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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

When was the last time you beat turbo tunnel
When was the last time you beat turbo tunnel
Because you asked, I just went and did it right now. It's one of two NES carts I own. Passed on one life, despite not having played it in like 5 years. :^P
It's my favorite level! I used to play it 2-player with my friend (hi Dave!) with me on the right side of the screen. I've done it blindfolded.
It's just memorization, there's never any difference. It's the definition of "Nintendo hard".

but then reactions off this post pops up that kind of damages the chances of continued support on that.
But those emotes...aren't that great...
Maybe a year ago?

Local bar used to do a gamer night and the manager was a friend of mine. He picked up Battletoads for me. I had a standing challenge that anyone that could beat Turbo Tunnel would get a beer from me, and anyone that could get as far as me on a given night would have their tab covered by me.

Strangely, in teh few years that the gamer night existed, only a handful even tried to take my challenge and only one ever scored a beer. Frankly, only the final section of the tunnel really requires memorization, and it's just all up-down alternating, unless you're going for the warp. Volkmyre's is harder, IMO, for pure memorization speed. I forget it's name, but the surf stage is waaaaay harder because the mines have actual random spawns so you have to actually react the entire time. Rat Race is bad too, since the only checkpoints are between rats.

IMO, the hardest stages, in order, are Rat Race, Sewer Stage, Snake Stage, Inferno

EDIT: Does anyone know if the Rare collection on xbox fixed the bug on the weird discoball stage where player 2 couldn't move?
Damn I got absolutely destroyed.
Rat Race is bad too, since the only checkpoints are between rats.

Rat Race is super bullshit, I have no idea how people do that level at all.
IMO, the hardest stages, in order, are Rat Race, Sewer Stage, Snake Stage, Inferno
Inferno ain't that bad. Dodge the missiles on the bottom, only the random fireballs is even difficult. Surfboards can decide to kill you but generally doesn't.
I put Terra Tubes as the hardest, myself.
Can we start launch partying already?

We'll just add all the new Indivisible players to the ongoing SG launch party.
For me the hardest stage is the monocycle in the sky one, because I've never made it past that.
I vote for adding MsAjna in.

Because not doing it is just MsAjinist.

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For me the hardest stage is the monocycle in the sky one, because I've never made it past that.
The important thing is to not be playing 2 player and to nail all the corners. You corner faster than the ball, but it catches up on straightaways. Once you finish the cycle bits, the boss is pretty easy, you can put it in a permanent battlebutt loop to kill it.
Rat Race is super bullshit, I have no idea how people do that level at all.
Try doing it in co op. Worst experience of your life guaranteed.

Good times.
Oh dumb question:

Will the demo have a training room where people can try out what moves and team synergy will work? :I
Oh dumb question:

Will the demo have a training room where people can try out what moves and team synergy will work? :I
It was answered. For prototype it's not likely. For finished version it's planned afair.
I think people hate water levels because they mess up with the rules that we get used to the point where the water level starts.

I must say, i really like the water levels in Super Mario World.

And as much as i love sonic, i hate any water level in any sonic with the exception of hydrocity (and i don't like this level that much).

Almost every water level scares me ever since I've even touched a Sonic game. Then at some point, I thought it could happen on land as well while playing.

Olive Ocean from the Amazing Mirror was a decent water level imo, but that might just be because the currents kept up the pace. Also the Megaman X series didn't seem to do too bad with water levels, especially Launch Octopus' and Toxic Seahorse's.
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Oh dumb question:
Will the demo have a training room where people can try out what moves and team synergy will work? :I
You don't get to pick your team for the prototype (PROTOTYPE not demo, a demo implies a small slice of a finished product!), so there's no real need for one.
I haven't given any opinion on the hub world, so I figured why not.

I'm sure you guys (Lab Zero) will make it great. One thing I would really like to see is being able to change character palettes in this realm. Even if we keep the base palette through the whole game, which I feel like Mike said on one page, I think it would be cool having special hub world palettes to use at least during side quests. Even just one separate palette each character has while inside this special realm. Though... if I liked one of them more than normal palette, I'd be upset not being able to use it out of hub world. Though I could see beating a character's highest side quest allowing you to use that palette... eh. That's all.
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Olive Ocean from the Amazing Mirror was a decent water level imo, but that might just be because the currents kept up the pace.

Something else to consider, Kirby's not as badly affected by going underwater as, say, Mario. Since Kirby can fly, he already kind of "swims" in the air, so it's a fairly smooth transition. You can even keep a few of your Copy Abilities (Sword, Hammer, maybe UFO? Never had it long enough to really try it out.).
Almost every water level scares me
A catfish that's scared of water...

Something else to consider, Kirby's not as badly affected by going underwater as, say, Mario. Since Kirby can fly, he already kind of "swims" in the air, so it's a fairly smooth transition. You can even keep a few of your Copy Abilities (Sword, Hammer, maybe UFO? Never had it long enough to really try it out.).

Yeah, UFO comes along for the ride. Even when the powers don't work you can use a solid stream of blown water in a direction of your picking.
Mega Man X's insane underwater jump physics make those stages a nice change of pace for me. Discounting the incredibly boring auto scroller in Duff Mcwhalen's stage.

Uhhh...what else...

Not sure if it counts since you don't actually go underwater, but you do need to deal with streams that push you back and deadly bubbles, but I do like Dragon Fighter's third stage. On that note, some of the similar stages in Castlevania 3 are solid. Stage 2 of Castlevania Bloodlines is also incredible (in both gameplay and atmosphere) and has some neat water based gimmicks.

It doesn't actually change your controls at all, but the two water levels in Actraiser 2 have amazing atmosphere.
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So many L0 heads around here now.
:PUJNA: i'm happy with that.
Are we the only forum to have an emoticon (two, now) specifically to indicate puns?

This makes me happy. :^)
One step closer to having a full fledged "metric system to measure pun severity"
After groan is punch in the face, right?

Also, back on topic, I'm actually going to be able to back as long as everything doesn't go terrible all at once.
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So, it would be something like this, but with the prefixes modified?, like "This is 1 hectograms of pun severity, with 2 extra pounds of steel and sex appeal".
So, it would be something like this, but with the prefixes modified?, like "This is 1 hectograms of pun severity, with 2 extra pounds of steel and sex appeal".
10 and 100 multipliers aren't used at all in case of grams. At least in Russia. We use milligrams, grams, and kilograms. So I would say "100 grams" in your example. Which is Russian meme itself. "100 grams" means 3.5 oz of vodka and it was standard portion of a drink back then. Nowadays it's not that hardcore, at least for youngsters. Elderly people probably are more likely to do it real soviet way.
wait until they develop a third new game in 2025 and we'll get a third pun emote.
The emote maybe.

Question: if a water stage IS considered, how will combat be handled underwater? (if underwater combat is going to be a thing or just like Metroid Fusion in which nothing changes except the jumping)
No I mean
let's not make a 3rd pun emote
there are perfectly good things to make other kinds of emotes for