• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

Hi there I'm HeadcrabNinja and I play Skullgirls often but I'd say I'm under intermediate, maybe average? I dunno but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the game even when my ass is handed to me on a silver platter. I do have a Steam account but its been useless for awhile due to not having anything to use It on. Sooo if you'd ever like to play with me and most likely destroy me feel free to add my psn.
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Hi, I don't play Skullgirls too often (especially online), I'm not that good but I do enjoy it with some friends on Steam every now and then. I got SG when it came out on Steam but because of my eccessive game library it has its moments.
So yeah I often play arcade mode on nightmare instead of playing online, which would be way better but my experience with LoL just took every fun aspect of playing with real people until I really do it.
I like the community, so I'll probably check the forums sometimes and show up.


Oh and I don't mind Annie but you know she's never going to be a thing.
Hey! I'm Danny, also known as k0mbatdan. I just recently signed up on here. I sometimes play Skullgirls Encore on 360, usually when a new character is out(waiting for Eliza). I don't usually play it online. But I am an admin of the Skullgirls Wiki. I play other games on 360 and PS3. I almost play BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma on PS3.
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Hello Everyone.
I've been playing Skullgirls for a while but haven't really participated in the forums. So yea I'm Tinmo I play a lot on quick match, feel free to add me on steam if anyone wants to play. I play Valentine/Parasol and a very fraud Peacock. Aside from Skullgirls I play Melee (I especially like 2v2 in smash) and I'm trying to learn SF4.
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Hello, I go by KZN02 online. I got Skullgirls on Steam as a gift from a friend a few months ago, but I'm still slogging through the tutorial with whatever free time I have. I have no experience with these sorts of fighting games whatsoever, and I have sluggish timing, but I hope to improve over time.

I had some interest in Skullgirls, having watched the story mode cutscenes and looking around the TV Tropes page on it, as well as hearing about it from Matt and Woolie from Two Best Friends Play.
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'Sup every1, the name's Rasmus. I go by RexTheRuthless/RexTheReaper online. I suppose I could be described as an otaku and a gamer. I'm supposing that there's not a lot of Estonians here, because Estonia is a pretty small country. I sketch a few drawings here and there, but I can't do any digital art. I'm a big fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and I got kinda hyper when I saw the "It was me, Eliza!" Beta update. The only consoles I have are my trusty laptop, my 3DS and my god-knows-how-old PSP. I hope I find some Estonians here, and I'm happy to talk to anyone that wants to talk. It's a pleasure to meet y'all, even though my skills VS online player skills are shit. (Nightmare difficulty is a breeze, but online? Nah, those people are 2gud4me.)
Hello all fellow forum members! After a bit of lurking or "looking around" per se, I thought I'd introduce myself.
I have been following the Skullgirls scene for quite some time now, and it is one of my, if not most frequently played Fighters to date. I would love to get to know the community here on this site, and more so to participate in any events involving Skullgirls of course. It is unfortunate that SG has such a small following, but I will make sure that while I am here that will change very soon :P
Anyways.. getting off topic, as far as my Skullgirls "skillz" goes, I would tag myself as an "Intermediate" player at best (but have gotten arguably better in the recent months of my practice, and I practice daily so there is that lol)
My favorite of the SG cast? SQUIGLY<3 Ever since her reveal, I said to myself "I dont know why, I dont know how, but I need to learn this character. She is way too cute for me not too." Surprise surprise, prior to her release I did exactly that, and stuck with her as my main ever since (but before Encore days, I used to use Filia/Cerebella wombo combo online.)
If you'd like to chat it up with me some more, or host some sparring sessions messege me here on the forums or message me through PSN: SikeOpath.

That's all I have to say I suppose. Is my username not the best or what?
Hello all fellow forum members! After a bit of lurking or "looking around" per se, I thought I'd introduce myself.
I have been following the Skullgirls scene for quite some time now, and it is one of my, if not most frequently played Fighters to date. I would love to get to know the community here on this site, and more so to participate in any events involving Skullgirls of course. It is unfortunate that SG has such a small following, but I will make sure that while I am here that will change very soon :P
Anyways.. getting off topic, as far as my Skullgirls "skillz" goes, I would tag myself as an "Intermediate" player at best (but have gotten arguably better in the recent months of my practice, and I practice daily so there is that lol)
My favorite of the SG cast? SQUIGLY<3 Ever since her reveal, I said to myself "I dont know why, I dont know how, but I need to learn this character. She is way too cute for me not too." Surprise surprise, prior to her release I did exactly that, and stuck with her as my main ever since (but before Encore days, I used to use Filia/Cerebella wombo combo online.)
If you'd like to chat it up with me some more, or host some sparring sessions messege me here on the forums or message me through PSN: SikeOpath.

That's all I have to say I suppose. Is my username not the best or what?
I wuv you
Buenas noches, everyone. The name is Vice, and I'm an anarchist (sometimes borderline vigilante) trapped in the third worlded tropical beautiful lands of Venezuela, which used to be a beautiful place back when I was really young, but now communistic propaganda, homicides, shortage of basic products (I have too much patria for toilet paper), outdated electrical plants and revolutions by students (I contributed to them) are our daily meals. Yeah, that bad is here

I like Cyberpunk and Cybergoth stuff, Sin City, cosplays and videogames. I'm also a musician, a photographer and a caricaturist. College student, almost graduated in education, hoping to be a music teacher. I speak only two languages and I'm a n00b at Skullgirls. Actually, I'm new at the community, but I've been hearing about Skullgirls in a while, back in 4chan. I got the game on the last Steam Summer Sale as a gift from a friend. I haven't really played any fighting game in a long time, and it was nice to come back to the genre with this one

So, my favorite char from SG... That's actually hard. At the beginning was Parasoul, mainly because I have a thing for redheads, and this one was way too cute. However, I'm more a Valentine person now. She has my kind of fighting style and I like her personality more than the others, so I'm basically maining her and seconded Parasoul. Things went the other way around

tl;dr. I joined because why not, and I'm kinda tired to see how many SG discussions around the internet always end up as a who is the best waifu discussion Dx my answer is Valentine
Hey! I'm Skullgirlsfanboy!

I supposedly post too many threads, and a lot of people don't like me due to this one
That aside, I decided to get into Fighting games sometime last Summer, and Skullgirls was just perfect!

My characters are Peacock, Peacock, Peacock, and Peacock. (but I sometimes use Double, Parasoul, Squigly, and Painwheel)

I consider myself an artist, and with that said, I look at things differently than a lot of people do.

I'm a Genius-level IQ Homeschooler grass-fed on cartoons and games.

My personality's pretty much Peacock meets Deadpool.

Finally, I think Marie should be in the game, and that this is the greatest emoticon ever!:PUN:
Hello! Well my names Miguel and I love and been playing skullgirls for awhile and I think I'm alright at it. I'm just your everyday person who loves to draws, watch anime and play video games!
So I hope I get to meet some really awesome people here!
Basic intro stuff! Hey, I'm whatever you wanna call me but people usually address me as Sonicman, Sonic, Sawnik, Sanic or Spitfire. Its whatever in terms of names so if you have a nickname for me then just give it here lol. I'm from Philadelphia and while I'm not new to the fighting genre I'm fairly new to actually learning what the hell I'm doing.

I probably should've did this when I first got here but I'll contribute anyway. Better late than never, right? Basic stuff about me when playing Skullgirls...well lets see I prefer playing singles, I've always been a singles guy since the beginning of my whole fighting lifestyle I guess I'm just too adapt to that formula so thank god Skullgirls give us the option to do so. I main Filia mostly and sub Cerebella although I've kinda dropped Cerebella to try and get to know Filia more. I want to stay on her until I feel I can do a good enough job to move on to Cerebella.

My favorite stage is Streets of New Meridan because I love the night life feel and the music, like the rest of the soundtrack, is beyond addictive. I've fallen off of playing real fighting games over the years, I believe I stopped playing them after Soul Calibur II however there's something about Skullgirls that I love that makes me always want to come back and play, learn how to get good and just be a proficient payer even if it doesn't actually happen. Maybe it's the characters, maybe it's the music, maybe it's the way the game feels when I play. I don't know what it is but there's something about the game I find charming to the point of always aspiring to be somebody in it.

I want to make a lot of friends on here so here's to hoping that happens. Um, aside from Skullgirls I'm a fanboy for the Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog, Grand Theft Auto series and Super Smash Brothers series. I'm kind of a new fan of the survival/horror genre, I got into the series when my friend let me hold Resident Evil 5 and although it was aimed more towards action there were a few parts that made me jump....the Reapers for anyone who played know what I'm talking about. I got Resident Evil 4 shortly afterward and that was more centered around horror and I loved it. Played Dead Space 2 and couldn't find the nerve to finish it. I got to like chapter 5, 6 or 7 but now I'm waiting for The Evil Within.

I think I can add a little more random stuff so let me put down mains and subs I have in other fighting games:

Super Smash Brothers 64: Kirby

Super Smash Brothers Melee: Kirby

Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Sonic, Kirby, Zero Suit Samus(secondary. My leading lady and first female character I used in my Smash career), Mario(sub) and Peach(just recently picked her up)

Super Smash Brothers(Wii-U): Sonic, Kirby, Zero Suit Samus, Mario, Peach, Palutena, Pac-Man(Thank GOD he's in his World series appearance!)

Most of the Soul Calibur series: Taki (She was the first female character I ever used in a fighting game I believe)

Soul Calibur V: Natsu(RIP Taki T-T)

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: Taokaka

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend: Platinum

BlazBlue: Chronophantasma: Bullet

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: LeiFang and Kasumi(sub)

Anarchy Reigns(it's not a fighting game but how me and the guys I play with play it's just as real as a fighting game): Rin Rin, Fei Rin and Ai Rin

Super Street Fighter IV: Ibuki and Chun-Li(had to pick up Chun because my disc is messed up so when I pick a certain character it just stops working before the match. The only character I can't pick is Ibuki.....)

My top games to get in 2014 are: Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD:ReMix, Mario Kart 8+Smash4 with the GameCube Controller adapter but I gotta get a whole Wii U console first(ugh) and Destiny. I guess that's it so far.

I think I wrote too much but I'm a writer and I love to write so this is nothing. Anyway, good to be here!
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I don't know why i didn't do this earlier either, but here i am; my name is Sebastian and like @/V/ice~ i'm from Venezuela as well. Although, sadly, i don't have any memory of a time when this place wasn't so messed up. Anyways, i love hearing from Venezuelan people who are into video games, let alone fighting games masterpieces from small devs...

I'm relatively new to the fighting game genre. I've play them since i was a kid but it wasn't until a couple of years ago that i started putting a bunch of time and effort into these games and i'm glad i did cause the FG community is amazing, most of the people i've met online have been immensely helpful and watching any tournaments is such a blast (i really wish i could go to EVO someday) and although i haven't played many fighting games, SG is definitely my favorite one so far. I'm into every character except for Painwheel (someday i'll get the hang of her) and as an aspiring animator i can't explain how delicious all the frames in this game are (thank you @Mike_Z for the slowmo option, btw).

There's a lot of other stuff that i enjoy, such as; music (my favorite band is probably Radiohead) movies (Can't choose a favorite, but i just watched How to Train your Dragon 2 and loved that thing) anime (i like a lot of anime, but i think there is no match for Cowboy Bebop) and besides SG; Ocarina of Time, Silent Hill 1-3, Metal Gear Solid, Persona 3, Shadow of the Colossus and Dark/Demon's Souls are among my favorite games.

So, if any of you fine people wants to play someday, feel free to message me!
Na güevoná. And I thought I was the only venezuelan here
Hello, everyone. I go by Ms. Fortunasoul and as you can probably tell from that, I play Parasoul and Ms. Fortune. I am a PS3 player and I love skullgirls and I love the website just as equally. I have been a member for a while and posted a few comments but I haven't properly introduced myself so... here you all go! If you want a SG partner, my PSN: ID is LyncJacklan. I hope that I get to play against most of you. You may see me on other games such as Persona 4 Arena, Dark Souls, and even BlazBlue. If you want to play against me or just shoot a quick hello my way, feel free! Yay!
A new challenger has entered the arena! Yay! Mega-Fortune sharpens its claws!
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So, I never thought I'd join a forum for just one game, but Skullgirls has proved me wrong again. I picked up the game's trial when it first came out on XBLA during my weaboo phase, and I didn't care about the game at all. I literally only downloaded the demo under the guise of "omg kawaii girls so sugoi desu".

But earlier this year I began watching Two Best Friends Play, and they opened my eyes to all kinds of nerdy sects of gaming that I reside in today, including fighting games. I picked up Skullgirls during the Summer Sale this year, and I fucking love the shit out of it. I've gotten reasonably good at the game (I haven't even dared to try matchmaking though), and I've also delved into other "niche" games because of the TBFP also. I'm currently playing through MGS 3 for the first time and I'm hunting down a copy of RE 4.

All in all, I think I'm happy to be here on a forum just for this game. I think I'll definitely meet some great people here with common interests.
Hello, everyone! My name may, or may not be BiliousTrout, and I recently got into the fighting game genre. A couple of months ago Street Fighter 4 was free on the XBLA. I asked a friend if it was worth downloading, to which he responded with a deafening YES! I've been addicted to the genre ever since.

I picked up Skullgirls a few days ago, and it's become one of my favorite games in recent years despite how awful I still am at fighting games.

If anyone is interested in helping out a massive scrub, you can reach me via my XBL account: BiliousTrout302.
I picked up Skullgirls a few days ago, and it's become one of my favorite games in recent years despite how awful I still am at fighting games.
Glad to hear it! Welcome aboard~

If you're new to fighters you should definitely run through the tutorials included with Skullgirls. They cover a lot of the basic concepts that work across all games in the genre.
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...I-- Did I ever post here before? I know I did on the first site, but...

Y-know what screw it I guess I'll do it now, better late than never am I right ahahahaahahahahahahaaaaaa--fuck.

H-h-h-h-h-h-hi I'm B-b-b-Beat and please don't hurt me okay? Okay.
Hello there, everyone!

I'm RPG, and I have been lurking around this place for god knows how long and made an account some time ago but forgot about it... not anymore now!

I'm from Chile and my favorite character to play as is Squigly <3
Hope you all have a great day and I hope we can play a match or two someday! :D (even though I'm gonna get my arse kicked, curse you high ping from south america)
Hey everyone. Decided to pick up this game competitively after messing around with it on and off for about a year. I've been playing the Tekken series for so long and I really wanted to try out something new and refreshing while I wait for the next entry. I'm nothing special at this game (literally have less than 10 hours invested in this game as of right now), but the desire to learn is definitely there. I'm looking to meet people who are looking to teach and practice with me - perhaps join in some online tourneys in the future (There's absolutely no offline scene for this game where I'm at, so online is all I got). I'm also looking to make friends as well, of course. I live in the Gulf Coast if anyone wants to add me (My PSN is Yussa_Tampoon) so we can play some games.

Nice to meet you all.
Hi everyone.
I play a lot of games, some of the fighting games I play are Mortal Kombat, Tekken, the JoJo fighting game on the Playstation One and SkullGirls. I play a lot of games on PC (including skullgirls) but I enjoy games regardless. I also enjoy reading, film and art. I have an interest in art and often paint and draw. I look forward to meeting new people and having some good discussion here.
Eugh, I.
I. Uhm. How do I do this. Uh.

Hi. I'm nosey. No, literally. It's my forum name. Hi. BeatNinja dragged me here. He's forcing me at gun point, send help. NO, BUT. Okay, uh. What do I talk about in this. Okay, yeah. I'm Nosey, or Nose, or Jarod, or whatever in gods' names you want to call me. I play things, I complain about things. People apparently find me amusing enough to talk to me during occasions.
I suppose I play a large percentage of my games on the PC or the PS3. I've got Skullgirls. And Borderlands 2. And Persona 3. And things. Yes, things. Many things. Great things. I'm some crappy aspiring writer who also has mediocre drawing abilities. Okay, I'm rambling now. Let's start over.

Hi there everyone ! I'm mostly known as Shinzo in my community. I'm what you can call a fighting game junky. It's my greatest passion and i just love the adrenaline rush from the versus matches.

Problem is, i live in Morocco ( north Africa ), and people hear only swear by KOF 2002/XIII and SF4. Any other game will probably be considered trash and never played.

But hey, hope lives, i managed to get wired internet and i joined the forum here hoping to find some people to learn the game with. Since skullgirls uses GGPO netcode, i'm hoping it will help me find at least one sparring partner without too much lag to enjoy the game i love.

I also have UNIEL, P4U2 and a ton of other fighting games on ps3 so feel free to add me. My psn : MF_Shinzo

As for my level, it's mostly knowing my character's bnb's and some mixups. The rest is just fundamentals from playing stuff like UMVC3. So i hope to improve my team wich consists of : squigly, cerebella, double.

Nice to meet you guys.
I can't find any matches right now, so... I'm Ravendeth, or Dethy, out of the midwest. I'm an "online warrior" who has been grinding ranked on and off for about two months now. If you play on PC lately, you've probably seen me around. I broke my ps2 pad a couple hours before Eliza came out (I blame Painwheel).

I've played just about every fighting game in existence, but I would say that my background is mostly in Marvel 2. I love Skullgirls. The crowd also seems to be exceptionally intelligent and friendly. :* I tend to be the kind of guy who overthinks everything, loves theory, types paragraphs for days, and never settles on a team.

I am slower than almost anyone due to a health issue, so my neutral game is terrible and I tend to rely on reads. I also make all of my own combos and setups, which is why I'm known on streams as "what is this guy doing???". I am dead set on maining Eliza, I feel I am already getting BnBs, setups, and team synergy down.
Never really realized this thread was here so I guess Ill introduce myself I'm Josh I hail from the land of Massachusetts. I've only been playing fighting games seriously for about a year and half now. My roots are in street fighter and thats where most of my gameplay tendencies come from. I play alot of fighting games just to list a few:
*SFA 2,3
*Vampire Savior
*MVC 1,2
*Third strike
*Guilty Gear X
I love chess and engineering so the two go hand and hand with fighting games. Also I'm always down for a challenge and am willing to help out anyone that needs it just ask. Its a pleasure to be a part of this community and Ill close with "whens skullgirls?"
I just had my first EVER versus matches on skullgirls ! My life is complete ! :'( :'( :'(
Oh hai new Forums, I felt like a newbie in SG.
I mostly Played Street Fighter, and Tekken (SFxT is jank with all the Time outs)
Pleased to meet y'all.
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I'll try to keep this short, I'll rpobably fail. Oh well.

Hi there, fellas, I'm Nugie (Or Noogie, or Nuage, or.....) and I have actaully never been interested much in Fighting games until Skullgirls.

I have played, like, two rounds of Tekken when I was six or something and then for a while semi-regularly some Naruto fighter when I was sixteen.
Needless to say, I am a complete scrub and never really cared for getting into fighting games because [insert typical outsider salt] UNTIL, LO AND BEHOLD, TWO STUPID YOUTUBE IDIOTS I WASTE TOO MUCH TIME ON WATCHING THEIR VIDEOS OVERHYPED IT SO MUCH I JUST COULDN'T HELP IT ANYMORE;
So, after their most recent Skullgrils video, I just couldn't hold it in anymore and finally jump into the cold waters of Fighting games, and holy shit, I have never been gladder to be so easily hyped by others.
I bought SG just a week ago and can hardly put it down anymore. I didn't know shit about FG, but just from the tutorials and Story modes I learned so much about them, and had so much fun even after getting beaten and beaten over and over again by everybody including freinds and family (My sister is thirteen and apparently a freaking god in SF4A).
I'd love to become a part of the FGC, and I'd love to start in here, since this game is just all-around aweosme (Next on my list are Blazblue/Guilty Gear since I heard a bit about them and liked them from afar),
so, Nice to meet you all! :D

My favorite of the SG cast? SQUIGLY<3 Ever since her reveal, I said to myself "I dont know why, I dont know how, but I need to learn this character. She is way too cute for me not too."
This. I couldn't have put it any better. Bro-fistnote. And by now, I can even play her pretty decently/tactically(relatively for my skill level yada yada).
Hi Im majorgalaxy not much to say about myself since im pretty boring but ill just go ahead since this a introduction thread

Ive been playing skullgirls for over a month and ive been lurking here since and I thought ehh why not so I signed up. I really enjoy this game and it became one of favorite fighters along with street fighter 3 third strike the Guilty Gear series and the KOF series.

my characters? My main is Squigly because I saw her trailer and thought I gotta play as her. Thankfully she lived up to my hopes and more with stance cancles being like holy order sol in guilty gear so Ill learned ( still learning ) her combos resets her burst baits etc. My substitues are cerebella and parasol. Cerebella because shes a really fun grappler and POTEMKIN COLOR!!!!!!!!!! Parasol because she looks cool and reminds me of venom from GG . Characters I want to learn is ms fortune and peacock. Mainly because how cool they are.

fun facts about me? Well if it means anything. I play fighters with the 360 D-pad exclusively because im a madman and Im the only in the world apparently who thinks sreet fighter 4 is just god damn garbage.

and if you were curious enough my mains and subs from other games. And if you werent interested too bad im going to anyways.

Guilty Gear: Main: Axl low subs: Potemkin, order sol, millia rage
third strike: main: Alex sub: dudley
KOF: I messatround with lots of characters but I mainly play Yamazaki, Billy Kane, Iori , Clark, kula, and terry bogard
Hey, i main alex, sub dudley, and think sf4 is garbage. Welcome.
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Hey, i main alex, sub dudley, and think sf4 is garbage. Welcome.
why thank you it feels good not to be alone when I say sf4 is bad
Hey everybody.
i'm from Winnipeg Manitoba and haven been playing fighting games for few years now but Skullgirls is probably my favourite fighter that I have played.
I would indroduce my self better but using IE on the 360 is suffering.
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Heyo! My name is Demon Games (on Youtube, Steam, and SH), and I consider myself a button-masher (I just mash buttons and hope I can kill the person). I am actually in the midst of completing the Story Mode for EVERY character (Going from upper left to bottom right), and I am recording all of the story mode I can. If you do want to contact me, your best bet is to use Youtube for comments.

Also, I love modding. It's the purr-fect way to scratch off the tick on my back. :PUN:

Before I go, J.:HK:
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