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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

The prototype, simply put, is incredible. While climbing out of that boss pit I fell in love with it. I want to keep talking about it, and I want the newcomers from tomorrow on to be able to find information on it and not be given a hyperlink to post #2,483 and told to go from there. So here's a new thread for it before the indiegogo-related question influx: http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/indivisible-prototype.8255/
The prototype, simply put, is incredible. While climbing out of that boss pit I fell in love with it. I want to keep talking about it, and I want the newcomers from tomorrow on to be able to find information on it and not be given a hyperlink to post #2,483 and told to go from there. So here's a new thread for it before the indiegogo-related question influx: http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/indivisible-prototype.8255/
Just a heads up that the scope of this thread may be changed slightly at some point, depending what happens with stuff being moved around (still waiting on some final confirmation before I can do that, though).
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Thoughts on the game.
1) Holy crap it will run on my computer, huzzah! I get the usual graphical glitches you see with skullgirls 3d backgrounds on for the outdoor scenes and the boss room (Pictures 1-3)
2) This reminded a bit of my time with Wonderful101 where at first, the combat seemed kinda overwhelming with so much going on but in short time, I was figuring out how to use the Archer to keep opponent's juggle and using the slow with tiger lady. I like this game
3) I like the seemless transition from combat to exploration and vice versa and how it matters where you start fighting. Having the option to use the environment (lure enemies to the walls to make them bunch up for aoe attacks, knocking people off the ledge, etc) was really cool.

Things I notice/am requesting
4) One thing that was annoying is how the character formation would change between matches and change the buttons as well. Will there be the possibility of locking in formations in the game (ie Anja always left, archer always top, etc.)?
5) Could someone please post the secret stuff? I'm sorry but unfortunately, the lack of 3D backgrounds make it really hard to try and start climbing the wall on the right side of the boss room. I tried reaching the ledge based on @CaioLugon 's video (jump and axe once, walljump, axe right at apex of jump) but I couldn't do it after about 20-30 min of trying. (Picture 4 is what I'm working with)
6) Small glitch but at the two giant sword guys, I was able to trigger one of them while the other was right next to them. Even during combat, the non-participating one would switch directions to follow the action (slowly) but still would not become a part of it. I remember reading in an earlier post that outside enemies will move in slow motion until they reach the combat then become a part of it? (Picture 5)

Overall: I'm funding this.


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Jesus, getting out of the pit is something else... an hour of trying and I got to the left side ledge once. I got benath the final ledge axe and I just couldn't figure it out.
I'll allow it.
I don't need your permission!!!!
But I'm more excited about now after playing then when I was just watching videos. Which seems obvious but yeah it happened.
Jesus, getting out of the pit is something else... an hour of trying and I got to the left side ledge once. I got benath the final ledge axe and I just couldn't figure it out.
Try playing at half the frames and they randomly change on you XD It took me a while to figure out the last part of the ledges. Hell, I can't believe I even figured it out in general x,x
Try playing at half the frames and they randomly change on you XD It took me a while to figure out the last part of the ledges. Hell, I can't believe I even figured it out in general x,x
What can I say? I'm not as good as you.
An intimate weekend of clothes shopping and whatever else you want with your new slave, Render.

They also get an extra Roti plush, and an extra statue.

lmao you make my dat Ravi.
The wait for the indiegogo is completely killing me. I've never wanted to throw money at a game so much before.

The prototype was excellent. The characters have great designs, the world seems interesting even if not knowing much about it, and the battle system has a ton of potential. Also the flow of going into and out of battles is fantastic.

My roommate did have two complaints. 1. The guard indicator is too fast and since the characters are clustered together, they were hard to see.
2. This is more of a personal complaint by him, but Zebei was kinda useless except for building meter. He also thought the main character was underpowered, even with the axe equipped.

But overall, my roommates loved it as well.

Why can't tomorrow come already.
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but Zebei was kinda useless except for building meter
I use zebei for combo filler. i use Tungar and Ajna to push the enemy back then launch. then razmi's attacks carry the opponent higher. then Zebei keeps them from falling since the last hit of razmi's attacks spike the enemy toward the ground. Razmi and zebei can pretty much eject any enemy from the battle with their juggles.
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Terribly sorry to interrupt and this is really an off-topic question but,
Is the Ost out yet? Just saw Poccola's Video on this spectacular game and besides being surprised at how far along it was already I was wondering if the soundtrack (The battle theme in particular) was out yet.

It just has this awesome vibe to it that makes me really want to add the song to a playlist full of songs like that and possibly even extend it so I wouldn't have to break the replay button n_n
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Terribly sorry to interrupt and this is really an off-topic question but,
Is the Ost out yet? Just saw Poccola's Video on this spectacular game and besides being surprised at how far along it was already I was wondering if the soundtrack (The battle theme in particular) was out yet.

It just has this awesome vibe to it that makes me really want to add the song to a playlist full of songs like that and possibly even extend it so I would have to break the replay button n_n

I'll be making music samples for YouTube for the campaign tonight.
I use zebei for combo filler. i use Tungar and Ajna to push the enemy back then launch. then razmi's attacks carry the opponent higher. then Zebei keeps them from falling since the last hit of razmi's attacks spike the enemy toward the ground. Razmi and zebei can pretty much eject any enemy from the battle with their juggles.

yeah I didn't find him useless at all. He didn't utilize him that much. Tungar is my favorite. That guy is badass.
Awesome to hear
and you wouldn't mind me making a extended version of some of samples right?

As long as you link to the campaign, give us credit, etc. that's fine.

We try to be cool about that stuff, but it's gotta help us in some way.
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An intimate weekend of clothes shopping and whatever else you want with your new slave, Render.

They also get an extra Roti plush, and an extra statue.



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As long as you link to the campaign, give us credit, etc. that's fine.

We try to be cool about that stuff, but it's gotta help us in some way.
It's would help get the word out of this extremely awesome game! n_n
I haven't played it yet personally since i have no idea where to get the prototype but, I know I'll just have a blast when I do get my hand on a copy.

Anyway, will do and really glad to help out. (In a way.)
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I'll be making music samples for YouTube for the campaign tonight.
Praise the music gods! I was already planning to beg for it but thank you!
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Are you the same guy from the Project M back room/PMDT ? I feel like i've seen your name before.
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Anyone know where I can get the prototype as a .ZIP instead of a .RAR? I don't have WinRAR so I can't really open any of the links I've found so far.
It'll actually be a ZIP for the campaign because of this problem. :^P

OMG!!! enter the konami code 3 times . but replace B=B1, A=B2, start = select.
DON'T LIE. Do you get me? Don't do it.
We're trying to get people to enjoy the game, and posting some BS that not-in-the-know players will try for an hour and get frustrated by...is not how to do that.

the usual graphical glitches
What the heck? That's really weird. Give me info on your setup, is it super old or what?

5) Could someone please post the secret stuff?
How 'bout we at least wait until the campaign starts...? :^P

2. This is more of a personal complaint by him, but Zebei was kinda useless except for building meter. He also thought the main character was underpowered, even with the axe equipped.
"Zebei is kind of useless" "except for this actually fairly important use". Strange complaint. :^P
"Damage isn't everything" doesn't just apply to fighting games.

There originally was no block indicator at all, and I thought battles were fine without it. (^.^)
Still do, in fact.
I'm personally grateful for the red glow, even though I miss it half the time from frame skips XD It gives a good indication that "Yo, this dude's getting targeted". Feed back to the player usually goes the distance on some things and this is a good one for sure.

I'd also like to note that no one's talked more about this "Statue"... I want an Ajna Statue... (Sure the rest'll be asking for Razmi though XD)
"Zebei is kind of useless" "except for this actually fairly important use". Strange complaint. :^P
"Damage isn't everything" doesn't just apply to fighting games.

There originally was no block indicator at all, and I thought battles were fine without it. (^.^)
Still do, in fact.

Understandable. Honestly once i figured how blocked worked, I had no issue with it. And like I said before, he is far from useless so idk what my pal is smoking. I realized that it was strategy over strength, which I really liked. Made me more conservative and cautious, which in turn made the fight more fun and epic.
Ok, all this talk about strategic value, and i really apreciate, and love that.

But while i don't have the prototype, and i don't know exactly how the game works in general, i have this question.

Will burst damage strategies be a thing? Like, sometimes i just want to wipe the enemies from the screen in a few seconds.
An intimate weekend of clothes shopping and whatever else you want with your new slave, Render.
Is Render into butt stuff? I hope for his sake he's into butt stuff. Does he have a Fetlife I can check over?
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I doubletaked at this too. Confirmed reward tier.

I just finished meeting up with Alex for dinner. I saw the statue concept art. Looked PRETTY good!

Looking forward to the IGG <3 I know some things now. Amazon Bowswoman will be in my party, puts Zebei's arrows to shame :)
Ok, all this talk about strategic value, and i really apreciate, and love that.

But while i don't have the prototype, and i don't know exactly how the game works in general, i have this question.

Will burst damage strategies be a thing? Like, sometimes i just want to wipe the enemies from the screen in a few seconds.
In a way. Some enimies when you attack them (before the fight) you can just Chain-axe em to death. Some that still enter battle, you can burst em out. depends on how weak they are and what not.
I just finished meeting up with Alex for dinner. I saw the statue concept art. Looked PRETTY good!
..... Statue want! I don't want to miss this one D= Already missed out on the Kit Ballard one years ago T~T
I'm personally grateful for the red glow, even though I miss it half the time from frame skips
The effect is 23 frames long, and the maximum number of frames the game will skip in a row is 8. And if it skips 8 frames, that means the previous frame is displayed for 8 times as long.
I tested at 15FPS - you do see the effect. :^P

Will burst damage strategies be a thing? Like, sometimes i just want to wipe the enemies from the screen in a few seconds.
Yes? I mean, you have supers and stuff...
Honestly this is the main reason why I am so god damn excited for indivisible (besides the main game itself). I know it's probably going to be a fuck ton of money, but I'll figure it out.

Sounds too good to pass up. Help get my creative juices going like never before.
Oh, thanks for the answer!

Good to know!