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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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I didn't bother playing the beta for Squigly or Big Band but Eliza is a different story...
The more art I see, the more I am excited for Oujo-sama.
I'm hype, will definitely look forward to beta
That new pushblock has got me juiced for this character.

I really hope they use the bottom right pushblock animation. The larger one above it looks weak by comparison. The bottom one looks powerful and strong while confident.... Befitting of an egyptian queen.
Not sure. It's another outfit so it could be Mariel just doing a quick draw
True. It's just the scythe being there that has me assuming it's a in-game frame.

Your wording ("quick draw") had me imagining Mariel being a Iaijutsu master. Who knows? Maybe she is. :3

So now Persona is posting things relevant to my interests on his Twitter during the hours I'm not scavenging.
They band together to taunt me, they do! Truly, I am woe's shadow... orz
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True. It's just the scythe being there that has me assuming it's a in-game frame.

Your wording ("quick draw") had me imagining Mariel being a Iaijutsu master. Who knows? Maybe she is. :3

So now Persona is posting things relevant to my interests on his Twitter during the hours I'm not scavenging.
They band together to taunt me, they do! Truly, I am woe's shadow... orz

Mariel is the Hitokiri Battousai. It all makes sense now.
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Your wording ("quick draw") had me imagining Mariel being a Iaijutsu master. Who knows? Maybe she is. :3
I imagine her being a badass spaghetti western gunslinger.

"6 tablets, more than enough to animate anything that doesn't move."
"Seriously I don't need this many tablets."
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I have started watching Slayers recently and am I the only one who would like a Naga the Serpent palette/reference for Eliza?
It's rather smile inducing seeing this slow process of getting stuff done for her so once BB's done bam just right into eliza and she'll progress smoothly ^^

Heh what if somehow she got finished in a faster time then BB, but that's just me being slightly hopefully regardless she's looking great.
I really hope she has a few swipes like testament from gg with her scythe mike...thing ^^;
Imagine Eliza hitting beta the same day Big Band gets released as DLC.

Of course it won't happen, but man would people lose their crap.
Liking what I'm seeing of her normals on animation stream, but has there been any recent talk about her intended playstyle?

edit: only remember brief mentions of stance or remote character control.
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I don't know about playstyle, but does Eliza have anything musical related going for her at the moment? Like I know her weapon of choice is that scythe-microphone-thing, but like playstyle wise. I did come up with one awhile ago, I'll just put it here:
I think using her blood to form notes would fit the music part of her gameplay style. Like say she has a special where she forms music measures as the first part of the attack, then starts juggling them back (or forward) with blood splots jumping on as notes. Kinda like a mix of Big Band's trumpet and Double's level 5, except more flexible and combo-able?

Anybody got any ideas across those lines?
Nope, I don't, but I do wonder what moves her blood will give us. Maybe we can assume the snake or the sharp ankhs in her victory drawing by Alex.
all I heard when it comes to moves is Carmine (so that's I have on my mind)
Nope, I don't, but I do wonder what moves her blood will give us. Maybe we can assume the snake or the sharp ankhs in her victory drawing by Alex.

Yeah. I always assumed shed be able to use blood similar to rachel alucards rods. So there's the vertical, maybe a wave of blood dunes for horizontal. There's loads of creative things with the Egypt theming.
I know we have her blood moves and egypt thing. I'm just wondering what her "music" part is going to play in all of that. Have a wave of fans as a super? Some sort of stance doing the whisper singing into her mic? (maybe gain meter off of that.) Removing the mic from the scythe and controlling it as a projectile by singing into it? I dunno but I'm just interested what it could be.
I can't believe I completely forgot Elinor Holt, aka Catherine, Aka sexy and bloody crazy, aka I can't believe I forgot about my all-time headcanon voice for Eliza.
Just bought an encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, and there was a section on Sekhmet!
"Sekhmet the lioness goddess (hence the weird bumps on the skull,those are ear bones) and the fire breathing 'eye of Ra', represented the destructive aspects of the sun; her task was to destroy the enemies of her father Ra, the creator and sun god. According to legend, Sekhmet was sent by Ra to punish, but not eradicate, the human race who had rebelled against him.
Sekhmet, however, acquired a taste for blood and went on killing until she had to be stopped from destroying all of humanity. The gods tricked her into drinking vast quantities of blood colored beer so that she fell asleep and the human race was saved... And that ends anything else closely related.
So, any thoughts on any of this? <:3
The only way to beat Eliza is to get her totally wasted.

Does that mean she would be incredibly weak to Minette and/or Yu-Wan?
Like, all they'd have to do is throw booze at her until she passes out.
Is Minette above age to possess alcohol? If not that means YU WAN IS THE ONLY AND TRUE SAVIOR.
Is Minette above age to possess alcohol? If not that means YU WAN IS THE ONLY AND TRUE SAVIOR.

Peacock is 13 and is constantly smoking a cigar, I don't know how strict the Canopy Kingdom's underage policies are.
Annie is the basis for how old you have to be for things.

Nobody below the age of Annie does anything.
On an unrelated note, I'm not gonna remember this later so I'll just double post.


Annie is the basis for how old you have to be for things.

Nobody below the age of Annie does anything.

So… Eliza is the only one who is allowed to do everything? :>

You'll have to speak louder because we can't hear you over the sound of GLORIOUS OUJO-SAMA curbstomping everyone in WWI.

The Minette fans stopped getting riled over your antics? You're not even trying anymore...
I mean, by Jubileus' gilded knickers! Doesn't take much to blurt: Annie? MORE LIKE WAAANNIE
Nah, nah. I figured Minette fans were too small-time.

It's like running over 5-year-olds with a bulldozer.
Maybe we can stop the "character's wars" in the post, please?
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Maybe we can stop the "character's wars" in the post, please?

Oh come on, be fair. That’s all DDB is able to do, since Annie has been dumped by the world and thus will never be in the game. So he must pick on all other characters to feel superior, otherwise the pain would reach his heart, and with this tragedy, the Skullheart would lose 90% of its trolling power. No more extreme Annie fanboyism, no more heartless arrogance for everything that isn’t Annie. Is that something you would like to see happening around here? You madman!

Are you... Implying I am the Skullheart and that without my endless Annie love all would be for naught, and that if I were to be gone, there would be no more Skullgirls and everyone would suffer? I'm glad to see you love me so much!
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Are you... Implying I am the Skullheart and that without my endless Annie love all would be much better for everyone whether or not they're involved in any way with Annie, and that if I were to be gone, there would be no more Skullgirls and everyone would suffer a lot less?

What I have quoted you as saying is exactly how most of us feel.
Well tough star cookies, being against me is suffering.
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this is the Eliza thread, why is there Annie? also did every one see the c.HP for Eliza, it looks pretty sweet

Well tough star cookies, being against me is suffering.
Not in Oujo-sama's sanctuary. You have no power here. None whatsoever. We control the jimmies. We control the rustling.

this is the Eliza thread, why is there Annie? also did every one see the c.HP for Eliza, it looks pretty sweet
A very valid question indeed.
It's strange that Mariel has not posted it on her Twitter yet...

Well... with all this "characters wars", i dont see any comment about the c.HP and the j.MP... and the videos in Twitch are making 2 days old....


I see this in the lauch day, but waiting someone post here... who dont happen...
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Didn't realize there was a archive. Like I said in other pastures, I'm not much of a 'streams' person.
Well, I'm on it then.

To be updated...

EDIT: here's a few screencaps. c.HP and j.MP (this one is apparently named Ibis Strike)
It's very faint but in the 7th one (named 8. 5 didn't add anything) you can almost see what I assume is her model sheet figure.


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