• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

Well.... I never posted here...

But I guess I have to do mine...

The name's Mc.Rad. Im making a Dating Sim for Skullgirls and I have a very passionate love for Sienna Contiello
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Hi there, I'm a new member. I already used this forum since Squigly came out on steam to check combo/tips and various stuff, but I thought it was time to register too and maybe partecipate a bit. My fighting game experience can be reassumed with the Blazblue saga, from calamity trigger 'till chrono phantasma. I've also played other fighting games, but I've never explored them too deeply, so I won't mention them. Skullgirls is an exception, since I've been playing more and more than any other game lately (Blazblue included). I used to play Ms. Fortune in both vanilla and encore, a bit of band and a bit of squigly. Then Eliza was released on the endless beta and... I took again squigly and band and formed my actual team Eliza/Squigly/Big Band. Nice to meet ya all.
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What's up, Clinton 'Navigator' Bowman here, just wanted to introduce myself quickly before anything else.

I am a budding streamer/tournament organizer based out of New York City, but focusing on the Northern New Jersey FG Scene.

I hope to meet some of you soon as I plan more tourneys for the Skullgirls scene, cause let's be real, this scene is pretty dope. HOLLA.
Hey guys, Israel here(That's my real name btw). Being play fighting games for a decade now,but only being competitive for about 2 years now with MK9 being my first competitive,so I came from TYM. I live in Georgia.

The moment I saw Skullgirls I knew it was gonna be the "spiritual successor" to MvC2. I would of pick it up even in its late years, but having 10 or so characters actually viable in the game among 50+ chars,glitches(game breaking or not),infinities just doesn't cut it for me.What makes Skullgirls so great is the "feel" of MvC2 without the BS.


  • Being playing for a couple of months
  • Teams are Filia/Squigly/Bella & Fukua/Squigly/Filia
  • 22 yrs old & Majoring in Psychology
P.S Thanks for the game Mike Z
Hey guys Maverick J here! Long time lurker, second time poster and finally getting back into Skullgirls! I was introduced to this forum a long while back at A & C Games (by a person who may or may not be worldjem(?) I just knew he told me he was an admin) and made an account but never really have posted here until now. From release I just went in and out of trying out the DLC characters but now I really want to take the time to learn the game and play. Never really was any good but hoping to get better as seen in a thread I posted before unearthing this page (yay for shameless plugs!). Nice to finally meet you guys!
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Alluvion here. I've been lurking here for a short while, and needed a forum to join, so I decided that this was a pretty good place. I'm not a competitive player of anything by any means, in fact I tried playing Skullgirls online and got bodied (quite literally, Valentine's aerial heavy kick is hellacious), but I wouldn't mind playing against people in my skill level. Ask me about my interests if you like; I don't feel like listing them all here. I look forward to meeting all of you wonderful people!
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Hey ya.

I love my fighting games even tho I am really bad at them, butt I still have tomes of fun. I have been classified as an intermediate player from my friends since I only play one fighter at a time, I would say Eliza's my main then Valentine and fukua. I'm openly gay so take that as you will :)

Um that is about it that I can think of, related to this game that is ^.^
Hello! I'm Bigtonney,i'm currently 19 years old and i play awesome games such as Skullgirls and some good old memories from my ps1. I consider myself a very shy person but i found really nice people playing videogames and this helped me a lot.
I'm from Italy and this is the main reason of my very basic english so don't grammar-nazi me too ofter i'm trying to comunicate with you ^^
I play Skullgirls since the release of Bigbang and I wish i knew this game earlier.
I'm not very good at Skullgirls but i want to find more people to learn something new and get better and stronger.Shorryuken.
I'm platinumrad on steam
West coast represent norcal #1
I bet most of you hate me by now
Hello, my name is Asante Kemp. I write fan-fictions and I have been playing Skullgirls since I saw desk do a combo video on the game. I might go to Evo at 2015-16 as Raiza the Bloodedge (my new tourney name and my online name on Steam). So, if you guys are going to Evo around 2015 or 2016, I hope i see u guys and have great matches!
Hiya, folks! The name's Sauce Fonda and I love Skullgirls and beer. In my spare time I play a ton of RPGs, do a bunch of design projects, and drink beer. So if you're in the Sacramento region and need design, and or want to drink and play SG. Let me know 'cause I'm your man!
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Hello everyone, I am new to Skullgirls but not new to fighting games, I play / played a ton of the Guilty Gear games in the past and decided to finally pick up Skullgirls on steam recently, I stream often and play tons of other games, I'm always accepting adds on Steam too.

I'm 25 and a Student and Freelance Web Designer, I'm also married with a kid on the way in May :D

I hope to be active here a lot <3!
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Hi, I'm Meiynas, french player born in 1994. I'm a beginner in Skullgirls, the first VS fighting game which I really want to progress. (I need to progress in English too ^^)
My steam ID is Meiynas btw.
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Hi, I'm Meiynas, french player born in 1994. I'm a beginner in Skullgirls, the first VS fighting game which I really want to progress. (I need to progress in English too ^^)
My steam ID is Meiynas btw.

Ma famille est tout du Québec, donc je suis un peu familier avec le français :D

sorry if my french is crap :3 I haven't practiced in a long time
Hi My name is Malik. I'm a 19 year old currently going to change my major in the Art and media industry. I'm still struggling to get good at Skullgirls or any game since I leave me PS3 at home and focus on my studies.But, other than video games I'm an avid music listener. I listen to all kinds of music including rap, hip hop, R&B and rock.I also enjoy playing sports but mainly I play American football and basketball(not sports video games I rather play in real life).
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Reactions: Jimbob
Hallo. This is my first fighting game that I've taken seriously. Just trying to get good at the game and after trying out all the characters, I took a liking to Squigly and only play her right now. I figure that I should just focus on one character right now since I'm new. I also play a fuck-ton of league of legends. Please, add me on steam so I can bother you when I have questions about getting gud. :>
Hello, i bought this game yesterday, first ever fighter ive ever owned, i havent regretted it so far, gameplay feels good, characters are unique, etc...

I want to find people to play against and learn from, if you want to you can add me on steam, or post here with your steam and ill add you. :)

I currently like Painwheel and Ms Fortune as characters.

I am currently playing on Easy Arcade to get the feel of the game and get used to the controls(i have a controller).

I also heard that this games tutorial is pretty good so ill also go through that when im in the mood, but i prefer learning via doing rather than reading so thats why i play on Easy Arcade. :)

I have to say, game looks great and feels great, worth all the praise its getting.
Salve, community!
I'm an italian fighting game aficionado who started with Marvel 3 and now plays mostly Skullgirls and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike and...well...actually, i'm not here for Skullgirls itself, but because of his community: i heard it's full of Marvel vs Capcom, Guilty Gear and Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure '98 veterans, among the other players, and i'd need their help for a "project" regarding those games, their mechanics and characters' movesets.
Sorry, i should not be here, but i NEED help and i need it quickly, i'll delete my account once my work is done, i promise.
Please, contact me if you're interested, and do it before the 23th of January.
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Hello all.

Suppose I should start from the beginning. I started playing fighting games back when SFII came out on the SNES. Since then I've only ever played Super Turbo at a competitive level and that was just locals. I've dabbled in several other games in the arcade back in the day such as MvC2, CvS2, KI, 3S and many of the recent editions of fighters like USF4 and UMvC3. I've never really mastered any of them, but I've always liked picking up something new and doing what I could with it. I like the way SG looks, and it was cheap a few days ago. I've finished up the tutorials without much difficulty and have yet to step into the world of online, still trying to find a character.
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Reactions: skull person
Hi everyone.

I'm TastiestMuffin. I played a lot of FGs, but at the moment i'm really into Under Night In-Birth: Exe late, BlazBlue: ChronoPhatansma and, of course, Skullgirls Encore :P
I'm just a Skullgirls Beginner player, but i'm really enjoying this game. My main team is Filia + Painwheel. I'm waiting for Beowulf so i can play him as the third character pf the team [Maybe i'll change Painwheel with him ... LOL Still don't know what to do] . Hope i'll find some players to play with, so i can get better. Thanks to BigTonney for inviting me in this forum.
I play on PS3, my PSN ID is TastiestMuffin. I'm from EU, Italy.
hey im lucy im bad at this game because i dont have a fightstick and also im on a mac so i can only play when i get on a windows computer which aint all that often. i like double because shes the coolest one
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i like double because shes the coolest one
I like the cut of your jib.
Hi, My name is Erik. I've loved fighting games since I was little. Started with Killer instinct on the super nintendo. Just picked up Skullgirls recently on PC with keyboard. I love most of the Skullgirls characters and am floating around squigly, valentine, peacock and miss fortune. I'm a beginner and can do basic combos. That's about it. Don't really have the friends that love fighting games to play with, but recently one picked up skullgirls with me. So here I am.
Hi, My name is Erik. I've loved fighting games since I was little. Started with Killer instinct on the super nintendo. Just picked up Skullgirls recently on PC with keyboard. I love most of the Skullgirls characters and am floating around squigly, valentine, peacock and miss fortune. I'm a beginner and can do basic combos. That's about it. Don't really have the friends that love fighting games to play with, but recently one picked up skullgirls with me. So here I am.
Welcome, friend. You are going to do swell here :)
Yo~ My name is Kotorin, I just bought Skullgirls about a couple days ago for PC. I mostly like to play Filia, but sometimes Fukua or Parasoul. I'm a beginner at this game and know some basic combos. Also I use a fight stick that I recently got, so Im looking to get better at Skullgirls or fighting games in general along with my fight stick :)

Feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kotorin/
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Welcome to the forums Kotorin. I hope you enjoy our community here on Skullheart :)
Yo~ My name is Kotorin, I just bought Skullgirls about a couple days ago for PC. I mostly like to play Filia, but sometimes Fukua or Parasoul. I'm a beginner at this game and know some basic combos. Also I use a fight stick that I recently got, so Im looking to get better at Skullgirls or fighting games in general along with my fight stick :)

Feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kotorin/
Hello durrr... I dont know how to introduce..
well, I have been here for a loong time but never was active.. but now that I take the game once again i'm trying all my best to use Eliza and Parasoul! :)
So.. eeh... glad to be here C:
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Hi, everyone!

I am new to Skullgirls, never played fighting games before - but I LOVE this game!

I would appreciate to find some people to play with and who teach me everything and also just want to have fun and not be too serious about it.

My favorites are Filia (and Samson, both the coolest characters), Parasoul, Valentine and Double (for gameplay, designe and creativity).

I am from Germany and the EU community is small and the german community even smaller (I almost never find german players). Also excuse my not so propper english. :PUN:
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Reactions: Muro and ZeonicCrab
What's up guys? I recently started playing SG. I consider myself a casual fighting game fan. I play Smash Bros. Melee and Project M semi-competitively. Skullgirls is the first traditional 2-D fighter that I've ever been actually interested in getting good at. I've actually been in the lab, which is crazy for me. Anyway, I'm from the US East Coast, specifically Georgia, if anyone is down to play. Always looking for tips and pointers.
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Reactions: ZeonicCrab
Welcome to magic kingdom!, but seriously browse the gameplay fourm, these guys know their stuff let them know your interested in learning exchange names ect
Hello all! I'm robot-star, but you can call me Robot or RS. I started playing skullgirls shortly after Christmas when a good friend of mine showed me the game. I'm very much a newbie at fighter games like this, but I'm getting better! I've been playing since around Christmas (again bit of a newb). Other than gaming I also draw and edit together 3D models.

Oh! Also my favorite character is Painwheel.
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Hello all. I'm Koopa-Paratroopa, but everyone calls me Koopa anyway. Been playing fighting games for a year, Skullgirls for about a week, and I'm honestly quite lost switching from Persona 4 Arena and Smash Bros to this. Looking to get to know more people to fight with, and hopefully improve my Peacock above "masher" level.
Hey all. I've been playing Super Smash Bros competitively for over 9 years - mostly Melee and Project:M, and I'm generally considered to be a top player in Project:M. I decided recently that I'd try my hand at traditional fighters so I started playing this game yesterday! Looking forward to playing this game some more and figuring out how not to suck.