit.
^^^I was skeptical of Cuphead from the early gameplay footage, but it looks like it's shaped up great. Looking forward to when I can play it (saving money!)

Also today I made the mistake of getting into a discussion of game design on the internet.

I think you jump at conclusion and do wild generalization by lumping things together that reduce the granularity of the analysis through false equivalence.



I'm reminded of why I don't do this anymore.
Game Design is a tricky beast lol. It's hard to discuss it with people without having either their lack knowledge or your more technical knowledge bloat the discussion D:

It's kinda why I stopped having such discussions cause often I'd have my words handed right back at me cause...well...I don't know what I'm talking about :P
If a game mechanic doesn't work THEN IT'S A SHITTY MECHANIC RUINING THE GAME.

That's usually the argument I go with when talking about broken stuff in vidya.
it's not a bug it's a feature that you just haven't figured out yet
Got cuphead on day 1. I really suck at these game. But they are hella fun :D If anyone wants to ask me about the game/talk about its design pm me. aka @North888

Edit: Also got BattleChasers:Nightwar. Feels like a great RPG dungeon crawler so far. Ask me about it if ya want.
I appreciate the offer, but I still have yet to get the game and I'd like to go in blind. Im probably gonna suck super hard but that's part of the fun, eh? :D
I appreciate the offer, but I still have yet to get the game and I'd like to go in blind. Im probably gonna suck super hard but that's part of the fun, eh? :D
If you're like me and stubborn yes :D
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A Hat in Time comes out today. I am hyped. Unfortunately, it looks like the game won't unlock until my shift at work begins, so I'll have to wait a bit longer to play the heckin' darn thing.
A Hat in Time comes out today. I am hyped. Unfortunately, it looks like the game won't unlock until my shift at work begins, so I'll have to wait a bit longer to play the heckin' darn thing.
What the fuck, really!?
I hope it does well, that game was the first Banjo Kazooie like on Lickstarter
What the fuck, really!?
I hope it does well, that game was the first Banjo Kazooie like on Lickstarter
Yep! I preordered this thing years ago, and Humble emailed me a link to get my Steam key. Work's gonna take forever today.


Also, I'm going to pretend Lickstarter is a new crowd-funding platform for dogs.
Hopefully this will be better than Yooka-Laylee.
Apparently Ruiner dropped at some point, how did that turn out?
Apparently Ruiner dropped at some point, how did that turn out?
TotalBiscuit likes it.

Hopefully this will be better than Yooka-Laylee.
I didn't play Yooka Laylee and don't remember most of the criticisms, but I thought that one turned out mostly okay? As for Hat in Time, I spent all last night on the first world and fricking adore it. Charming art style, lots of room to explore, things to find. A few bugs, I've gotten stuck in walls a couple times. Had way too much trouble with the first big boss, wish you could see enemy health bars or a phase counter or something. I'm also not a big fan of how they do cosmetic unlocks- you collect hard-to-find Relics, then spend three to roll a slot machine that just kind of gives you a vague hint of what you can get, with an option to keep or try again.

Still, these are nitpicks, and Hat's utterly charming for the bulk of the play experience so far.

[Edit] Just beat the game. Amazing. 17 hours from start to final boss, damn fine time.
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So, yeah GE3 was announced and I'm excited.

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Monster Hunting continues to intensify until its nothing but waifus, boobs, and creative creatures. the true monster hunter in us all

I like God Eater I wish more ppl played it
This video pretty much solidified my view of A Hat in Time. It talks about three major things that the devs put a lot of work into which are the Movement, Camera and Charm.
I really want this game, but this month has me already spending a lot :S
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I'm waiting for it to be released on PS4, I ain't got no controller on PC and I'd much rather play a game like this on a big ass TV
It plays remarkably well with keyboard and mouse. There are a few sections I still actively prefer with keyboard because it's easier for me to tap W than nudge the analog stick.

As for your giant TV, if your computer has HDMI out and TV does HDMI in, you can use it as a second/third monitor.
Okay, so Ruiner is fucking great, I don't even like twin stick shooters and I'm having a fantastic time.
So if you don't mind me taking you back to 2008 for a second. Super Fancy Pants Adventures released on steam, apparently, and it's still as fun as it was in ye olden days of playing on Newgrounds in stead of doing school things.
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So I bought a copy of Bloody Roar Primal Fury to relive a part of my childhood

and goddamn I remember I hated this game for it's fuckin cheatin as hell AI
So if you don't mind me taking you back to 2008 for a second. Super Fancy Pants Adventures released on steam, apparently, and it's still as fun as it was in ye olden days of playing on Newgrounds in stead of doing school things.
The true authentic Newgrounds experience would include it being the year 2003 and having megaman sprite edits.
Since it's been a few months since we remember how much of a fucking scumbag EA is, here's some absolutely terrible news

TL;DR: EA has closed Visceral Games, the studio that brought us Dead Space 1-3, Battlefield Hardline, as well as Dante's Inferno, if you were into that.
They were working on a Singleplayer Star Wars game, which many beleived was going to be the reanimated remnants of Star Wars 1313
All work has been shifted to an unrelated EA Studio as No doubt tons of Visceral Employees are out of work.
I'm guessing EA didn't want us to have a game with 0 microtransactions, fuckin' A.

Dead Space, you deserved better. Much better.
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