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Help Advertise Indivisible!

Might I suggest asking someone from Vinesauce to take a look at the prototype? At least Vinny is known for playing and loving metroidvanias and the like, not too sure about the others.
Have you sent them a message? I don't think there's any one person doing all of the contacting people.
yeah ask Vinny. Joel is also very cool about playing whatever if he has time. Uh... Last of the Vinesauce crew who might have a possiblity of playing Indivisible would be Rev, so yeah contact those three and my guess is that they might say yes.

In the mean time guys. MAKE STUFF, ART, VIDEOS, FANFICS OF RAZMI WITH AJNA. The sky is the limit for promoting Indivisible people so lets go out there and do it~!
Have you sent them a message? I don't think there's any one person doing all of the contacting people.

I only watch the archived streams(super late on my timezone) so I don't even know if it's possible to suggest it to them on chat; and hearing Vinny mention the sheer amount of e-mail requests he gets every day kinda makes me think there should be a better way to go about it,but no idea about what.
(I'm also pretty shy in general to even post a whole lot, let alone contact the let's players I watch, though I know it's no excuse I thought at least suggesting would help)
there should be a better way to go about it,but no idea about what.
his twitter perhaps? if not then... I have a personal card from Vinny himself so I could try using that.
I messaged a prominent YouTuber AlphaOmegaSin about Indivisible. He loved CastleVania and Silent Hill/PT before Konami went absolutely crazy. I think it might be a good way to convince him, since Indivisible is like SoTN. Another game to add to the catalog of games along with BloodStained and Allison Road for "you could have done something like this Konami". https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtEytgcL5fZcSiKx-BjimQ (His YouTube, warning he swears a lot but is very passionate about stuff)

I also messaged Diabetus and Slowbeef of Retsupurae fame. Idk if they'll read my tweet, but it was worth the try.
Tweeted Gaijin Goomba, Maximillian and Total Biscuit. I have a beef with Jim sterling, so i'll leave this one to you

@MegamanDS is close enough to Maximillian to featore in his videos, so he could give us a hand!

On a side note, Totalbiscuit posted a LOOOONG video explaining what he considers good and bad when suggesting him a game to make a video

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Projared might be a good candidate, he's a fan of JRPGs so he might be down.
I can see The Completionist/That One Video Gamer/Beard Bros. being down with this game, though I can't quite put my finger on why, just a feeling.
If ProtonJon ever does a stream before the campaign's end I could probably get him to check out Indivisible via donations. Though we might have better luck via Twitter to tell him about it, though if he will make a video on it is iffy I'm sure he would at least back it if he hasn't already.
It seems likely that Super Best Friends will make a video at some point, since they supported Skullgirls in the past. Their Kickstarter videos usually rope in a lot of support for these kinds of games. I'll send them a tweet just in case.
I'll facebook it again from my Youtube persona's page. I don't have many likes, but I might beable to shoe horn som'in. Also my other Fan page (I RP with that one) has over 1k likes (which I'm fucking jelly of lol)... I guess I could break character and say som'in on it...
I'll facebook it again from my Youtube persona's page. I don't have many likes, but I might beable to shoe horn som'in. Also my other Fan page (I RP with that one) has over 1k likes (which I'm fucking jelly of lol)... I guess I could break character and say som'in on it...
"I am Kit Ballard from an alternate Timeline where this game was not kickstarted and the world became overrun with Soltaire Pachinko machines. DON'T LET THE WORLD BE OVERRUN WITH SOLTAIRE PACHINKO MACHINES! Support it!"
It seems that egoraptor already played the Indivisible prototype. He is a big name himself, i hope he does some kind of video on the gamegrumps channel.

I tweeted some big and medium youtubers, but i don't know if my approach was the correct one.

Fanarts i did some already, i'm working on more.
We gotta get Zone on this immediately.
Oh yeah, isn't one of you secretly Zone or something? A quick voice over video could go a long way to her subscribers who don't know about Indivisible yet but loved Skullgirls.
"I am Kit Ballard from an alternate Timeline where this game was not kickstarted and the world became overrun with Soltaire Pachinko machines. DON'T LET THE WORLD BE OVERRUN WITH SOLTAIRE PACHINKO MACHINES! Support it!"
Hahaha XD

Ok, posted em. Still hate the fact that my RP char has 1,500 likes while my Youtube Personality (which is just me without being me lol) only has 102 likes.. SO JELLOUS OF MYSELF >.< lol
Gonna try SA. As you know their site/following has quite a bit of traffic. Their YT channel currently has nearly 2.5 million subscribers where if theoretically only half of them threw just one dollar in we would be in good shape. Reason why I brought them up was because a couple of the staff actually came here on SH during the summer asking about what SG character we want to see on One Minute Melee. Peacock won the vote and is gonna fight BB Hood on their channel soon. They haven't been active on the site since summer, but they should be able to be contacted. Gonna try to suggest them to play the free quality demo and post their impressions while giving a shoutout if they liked it. They are likely gonna be busy, but there is still over a month left on this campaign so it could happen.

Would have tried a RT angle too [over 8 million subscribers on YT] because Monty Oum [RWBY, RvB, Haloid, Dead Fantasy] was a fan of Skullgirls, but tragically he passed away recently. Don't think anyone else affiliated with RT was a fan of Lab 0 stuff at least not openly.

Edit: Also what are the chances @Ravidrath can do another podcast with Giant Bomb to spread awareness on their community? http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/giant-bomb-s-interview-dumptruck-peter-bartholow-0/1600-432/

Edit 2: This one is a long-shot that failed for various reasons when I tried back in the SG IGG. I have a few connections that are quite generous/eccentric with their excessive income that they throw to various causes/investments regularly.

If everything completely works out we would see a nice noticeable spike up [you would notice even if I didn't say it happened] on our donations not just from the individual/s donation itself but their web of influence spreading awareness. This maybe has a 10% of working since it will pretty much come down to if they are available [not outside the country, on vacation, etc], not busy with other investments, if this was the right time I asked them, and even if it was were they in the right mood. Don't get your hopes up on this. Only reason this is not 0% is because they do owe me a couple favors right now. Problem is how much worth is that favor and If I can even cash it in before the campaign ends. I'm not the only one likely asking them for shit either.
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Granted we're attempting to fork out info, some of the devs could also help with it by taking some of our ideas and going to these people. I'm sure you guys are stupid busy I know, but having a Dev coming along and asking "Hey ca you try this?" Has more backing than some random no body going to them and asking the same thing. Say @Ravidrath came to me privately and asked me to do a video based on som'in the team has, I'd hop on it (if I was able too). If it was some random person, I'll "think" about it (though, being me, I'd prob still do it at some point).

Not saying we're not being effective and the devs are being lazy, just trying to add more ideas to the pool for stuff to help.


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Yeah, I saw that earlier. It's cool, but doesn't say much if he's going to go out on a limb and talk about it with his viewers. x,x

Yeah there's no mention of if it will be on Grumps, but he seems to like the game and the character designs. He did recently just tweet:

Though it was likely more aimed at his tweet before it about being able to hire independent animators and help them out, it may be a sign of hope for Indivisible. I mean, he did want to audition to voice Beowulf for Skullgirls, maybe he'll support this game?
Just ran into an article that Destructoid posted on it well.

EDIT: Figured I'd create a thread for media coverage links, because why not.
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So, if the Metroid and platformer genres are a bit clogged, how can we push this to the JRPG crowd? Who could we see buying this game that hasn't heard of it yet?
I think Lab0 should reveal more incarnations during a set time? I'm not sure how changing the reveals from every set amount or money to every week or few days would affect the campaign negatively, but I do believe that showing us these interesting characters could bring in more fans. Maybe giving more "waifu" choices to the audience might bring in more supporters. Revealing more characters could result in more fanart in the form of whatever reveal that interested said artist. Razmi can only bring in so much....I think? But I'm not into marketing so I might just be spewing bull.
Someone's got the right idea!

EDIT: Also, I believe someone had done it already, but I just tweeted @ Jesse Cox. In his latest video which went up 40 minutes ago based on this post, he was wearing a Skullgirls t-shirt. So I figured it could only help us if he heard about it (again).
So, if the Metroid and platformer genres are a bit clogged, how can we push this to the JRPG crowd? Who could we see buying this game that hasn't heard of it yet?
The obvious thing is to to make the game visible where those fans are. Subreddits, forums, conventions, anime clubs, wherever. The difficult part is doing so in a way that doesn't make it sound like an advertisement.
The difficult part is doing so in a way that doesn't make it sound like an advertisement.
This is going to be a big problem we all need to tackle. We need to present this game in as sincere a way as possible that doesn't come across as patronizing; something more along the lines of "Hey, here's a game being crowdfunded with a really fun prototype available, you should all take a look" instead of "Indivisible is now crowdfunding, go donate, they need money", or something that feels hollow.
We've got to focus on how great the prototype was and how interesting the project is instead of the fact that they need money. Of course that should be a part of what we're trying to get across, but the message should be "this game's prototype for the campaign is fun/cool/interesting, you should take a look" instead of "donate to this campaign so it gets funded".
Being constantly bombarded about how you should put money towards something can be kind of disheartening. We need to get other people invested in the project as well. If I could choose between getting someone to donate 40 dollars because they've been told time and time again about it and just want to be able to say "I donated", or to get someone very excited for the project who shares it around with friends and other people because they believe in the project and want it to succeed, but might not have the money to donate, I'd choose the latter.
This is going to be a big problem we all need to tackle. We need to present this game in as sincere a way as possible that doesn't come across as patronizing; something more along the lines of "Hey, here's a game being crowdfunded with a really fun prototype available, you should all take a look" instead of "Indivisible is now crowdfunding, go donate, they need money", or something that feels hollow.
We've got to focus on how great the prototype was and how interesting the project is instead of the fact that they need money. Of course that should be a part of what we're trying to get across, but the message should be "this game's prototype for the campaign is fun/cool/interesting, you should take a look" instead of "donate to this campaign so it gets funded".
Being constantly bombarded about how you should put money towards something can be kind of disheartening. We need to get other people invested in the project as well. If I could choose between getting someone to donate 40 dollars because they've been told time and time again about it and just want to be able to say "I donated", or to get someone very excited for the project who shares it around with friends and other people because they believe in the project and want it to succeed, but might not have the money to donate, I'd choose the latter.

I think one way we could approach the "Hey, here's a game being crowdfunded with a really fun prototype available, you should all take a look" part, is to post gifs of the gameplay in some large subreddits (like /r/gaming). I tried once on /r/gaming and got a couple of votes, but nothing to hit the front page.

If we can find a way to hit it to the front page of /r/gaming (or subs similar), it can definitely increase the sales and advertising of the game. I know there's also people posting about it on 4chan's /v/ideo game board, so that could help as well.
I think one way we could approach the "Hey, here's a game being crowdfunded with a really fun prototype available, you should all take a look" part, is to post gifs of the gameplay in some large subreddits (like /r/gaming). I tried once on /r/gaming and got a couple of votes, but nothing to hit the front page.

If we can find a way to hit it to the front page of /r/gaming (or subs similar), it can definitely increase the sales and advertising of the game. I know there's also people posting about it on 4chan's /v/ideo game board, so that could help as well.
Knowing Reddit, it won't get on the front page of either r/all or r/gaming unless it is a joke/something humorous. Raw gameplay doesn't usually get very far. I don't really know how to get around this problem; if we put it on smaller, more specific subreddits where gameplay content is more popular and we're more likely to get to the top for the day, less people will actually see it. If we post it to r/gaming, the chances of us getting seen by posting gameplay is much lower, but if we DO get votes on the post, it will reach a lot more people.
Knowing Reddit, it won't get on the front page of either r/all or r/gaming unless it is a joke/something humorous. Raw gameplay doesn't usually get very far. I don't really know how to get around this problem; if we put it on smaller, more specific subreddits where gameplay content is more popular and we're more likely to get to the top for the day, less people will actually see it. If we post it to r/gaming, the chances of us getting seen by posting gameplay is much lower, but if we DO get votes on the post, it will reach a lot more people.

Well, is there anything funny we can do with the Indivisible prototype? Try getting out of the boss pit, set really fast and to the Benny Hill theme? I know I saw Peacock's Goodfellas super on /r/gaming a couple weeks ago, so there's a chance...
I know there's also people posting about it on 4chan's /v/ideo game board, so that could help as well.
I've been lurking the threads and let me tell you: the shitposting is real. Don't actually post there, it's a mess.
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Well, is there anything funny we can do with the Indivisible prototype? Try getting out of the boss pit, set really fast and to the Benny Hill theme? I know I saw Peacock's Goodfellas super on /r/gaming a couple weeks ago, so there's a chance...
We could have a gif of someone trying to get out of the pit and constantly failing, and name it "Trying to get out of the pit in Indivisible", or something.
The two other things I was thinking were:
1. Have some kind of frustration gif (like people looking very angry, you know the ones) titled "How I feel trying to get out of the pit in Indivisble after 4 hours", or something like that. Those kinds of posts do extremely well on the defaults.

2. Post that video of the person doing a joke dance with Ajna's crouching animation. Videos are kind of "meh" on Reddit, but it was the only other thing I could think of.
We could have a gif of someone trying to get out of the pit and constantly failing, and name it "Trying to get out of the pit in Indivisible", or something.
The two other things I was thinking were:
1. Have some kind of frustration gif (like people looking very angry, you know the ones) titled "How I feel trying to get out of the pit in Indivisble after 4 hours", or something like that. Those kinds of posts do extremely well on the defaults.

2. Post that video of the person doing a joke dance with Ajna's crouching animation. Videos are kind of "meh" on Reddit, but it was the only other thing I could think of.
mike said they'll be making a speedrunning contest sometime during the campaign, I feel people might be down for that
The whole humorous idea to get attention scares me though. I don't think I'm down for it.
mike said they'll be making a speedrunning contest sometime during the campaign, I feel people might be down for that
lol you could almost have a race between new players to get out of the pit.

Seriously, though, a first-playthrough race between runners who are good at other games would be hype.