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Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

I too enjoy seeing zerochan Marth, how did you know?
Bara Marth That Is Also In Smash Bros Unlike Sir Not-Appearing-In-Smash-Bros
Super Smash Warriors, Ridley wouldn't be too big anymore
I would TOTALLY be down for that. This kind of game is where Ridley would fucking SHINE. Good grief please make this hapen, I'd play the fuck out of Ridley.
Tecmo Koei said in a recent interview that they're interested in making a Mushroom Kingdom Warriors next.

Guys. Imagine all of Nintendo's big series as Warriors games. It's beautiful.

Also... Skullgirls Warriors. /gg man.
Shit I'l get the game next week! Damn you Mexico retailers!
So hard to fight against the spoilers for this and Bayonetta ):
The weapon for the Master Quest Pack is confirmed, it's...


Hyrule Warriors is available in North America today, and to commemorate its release, Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has revealed that Link’s horse, Epona, will be made available as a downloadable weapon for him to use.

Epona will be released as part of the game’s first paid DLC pack, which will be available on October 16th. Titled the “Master Quest Pack,” it will also feature other new additions to the game, such as a new scenario and costumes. Nintendo have not yet announced a price for the pack yet.

“I already had a chance to try out Epona in the game,” Aonuma wrote on Miiverse. “By riding Epona, I was able to blow heards of enemies away and gallop swiftly through the fields, and I had a lot of fun trying out this re-imagined version of her in Hyrule Warriors.”

“In the Zelda series, players never had a chance to tackle bosses by galloping around them with Epona like in Hyrule Warriors, so I hope fans will enjoy playing as Zelda characters in a game with a different type of action than you typically find in the original series.”

Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming paid DLC packs for Hyrule Warriors:

Master Quest Pack: (October 16th)

  • New weapon (Epona)
  • New scenario
  • Adventure Mode map
  • New costumes

Twilight Princess Pack: (November)

  • New playable character
  • New weapons
  • Adventure Mode map
  • New costumes

Majora’s Mask Pack: (January)

  • New playable characters
  • New weapons
  • Adventure Mode map
  • New costumes

Boss Pack: (February)

  • New game modes

Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/09/2...pona-coming-october-16th/#yD8WQDXVp0x18Cdm.99
Lol that's fucking awesome. I want to try that out so bad.

Whelp, game's out today in NA and I have school/work all day.... Education and responsibility is the reason why I can't have nice things. How ironic.

I really like the game. Pressin buttons to hit people, yeah!
I just registered the game at Club Nintendo, but I didn't receive the code for the Ganondorf costumes. Where do I go to get the code?
I just registered the game at Club Nintendo, but I didn't receive the code for the Ganondorf costumes. Where do I go to get the code?
go to the main screen (click the mario hat) and on the FOR YOU (to do's) list, scroll to the right, and it's probably the last thing, because that list goes by expiration date.
I'm still waiting on about three sources I trust before I decide whether or not I'm going to buy Hyrule Warriors.

I do not like Dynasty Warriors, and I don't have the same level of love for Zelda as most do, but several of the playable characters MIIIIIIIDNAAAAAA!!! made me interested, so I'm on the fence.
I'm still waiting on about three sources I trust before I decide whether or not I'm going to buy Hyrule Warriors.

I do not like Dynasty Warriors, and I don't have the same level of love for Zelda as most do, but several of the playable characters MIIIIIIIDNAAAAAA!!! made me interested, so I'm on the fence.
most the game is just pressing the two attack buttons and mindlessly hitting things. it's fun as shit but that's what it is.
To be fair, you don't have to do it mindlessly....
true, but the game (thus far) has not demanded I put any more effort in other than having to decide which area i need to go to.
My primary concern is that, if I do buy it, I will be coming from playing Bayonetta 1, which has what I can only describe as ludicrously in-depth combat, so that comparison will always be present as I'm playing another 3D Hack 'n Slash/Beat 'em Up with far less complexity.

I know from experience that I can get horribly spoiled by one game's gameplay, and have that affect playing other games: after playing Streets of Rage 2 and the Streets of Rage Remake, I was borderline unable to enjoy other arcade style Beat 'em Ups.
I get what you mean, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I am willing to buy the game at $60 for only what I've seen thus far if I don't enjoy the gameplay. Like I mentioned, I'm not the biggest fan of Zelda, so I know that I would not be able to validate the purchase on fan-service alone.

The option to play as Midna and Zant was enough to make me consider buying it, but I will need confirmation that there is enough besides that to make me willing to actually buy it. It doesn't have to be gameplay that does it, but solid gameplay would have been enough on its own.

The game just might not end up being my taste, but I'm going to wait for those sources before I decide that. I also might be able to get a bit of hands-on time with it, if it's at my local Gamestop. That would be a lot more telling.
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go to the main screen (click the mario hat) and on the FOR YOU (to do's) list, scroll to the right, and it's probably the last thing, because that list goes by expiration date.

Thanks. I got it now.
>Epona is in the game.
>Not her own playable character

Fuck this game and this thread and everything fuck fuck FUCK.
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Did they fix the glitch with characters using other character's weapons?

I must know, for Epona.
I'm still waiting on about three sources I trust before I decide whether or not I'm going to buy Hyrule Warriors.

I do not like Dynasty Warriors, and I don't have the same level of love for Zelda as most do, but several of the playable characters MIIIIIIIDNAAAAAA!!! made me interested, so I'm on the fence.
Dude, I feel the exact same way you do, only I don't cling to the past. I don't really like Dynasty Warriors and I generally very much enjoy Zelda in its general sense, but I'm still totally getting this game. Unless you need those 60 dollars for food and shelter, you should definitely get it.
My doubt is what type of costumes are we getting and which characters for the upcoming DLC
Saria? I would love someone I never expected or new but for the love of god no tingle!
I tried the demo for Hyrule Warriors before work today.

I tried it as Midna, and just as I hoped, her moves were freaking awesome! Twilight wolves into grabs into spinning and throwing grunts at other grunts; It was quite the spectacle, to say the least.

It's too bad that I couldn't find it very fun to play.

The enemies were not fun to fight, both due to their numbers and because they were all the same unit; the number of moves, while larger than I expected, still wasn't enough to feel satisfying; and the combat in general felt too simple and basic.

I still haven't decided for certain, but I think I'm going to skip this game. It's just not my cup of tea.
I can respect that

Even if I did have the sort of love of Zelda that those awful people have, if anything, I would be fangasming over the attention to detail in the game! Along with the excellent spectacle, the game represents it's cast so damn well! Every character clearly had tons of attention and love put into them, so that particular complaint from "hardcore Zelda fans" annoys me too.
I didn't find it fun until I put it on hard mode, if anything that might've what deterred you. The enemies are a lot better and feel more lethal, many of these attacks become veryyy fatal.
That might have helped a bit, but I don't think it would have eliminated my bigger issues with the gameplay.

Still, if I ever get an opportunity, I'll try it again on hard mode.
So I went to go get High Road Barriers, but they were fresh out, so I had to settle with some dumb fucking game called Hyrule Warriors. Hopefully they're the same.
So I got the game.
Possibly against my better judgement but I got it.
Going through the story mode at the moment, just got to the part where the path branches, and having played only Link, Impa, and Sheik,
Sheik is the only one really speaking to me.
Both Link and Impa are too bulky and slow and their combos have so much recovery.
And Sheik's range, man, the kunais and the water spout and the Song of Storms (combined with Serenade of Water), and the full circle for her super.
'S godlike.

Anyways, the game isn't feeling too repetitive yet, I haven't had any complaints about the hoards of enemies not doing anything like most people. Maybe it's because I view them more as stationary obstacles than enemies but whatever.
I'm eager to try out Ruto, since I figured she'd be my favorite character based only on videos and such.