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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

a couple episodes into battle tendency.
I still like Jonathan as well, no matter how many people prefer Joseph
Jonathan will always be Muscle Gent and have a special place in my heart
I like the Jonathan's gentleman way of life, but for an animu like JoJo with violence and weird sense of humor, a badass fits better.
I think Jonathan is his own kind of badass though.

no matter what tragedy he faced he only got stronger from it. rather than let it keep him down he kept facing it head on and that's pretty badass right there if I say so myself.
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I fucking love Speedwagon.
Speedwagon's pretty cool!
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You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.
If someone doesn't like Speedwagon that's a prime indicator to stay away from that person
heck if someone doesn't like Phantom Blood you probably should just not acknowledge them at all
I just love him because he's a really good audience character.
I only wish speedwagon was useful later on...

Also, personality wise...

Jonathan is a paladin, Joseph is a rogue, Jotaro is the fighter and josuke is the barbarian
providing the Joestars with research and development, as well as giving them connections isn't helpful?

I know what you mean though. I kinda wished he could have been able to fight.
providing the Joestars with research and development, as well as giving them connections isn't helpful?

I know what you mean though. I kinda wished he could have been able to fight.
Apparently he was cut entirely from the phantom blood movie, which may be why it is so disliked.
Silver Machine
The Explosive! Freddy Cannon

(but the stand I would want is Imagine Dragon)
Planet Earth (Duran Duran)
okay, since the Best Friends Zaibatsu brought it up, 'What is your stand?" I figure we should add our own stands.

one with a band name we picked, and one with the random band name link @Ruin linked.

Imagine Dragon:
basicaslly, it creates super intense heat waves, but not enough to set fire to things, it just makes it really really hot. once it hits a point though, I can use the heat waves to create mirrages of myself, which I then use as reverse after-images, showing where I will attack, but confusing my enemy because they can't predict when I hit where. also I can use the heat wave to make myself seem invisible.

The Explosive! Freddy Cannon
a cannon that can appear on any part of my body, and can appear on other people, but the cannon explodes if someone else but me fires it
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Imagine Dragon
Wow that's actually cool, it's that kind of convoluted ability that Jojo's is known for. I have to come up with an ability for my Woodkid stand that's more "Bizarre" than petrification, pyromancy, and Tree Control.
Wow that's actually cool, it's that kind of convoluted ability that Jojo's is known for. I have to come up with an ability for my Woodkid stand that's more "Bizarre" than petrification, pyromancy, and Tree Control.
for 1951 you could have a bunch of tiny stands that turn into one big stand, and give yourself a swarm.
When I clicked on that link all I got was a list of rock songs that came out during 1951. It's just a year dude, it has no musical significance whatsoever.
oh, well then feel free to try again. I'm sure you can if it didn't give you a band name.
Attempt 1: The Sugarcubes
Too gay.

Attempt 2: Falling and Laughing
Too obscure.

Attempt 3: Purple Haze
Already taken!

I give up, Woodkid is good enough, besides it has personal significance.
yeah, I mean JoJoLion has a stand called soft and wet. Anything is possible as a stand in JoJo's.
Okay, first attempt of clicking on the "generate your stand name link"-thing, and I got…

"Ace of Spades" by Motörhead.


My stand is now named Ace of Spades, his special powers are… winning in every card game. Crap, I have to come up with something better. Help me, Sanoblaze!
First try - The Spike Drivers
Second try - Silver Machine
Third try - Iron Man (song)

They're alright, I guess... *shrug*
winning any card game can be OP as heck if you know what you're doing

it's not the stand that's powerful, it's the user
then you just aren't jojo's enough for a Stand. my friend
you need to be prepare to have a stand named anything and make it work

there's a dude whose stand is named Limp Bizkit
First attempt : I'll keep holding on
Second attempt : Projections
Third attempt : Crash
I like the second as my choice and the power from that I imagine would be projecting images as distractions.
winning any card game can be OP as heck if you know what you're doing

it's not the stand that's powerful, it's the user

Well, you’re right. I wouldn’t have any problems with money; I could participate in tournaments or play in casinos. But I think a lot of people would want me either not in their tournaments or dead after I win too much. I would need to change personalities and homes a lot.

But I guess I would also be not only extremely good with playing the cards, but also with using them as weapons. Like Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter for example.