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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

I haven't gotten to play the game yet because reasons but I heard some characters don't have iddhi attacks. How come? Is there a reason for that?
It took me a few tries to figure out the sandworm boss, honestly. That was pretty difficult.

Oh yeah. Som'in I just remembered was Ajna will scream at monsters to death if either party can't reach each other for combat. It's pretty amusing, and a smart anti-softlock
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It took me a few tries to figure out the sandworm boss, honestly. That was pretty difficult.
Can you please explain?
Didn't realize I had to use the bow to get a stun on him to prevent him from warping away from me. Did get decent at perfect guarding the sandworm though XD
I don't know if I just used the bow naturally or if I was lucky, but I don't recall ever having to chase him.
I don't understand what this is supposed to mean, you go attack the wizard when he sets the worm on you, it takes like 2 seconds.

Also, you can guard break with just Ajna, or you can use any incarnation's up and her down or something, she always has a damage attack unless you get the detonation loop thing but you won't have fired arrows when you're opening anyway. And again, literally just down then up as her or up then down as her, whatever. Or have someone with a grab, like Baozhai. Or any member with a damaging up or down and do that with Ajna making the difference. The fact you don't use some incarnations over this is bizarre.
Sand worm guy just kept teleporting away every time I approached for a while until he finally didn't. Sometimes I could shoot him with arrows, sometime shooting triggered another teleport. I didn't get what I was supposed to specifically do to make him not teleport, besides just keep doing the same thing until getting a different result.

And yeah I know Ajna can break on her own, but relying on only that method can be a bit limiting if, say, I've already spent some attacks just to find out they're blocking. Being able to break more freely with any two characters together just makes things easier.
Non-detailed comments about the final boss
The gameplay changing up to be thematically appropriate was interesting, I wonder what the general reaction will be to that. I honestly couldn't stop thinking of that condescending ending Path of Neo got. In that this didn't do that and actually respected the player. (Though the actual dialogue is kind of excessive with how much it feels the need to spell it out)
I'm 3/4 in and I've been enjoying it so far, especially in the combo system and puzzle platforming that have Mike's love all over it.
Nuna is a cutie and Latigo is fun to combo with.
My biggest gripe is the writing. The lore is interesting and well reserced in the cultures, and some character interactions are so sweet, but the quirky quips are grating and they're everywhere. Hunoch being a dudebro stereotype just hurts so much, I was looking forward to him the most
I wonder how long it'll be until Antoine and Sangmu make it into the game.
I'm 98% certain a lot of the enemies in the game have messed up health/damage.
5k combo when Iron Kingdom enemies are first introduced

wtf part 2.png

Touch of death with 8.5k on the way to MOLOCH, hours later in the game
I'm 98% certain a lot of the enemies in the game have messed up health/damage.
5k combo when Iron Kingdom enemies are first introduced
View attachment 15584

View attachment 15585
Touch of death with 8.5k on the way to MOLOCH, hours later in the game
When you return to Tai Krung later in the game, the guards/soldier enemies can kill everyone in one hit. No, I don't mean one combo. I mean one hit from their triple sword swipe will kill Lanshi from full hp if he doesn't Block or Perfect Block. Health and Damage values on enemies are all over the place.
When you return to Tai Krung later in the game, the guards/soldier enemies can kill everyone in one hit. No, I don't mean one combo. I mean one hit from their triple sword swipe will kill Lanshi from full hp if he doesn't Block or Perfect Block. Health and Damage values on enemies are all over the place.
Oh great, that's exactly the part I'm on my way to.
5k combo when Iron Kingdom enemies are first introduced
View attachment 15584

View attachment 15585
Touch of death with 8.5k on the way to MOLOCH, hours later in the game
I believe those enemies don't give experience and are just obstacles on the way to the boss.
I believe those enemies don't give experience and are just obstacles on the way to the boss.
Yeah, I looked back at a saved video of fighting it and you're right. I guess I just didn't expect a big robot with a sword to be weak fodder.
Yeah, I looked back at a saved video of fighting it and you're right. I guess I just didn't expect a big robot with a sword to be weak fodder.
I just assume they're cheap mass-production versions of Eurynomos.
I just assume they're cheap mass-production versions of Eurynomos.
With people's souls unwillingly embedded in them.
Just want to say that I 100% this game and I'm very disappointed about Indivisible, in almost every aspect, story, animation, art, characters progression, battle system, RPG system.

They didn't improved the animation and is worse than in Skullgirls, I imagine that this happens when Alex Ahad isn't in charge and MikeZ blocks him creatively.

A total shame.

And one more thing:

They killed the only good character in the game.

Looks like the person who Lab Zero hired 2-3 years ago is awful in this job.
MikeZ blocks him creatively.
I can't tell if this post is satire or not but I will never get why this is always a thing people go on about.
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I imagine that this happens when Alex Ahad isn't in charge and MikeZ blocks him creatively.
what the hell are you even talking about
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I imagine that this happens when Alex Ahad isn't in charge and MikeZ blocks him creatively.
Ahad is only a character designer for this, kinuko is the art director. They explained back in the indiegogo days that they're fusing the artists' work to experiment something new. You're not wrong for disliking it, but you shouldn't believe everything posted on /v/, either.
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Just love how no one argue about the rest of my post and got crazy by that line.

Ahad is only a character designer for this, kinuko is the art director. They explained back in the indiegogo days that they're fusing the artists' work to experiment something new. You're not wrong for disliking it, but you shouldn't believe everything posted on /v/, either.

Yeah, and look the result, I wanted to like the game but is just terrible in almost every aspect like I said before, after playing this I played Dragon Warrior 1 just for fun and I felt a better character progression than in Indivisible.

Like I said before this is a BIG step back compared to Skullgirls, where the art was great and the game in general has fantastic, full of life and the animations was the best since SF 3rd strike, but now this isn't compared to that.

I really don't want this game to fail, because I want to believe in some years we can get a sequel of Skullgirls or maybe just maybe a sequel of Indivisible but really improved ( that wouldn't be a problem since this game did 90% of the elements wrong ).

And about /v/, I don't know why bring that site in my post but no one takes that site serious, you shouldn't too.
Just love how no one argue about the rest of my post and got crazy by that line.

Probably because rest of your post is an opinion that is completely fair to have so there is no point to argue with it.

That last line however is some WTF out of nowhere.
Just love how no one argue about the rest of my post and got crazy by that line.
The rest of your post, was "I was disappointed by everything", there is nothing to argue with there, you as a person were disappointed by "everything" in the game. I can't tell you what your feelings are, that'd be as absurd as the nonsense you finished the post with.

If you wanted a discussion, or "argument", you could have posted why any of those things were disappointing to you or why you didn't like them. But you didn't provide that, so I don't know why you're waving a flag over people not responding to nothing being said.
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Or mostly because you are lazy to say or ask because for starters I posted about the animations and no one of you argue about that and my last post was about the character progression, but of course no one of you saw that, maybe you got blind magically or both of you are stupid, but ok, I'm in good mood to cure you stupidity:

Call it an RPG
It never really feels like you're progressing
No gear to improve stats ( there's not even stats )
No items at all
No dialogue options
Leveling maybe does something, I wouldn't know because the game literally doesn't explain most things
No option to run away fights, if the enemy starts glitching out because of the way transition into combat works then you have to reload a save
Saves a littered everywhere within a minute of each other ( they should add more fast travels instead of saves)
There's no fast travel between these saves so moving through areas is an actual chore of just endless empty hallways
Have to fully level up your attack to get more moves for the combat to finally become fun
The fun lasts about an hour because you're now too powerful and fights are over in an instant
When you're talking to people in your inner mind, they play the same music when you talk to someone which gets tiring within the first minute
Replace Vasco with Latigo but still have Vasco in the game as a lame tank fight and the duel with Latigo is lame.
Some characters straight up don't have a special move
Ajna's moveset changes as you get new weapons but Ajna herself doesn't have a "movelist" like every other character
Map doesn't seem to show you key information like quests and story, despite saying it should
All the levels are seemingly connected through various shortcuts, potentially causing loading issues and massive slowdowns during platforming sections
The game crashes and has bugs like any Ubisoft game
Doing things out of order can result in missing key information needed to progress
Inconsistent difficulty makes it hard to know if you or the game is the problem
Game doesn't tell you what enemies you need and never will respawn again.
Animations aren't as great like in Skullgirls and feels so boring in the 90% of the characters (Leilani is the only good animation )
Final boss is lame of how ends ( the battle is good at least )

They had 4 years to do this game and 2 of the characters are missing and need to wait, for what purpose at this point? The only reason I'll play this again will be because the guests characters, that wee need to wait too.
Or mostly because you are lazy to say
But I did say.
or ask
Why would I? You came in here and made a statement that you didn't elaborate on beyond posting conspiracy theories and then complaining people didn't argue with you, you're the one here who was not stating but felt the need to post.
but of course no one of you saw that, maybe you got blind magically or both of you are stupid, but ok, I'm in good mood to cure you stupidity:
I'm done here, I have qutie a few disappointments with the game myself, but you're just looking to shitpost and argue so there is no point in bothering from here. Luckily this site has an ignore feature.
Oh, also, for something actually worth mentioning.
On certain characters being unfinished.

On the game's difficulty.
Finished everything up yesterday. I like it, but the combat really falls apart. Getting easy later is one thing, but not even having to worry about blocking and being able to just press the attacks with very little thought since most of the enemies die in like one combo is a bit much.

Also, looking back at it, do the Iron Kingdom soldiers only have one attack? All they did in my fights is try to kick. They clearly have blocking and shooting animations they make use of when you're just running around though. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever saw a Kabandha do its vine tangle from the backer preview maybe that just got removed. The enemy you fight to get Hunoch and Xiboch to join you does a ton of damage... a lot like some previously mentioned guards.

I'm garbage at platforming and I enjoyed getting slightly less garbage at it, especially for getting through a certain secret area. The Ringsel map icon ended up mostly worthless to me, because 95% of the time if I could get it to show up I was already very close.

I figured it would barely be an RPG anyway so no problems for me there. I definitely would never describe the game as one to attempt to get someone into it. I'll probably give it another playthrough awhile from now as it sounds like a lot these things are going to be looked at.

Ultimately, I liked how the story went and thought the final boss was actually cool, but the way to get there was kinda... jarring. Probably doesn't help that it feels like Razmi has way more lines to do her gloomy creep hermit schtick compared to a lot of other characters ever getting a word in. Dhar being one of the few exceptions and then he just eats it.
I have had Iron Kingdom soldiers actually fire at my party during combat. It's pretty fast though so it gives very little time to block.
Art Compendium going out now
Excuse shitty phone edit. There was a lot more to this about how LZ is fucking LZ and will support the game like they have done in the past but just because combat is the hot topic I'll put this up now.
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For anyone on Steam the update to the beta build today has a lot of late game balance changes.
Okay, I think I got the important bits, I'm sure someone else could format it better but oh well. If people could spread information when relevant, that's always good.
Indivisible support.png
"Get hit and die" doesn't sound very promising if it's a OHKO...

Also, some people are worried about support of the game because they're new and don't know you. We know about the support you've given to SG but it's not the same crowd. WE know, OTHERS do not.

It's a shame, because if the release date was a bit further back then having Indiv stay in the oven a bit more would have been for the best. Now Mike is working on it alone (I think?) and the hype is going to dissipate really quickly, at least until Shantae and Shovel Knight are in, which could increase interest in the game as it could also not.
Eh, I dunno how I feel about that idea of ST balancing. Fighting the cat, I kinda felt like there were only two states for my characters to be in: full HP or dead. And that kinda feels a bit shallow to me honestly, not much decision-making or resource management involved in healing or anything. I don't think it helps that the clean block upgrades remove chip from the game and now that's the baseline to balance around.
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On the "super turbo balancing mode", it sounds like ff9 Ozma fight: Incredibly short, but every move count and only if you screw up you'll drag the fight to restore your party

(the video is pretty long because of the spell animations. if you cut that, the battle lasts less than 2 minutes. Still harder than the last boss)

On the "released too soon" front, i think it couldn't stay much longer in the oven. Kickstarter money don't last forever and deadlines exists.
Since we already got the game, we can wait a month or two before the "real" playthrough. by then much of the day one bugs will be fixed
I know deadlines and money are big factors but it's still a pity. The deed is done now so all I'm hoping for is that the hype doesn't die off too fast.
Eh, I dunno how I feel about that idea of ST balancing. Fighting the cat, I kinda felt like there were only two states for my characters to be in: full HP or dead. And that kinda feels a bit shallow to me honestly, not much decision-making or resource management involved in healing or anything. I don't think it helps that the clean block upgrades remove chip from the game and now that's the baseline to balance around.
I didn't feel like the cat in this did that at all. Also, I think it makes some sense due to the fact that if you have fought the final boss you know that the game should build up making certain demands of you before that point so it doesn't feel like a really weird difficulty spike when you're supposed to do the thing that you didn't have to do at any point before.