If you played VP you'd know you can just change their order in the party menu, so I guess they'll add that option for sure?That's pretty cool, and also pretty... big?
Will there be the ability to choose the order of your party members (and I guess also, does positioning have any effect)? OtherwisesnuffleupagusKushi might have to be placed at the rear by default to avoid hiding another character and thus making it hard to tell when they need to block.
Imagine if that move will be possible and you're in a short corridor with the animation of the violent impact being the same.
your wobbly rubbery dance on stream was excellent by the way
Sounds like convenient timing tbh.
I laughed too hard at this line XD Makes.. some sense though =3
Going by my script, yesterday raised just shy of 35k, making it the most profitable day since Day 2. The day started (midnight Oct 16, my time) at $243,998 and finished (11:30 Oct 16, my time) at $24,997, making a total of $34,999 raised.
Hopefully that also means less people posting "I HAVE DONE THE MATH, I CAN SEE THE FUTURE" posts from now on, and we can just focus on doing what we can to spread the word.
Another thing while we're discussing numbers, a reminder that during the SG campaign (and probably most campaigns in general, I would imagine) weekends are typically slower than weekdays for raising money, so there's no need to panic if things dip a little there.
We can do it! Believe i-- Oh GOD! Someone get me a knife.. Gotta Stab myself.
"It ain't over till it's over!"
I hate you, Autocorrect.
— Indivisible (@IndivisibleRPG) October 16, 2015