• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

I'm a relative newcomer to Skullgirls and I have yet to get very good at it. It doesn't help I'm currently stuck with a keyboard or a logitech PS2-style controller to play it with (I intend to get a fighstick though). I'm not really into competitiveplay and got interested in Skullgirls because of the awesome art, interesting characters and cool themes (although the gameplay is great too). Hopefully once I have a proper fightstick I'll actually be able to play fairly well. My favourite characters are Filia's thighs and Painwheel, although I do like Cerebella and Peacock too (well, I like them all but those are my favourites).

Anyway, it's good to meet all of you!
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Hello friends. Name's adwins. My fightan experience is not very much, having only played Tekken and Soul calibur, very poorly and at a young age, i might add. when SCV came out, I tried to get more into it, but it just didn't work out. Skullgirls has been a completely different eperience for me--I feel lke it has the best kind of tutorial out there (one of the few things that could be improved could be to add a character's most basic combos. Also Tekken had audio cues when you played an example combo, that would be cool too)

er, point is. SG feels much smoother for me to get into, and i'd like to believe i'm already getting used to a supposedly hard character to grasp as a beginner: Squigly! Probably helps that i have plenty of friends who can play it with me.

Filia and Peacock were my first characters, but oddly enough, i'm now better with squigly than anyone and i forgot a lot of Filia's BnBs by now. But that's dedication for you! Double is a really interesting and challenging character but i think i'll work on squigly first. I've learned a lot in the many hours i've played and researched this game, and i'm looking forward to speaking with you guys
Hey everyone! My username is kind of a giveaway that I like a certain catgirl more than an actual name, so you can call me Felix or Fire, whichever you prefer.

I haven't really had too much experience in fighting games, admittedly, Skullgirls being the only fighting game I actually still own and play up to this point. The only other fighting game experience I could say I've had is with M.U.G.E.N and Smash Bros, but I doubt that really counts for much.

As for how I've been playing the game, I've been playing since sometime before New Year's Eve and I don't know if I'm too good. It doesn't help that I won't be able to afford a fight stick for a long time and I only use my laptop's built-in keyboard. I did try to use a spare PS3 controller I had lying around but unfortunately, the controller won't respond to my computer at all so I have no choice but to save up for an Xbox 360 controller because that's the only controller option within my price range for a long time to come. This means that for now, until I get a controller that I can USE with the game, it's impossible for me to use certain moves and frankly not really a good opponent in multiplayer I'm afraid.

However, that doesn't mean I'm ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE at the game, I've learned a few things with my current character set-up of Ms. Fortune and Squigly, but I don't think I'm ready to step up to higher level play for a long time to come. I may have beaten all the story modes but when it comes to fighting a human opponent, I can't say if I can do as well as you would expect me to.
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Hello :)

I found Skullgirls about 2 weeks ago and after running through the tutorials and playing a couple of games with friends, I broke through the wall that had been standing between me and 2D fighting games for so long. I'm very much a beginner with no background from any other fighting game, but I hope to improve over time, with dedication and effort. I play on PC and I use a PS3 controller, though I wish I could afford a arcade stick. I also like to code and do math :^)

I started out with solocerebella, because she was easy to spam :^ I picked up Filia about 3 days ago and learned some of her more rudimentary combos, by exploring in the training room. Filia is the first character I've really liked in a 2D fighting game and even though I use teams sometimes, it's mostly solo Filia.

I hope that I will one day be able to contribute something of value back to this amazing game and its amazing community!
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Hey all!

So I'm not exactly "new" to Skullgirls, I've got about 119 hours on steam, but I've still got a long way to go before I am skilled. You've probably wrecked a guy under the handle Hououin Kyouma if you play during late nights and early morning, and if so then you've hurt my feelings already! I mainly try to Peacock with Parasoul and Squiggly assisting but I drop combos like an analogy. I've played other fighting games causally, but this is the only one I've really REALLY gotten into so it's about time I step out of the cave and get involved here in the community. If you wanna practice on a punching bag feel free to add me on steam and shoot me an invite!

Hope to meet a good lot of you all!
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nice t'meetcha! i'm bluffy, mmadotsuki on tumblr and bluffy_ on twitch. skullgirls is my first fighting game, i've been keepin' up with it since peacock's trailer but hadn't gotten to play it until it came out on PC.

i feel like i'm at a pretty decent fighting level, i've been playing with my laptop's keyboard.. up until it died! i'm on a new laptop now and switched out my arrow keys to the numpad since New laptops tend to have very teeny arrow keys now. must be a new trend.

anyway, you can catch me in the lobbies or quick match!
+ hope i get active on here, thought i signed up on here years ago, urf..!
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*Taps microphone* Does this thingy work?

Oh! Uh.. Hi! I'm a belgian SquigBand player, in mad love with the little singer! BaguetteOmelette gibberish being my mother language, I hope you won't mind my sloppy sentence constructions! I have played through 517 hours of SG so far, so it is likely that you have already come across me in quick matches if you're from Europe. I consider myself as an advanced player, although I'm not really sure where I stand in terms of level. I also mentor a bunch of newbies, and I'm very open to tutoring requests.

In real life, I'm a student, and a hobbyist were-gamedev. Once every full moon I stop procrastinating and build a #!@$ty game prototype I will never finish, then throw it in the trash can with it's brethren. Metroidvanias and RPGs are my thing.
(If you like Cave Story and/or Etrian Odyssey, you're already my waifu.)

Hope we'll get along!

*Clumsily floats away*
Greetings. Always loved airdashing, but didn't know it until I saw a video on how to make fighting games. So hyped 4 ps4 version, that I finally signed up; it's gonna look swweet (& saxxy)! Glad 2 b here.
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hi im ben and ive been playing on and off since the pc released and decided to see what's out in my area after being an online warrior.
i just got back from magfest and found out about xanadu and this forum from the guys i played so ill be going there in the coming months. and ill play online and stuff.
Hello friends my name is Felix but I also go by Fifi at tournaments. I suck at fighting games but I love playing people. I hope to get better at Skullgirls one day. I'm Lord_Theseus on steam if you ever run into me say hi or something.
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Hi guys,
I am a newbie skullgirls player.Supermilkchan gifted me the game a few days ago so I am trying my best to get good at this game.Even though this is not my first fighting game, this game is really intimidating.I have never played fast paced games like this before so most of the time I dont even know what the hell is happening on the screen^^
I am playing fukua at the moment.Feel free to add me if you wanna play with me or teach me some stuff about fukua:)
Hello everyone, big fan of Skullgirls and fighters in general. I'm not the most amazing player, probably an intermediate player, but nevertheless, I've enjoyed this game to an amazing degree!

I'm currently attempting to start a proect to create a fighting game, however this is more or less a side project in my life atm, and as a college student with no real idea what he's doing or getting into gonna be a rough ride. But I'm determined to make my dream of creating my own amazing fighting game come true, no matter how long it takes!
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Greetings! You may call me Aura. I am 101% a noob at fighting games, Skullgirls is truly my first traditional fighting game. I am definitely not good, but I hope to get better. I use a keyboard, but I would like to get a fightstick someday. I also still need to buy the DLC as well, since I am late to the party (and I have regretted being late as soon as I turned on the game, I should have played long ago.) but I will get around to getting that eventually, when I have the money. My current favorite character(s)... hard to say, but probably Valentine, Filia, and Ms. Fortune. Although, I like all of the characters!
(except Double... *shudders*)
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Hello everyone Im the Arcade_Tactician,

Im a kinda big fan of fighting games(more of a spectator than a player) Im a bigger fan of 2D fighters. I joined this forum to get a little better a skull girls (100% new player). I was interested when the game came out but been busy with other things. anywho i look forward to being able to learn from all of you and being able to play you all.
Hello !

I am kinda new to Skullgirls, and I hope to get better and play more with you guys,
other than this fighter I also play Hisoutensoku and BlazBlue:Chronophantasma.

I roll around on Steam as Hong Meiling, and I hit the quick match button pretty frequently so perhaps some of you I have played with.

Hope to have fun and learn from you all!
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Hello everyone!

I bought this game on a whim in the Holiday sale from Steam about ~6 weeks ago and have been really enjoying it ever since. I have never really gotten into a lot of fighters unfortunately but I really enjoy the genre from what I have played and seen. I have played Super Smash Bros. Brawl and a little bit of 4 before this and also a very small amount of Arcana Heart 3 on the PS3.

At the moment my go to characters are Valentine and Double and I still have so much to learn with both of them as I only have about 70 hours in retail and 25 hours in the beta, most of which is just training mode checking out characters and combo's.

My Steam name is the same as my profile and you can add me if you want to play some matches!
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My name is Brought, I guess.

I suck at fighting games, so if anyone out there could help me train at this game, I'd be really grateful. Not sure where to start, honestly. lol. Kinda made this account on a whim after getting my ass thoroughly kicked online time after time. Feel free to PM me or whatever.
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'Going on Lads?

So uh, I obsessively like this game, I'm not very good at it at all, I use the good old Keyboard for this game which might be correlated. This the first Fighting game I've played, I got interested into it thanks to Zone-Tan and the swinging mammaries ingame animations some of my friends telling me about it. I've got 30 hours logged into it on Steam (Quite a lot for me given I don't play games much) and my favourite characters are Filia and Fortune. I've always had an irrational distaste for retro games and genres (Ask me why in PM if you're so curious.) And never got into fighting games before. I'm a very hard-PC player, I've used Consoles for a collective time of 20 Hours I think, whilst maybe a year's worth of time or more on a PC. I also hold a huge envy to those who can draw worth a damn (Mental defect prevents me, again ask.), and I have an obsessive complex, which means I'll obsess the shite out of something until a total burnout, which probably makes me really obnoxious to be around.
Also, screencapped my avatar at the moment I defeated Marie on Easy difficulty with no HP left at all, seriously, as the death animation for Marie played, the audio queue for failure also played. Also Skullheart Hairpin.

Think that's it. Toodles!
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Hi, I'm Skar and I play Squiggly. I've played many other FGs, including SG at launch, but I didn't really click with any of the characters available at the time, so I lost interest. I like that the game is less combo heavy nowadays, and it has even more interesting characters! I don't know who to pair with Squiggly yet I'm, but I'll probably go with some sort of DP assist. Anyways, I want to get beat up by strong players, but I'm also fine with playing with other newer players as well. Feel free to add me on Steam for games, usually good from the 6-11 PM EST.
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This is probably long overdue but better late than never!

Hey everyone, my name is Flynn, and I play Skullgirls (shocker, huh?). I've been playing fighting games for quite a while now, but because of other priorities I never got into one as much as I can, except for Skullgirls. Even then, school keeps me preoccupied, and I'm usually not able to access a computer that can run Skullgirls during school time. Recently however, I got a hand-me-down laptop from a relative, which is pretty slow, but it can at least run Skullgirls on the lowest settings/resolution possible. Thus, I've decided to set aside some time to practice Skullgirls and hopefully, "git gud" at it. I would rate myself at a low-mid intermediate player, but don't let that stop you from adding me because you're new or a pro!

I also have a PS3 with most of the new fighting game releases (Persona 4 Ultimax, Guilty Gear Xrd, BlazBlue: CP, Ultra Street Fighter IV, and Skullgirls), so feel free add me on PSN as well. That's all I have to say for now, but hopefully we'll meet in a lobby and have some great matches!
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I'm Magolor and I've only been playing Skullgirls for a week. I'm trying to get good at Robo-Fortune which is easy because she only has her normals and the laser special at the moment lol
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Hihi I am mossclaw I have been playing skullgirls on and off since the game came out. Though I have not gotten serious about it till recently. I have been playing solo val until about 2 days ago when I picked up Big band as a second. I play on PC and I stream very often so if anyone want's to run some sets with me please feel free to add Mossclaw to your steam list :D
Hello everyone, I'm crazyherron. Picked up SG couple of days ago, decided I would use the really good tutorial in game to get myself going and try and be better at the game. I play on PC add me on steam as crazyherron. I have a skull face as my avatar.
Edit: I play solo Filia
Hello there, I'm Dr. Zeus!

I bought Skullgirls when it went on sale several weeks ago. I hadn't played a traditional fighting game for any significant length of time before, but Big Band's existence convinced me to give it a chance. I play clarinet and a few other instruments, and the idea of hitting people giant saxophones was amazing. And now here I am, a little over 80 hours played.

I'm happy to report that I've gotten significantly better than my fumbling beginnings (quick match is no longer me losing over and over again, yay!) but I know I still have a long way to go. I have to play at odd times since my university's internet tanks in the evenings, but hopefully I'll be able to play against some of you guys and keep improving. If you feel like playing or talking or whatever, add me on steam (Same name, same profile picture).
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Hi, I'm GFireNexus, a name that I came up with on the spot years ago.

I'm decent at Skullgirls (I can actually get like, ten or so hits in on quick match!) but there's definitely a long way to go. I'm hoping to check a few more beginner threads after this, and maybe get a few people added on steam that WON'T decimate me immediately. (Instead, I'm hoping for a solid 30 seconds of struggling before I lose.)

I have no idea who to main, but I'm pretty good at a few characters, so I might put together some sort of team if I can muster up a good strategy.

Signing out.

Also, Zeus's profile picture at the moment is literally the best thing.
Well. Hello. I'm Jordan, a furfag from Wisconsin. I've been really into Skullgirls lately, even though I've only had the patience with other fighting games to beat the game with each character (mortal kombat, street fighter iv, tekken, etc.). I really have no idea how good I am at this game. I don't really have any problems with Arcade on Nightmare (except when double shows up with her luger and car spam), but the few times I /do/ get to try and practice Cerewulf against a real person, I get trounced. I've only recently been looking into more advanced things like resets and double snaps. I'd love help and stuff, because I might even want to go pro because this game is the most fun. I use a PS3 controller for now (yeah yeah, i know, my gamepad with a good d-pad broke) but I'm looking to get a Hori Commander 3 sometime. Hit me up any time. My Steam is Jordan`, so it should be easy enough to find me. I look forward to getting more into this game!
Hello everyone, I'm known as NotCras. I have never been into side scroller fighters; I've previously only played smash bros with friends. I was so bad, all I could do was resort to trolling until i got annoying enough that everyone would just destroy me just to get rid of me. I kinda hated these games because I felt they were dumb; people just play these games to feel superior to their friends. Then I saw this video from EVO 2014:

It really inspired me to get into fighting games, and I don't really know why. Just how close the game was and how intense things got really inspired me. I got Skullgirls because there was a large community and it seemed more accessible to me, who was a total noob. I played around a little bit, and I'm really liking playing as Cerebella, but I'm not entirely sure yet. Just trying out characters and seeing how it goes.

I want to get proficient at this game and actually have some skill. Plus, I think it will be fun getting into this game, wouldn't you think? :)

Add me on steam: NotCras.
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Hello, everyone!
I... prefer to not give out my real name. So you can all call me Luigi, and I'm a PC gamer who isn't actually very good at what I do.

I've played a lot of games in my life, but I haven't really played that many fighting games that I really liked. (Well... traditional ones, at least. I really like games like Lethal League and the Smash bros. series, but they don't really follow the same tropes/mechanics as games like Street Fighter or Blazblue.)
But ever since I bought Skullgirls, I got hooked! There is so much I love about this damn game...
The characters, the visuals, and the many things Lab Zero did to make their game stand out among the other fighters.

I've played Skullgirls for a while and I've gotten kinda good! (although not THAT good...) I've decided to go on this forum because I want to know more about the community and all that.
My favorite character in the game is Valentine, (Because she... Well... Uh... She... ...Okay, fine! It's because she's freakin' HOT!) and Marie is my least favorite. (Mostly due to her... less than fair boss fight.)
I'm also practicing on becoming an artist.

It's nice to meet all of ya! :D
Name's Chris, but for SG, I go by cherry blossoms. veteran at fighting games, been playing 3rd strike, BB, Ultra/AE, and finally went over to here. This game's taken over my time I had on BB, but I still manage to keep my Ultra going in the arcades. I currently live on the outskirts of Tokyo,Japan which is why I have 200+ ping when you see me. Internet's completely stable; nobody's complained while having a set with me.

I'm a chill guy, but I love to try new things and I love to find someone who completely destroys me (I'm a masochist, I need an insurmountable challenge). I main Squigs, but I play Filia/Fukua/Bella/Fortune. Feel free to add me, I'm willing to help u out whether you've just started or you've been around since SDE like me :3
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Hi Everyone I am MasterMAStiff And I Am Happy To Make All Of You Aquaintance. I Started Skull Girls And It Is Good! I Play Other games Such As Luigi's Mansion before Fighting Games. But Now I am Devoted To Making Pinwheel The Best She Can Do!!! :D See You All In The Field Of Battle!~
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It's late for me to introduce myself since i already have over 40 messages on these forums, but i might as well do it now or never.

Hello, I'm Dio Brando, i first knew about skullgirls thanks to Zone-Tan's infamous Filia flash, then i lurked around youtube and saw the trailers and loved the game instantly, way later after that (about over 2 years) a friend of mine gifted me the game when it was on sale, i already have over 120 hours in the game but i'm still way too far from being good, specially because all i use is my keyboard, i had no mains in the game, i played every character equally, trying to get better with all of them, even going into online mode and playing a single character for a whole night (my worst night was Peacock night, i did not just lose every match, but i could barely pull any damage at all) and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that i chose to make Squigly, Eliza and Parasoul my mains and i'm working on it, i still have problems getting into the "meta" side of the game and understanding everything going around, but i've been lurking around and i'm improving little by little.

I love to be part of this community, one of the best i've been in so far, have good games everybody.
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I've been stalking the forums for around 1-2 months now and I finally felt like making an account.
Bought SG during the christmas sale and loved it and it has become my go to fighting game now. Still pretty inexperienced when it comes to online play but I do below average most of the time, I main Big Band, Beowulf and a bit of Peacock/ Valentine.
I also occasionally do art but it's pretty low detail.

I do love the community when it comes to things like the lore speculation, theories and art, and that is why I decided to finally make an account.
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Umh, hi all!
I'm Kacaronte from Italy, i knew skullgirls by one of my friend and he persuaded me to buy it with him, initially not sure to buy it at last i start to love this game more than my friend.
Skullgirls is the first Fighting game i start to play "seriously", or better i try to do this, i start from basically nothing and i'm not a very good player, but i like play this game and i hope to improve more in this.
(i'm sorry for my english, is not very well...)
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Salutations, everyone! Well...uh....first off, I'm honestly just making this account to get some criticism and tips on how to make some music for the fangame Invocation, which North888 is currently striving for. And if the time comes, I'll start playing Skullgirls.
Sadly, I haven't found much care or time to truly appreciate or play Skullgirls or any fighting games in general, honestly....I take some heavy college courses, so I've got my time tied up quite nicely, see... 0_o;
(I'm more of an RPG person, if anyone's curious. xD)
But in any case, I'm sure everyone is nice here, and hopefully with the help of this fighting game community, I can make some good music to put in North's game. ^_^

Farewell for now! *brandishes sword and salutes*
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Hey, I am a new player that has been following the game for a long while. I play almost all genres of games and fancy myself as a decent gamer in general. I only "know how to play" Ms. Fortune atm, but I would like to find 2 more characters to develop a full team. I am always willing to learn, if you want to play anything or just talk add seadawg1016 on Steam. Nice to meet y'all :).
Good morning. It's been so long that I feel rather bad that I've forgotten everything. Alas, it's best to start walking again than to sit and wonder what could have been?

I am an old fighting game veteran [ in that I've played a ton of games out there for the longest time, not that I'm near anywhere good ] particularly in Street Fighter III Third Strike, Darkstalkers Vampire Savior, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. You may often find me playing on [ currently ] Fightcade but I have been on Kaillera, GGPO, 2dfighter, you name it.

I mostly prefer reading books or visual novels these days but I am always more than happy to play other things out there if they are fun and nothing gets my blood boiling [ in a good way ] than competition! At this point, I am finally going to sit down and learn my team of Painwheel, Squiggly, and Peacock and work my way up from there or I may just switch out Peacock for Cerebella so we'll see. At any rate, any advice is constructive so please fill me in whenever possible.

I often go by Dyne anywhere else I can go and currently as well on Fightcade for the other games you may see me play but otherwise, I'm always in the mood to talk in general.

And as I say to all the lovely faces of a complexion milked by the moonlight's discriminating beam down on the lush...

A pleasure to meet you.
Salutations, skullgirl fandom. I am kiss.

Just a married man that likes super smash bros and street fighter.
I suck at street fighter and im a little advanced to super smash bros.

I stumbled across skullgirls last year and couldnt play it due to an outdated laptop. I am getting a ps3 and this is gonna be my first title. Ive seen gameplay, trailers and all kind of skullgirls stuff. My dream now is to become part of the fandom and be a hardcore skullgirl player and enter tournaments.

P.s. You people ROCK!!
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Hello everyone! I am PsychoCombo. I purchased Skullgirls on the xbox shorty after it's release in April 2012. So I have been an xbox player for a very long time. I recently got a new laptop and I got skullgirls on steam. Now I can avoid waiting a long time for freaking updates haha. I also play other fighting games such as Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior, Project M, KOF XIII, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, and a little bit of 3rd strike. Skullgirls is pretty much the only fighting game I consider myself an expert at. I am either good, decent, or bad at everything else haha. I hope to improve myself as a fighting game player!
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I'm bowlersandtophats, or bowlers for short. I recently got into skullgirls about a month ago after playing it on Steam w/ a friend. Sadly I don't own a copy of it and for now just waiting for it to go on sale on Steam (you gotta save money and be frugal, yo).

But this also means I'm relatively new to the fighting game community since I've never delved into it heavily. But SG seemed pretty interesting and I picked up for the game quickly. Not too much of a forum person, but I like drawing a lot! So I might post a few fanarts here and there.

Games that I've played a lot are TF2 (Lots of fanart) and Civ V. (Not so much)