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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

I say just stop, because each arc can be it's own story, and they can just as easily pick it back up after Araki finishes another part. I just hate an overabundance of filler and adding in shit I don't care about.
Thats what i'd do, just treat each part as its own anime series (save for parts 1 & 2). Just keep consistently running until completing part 7, or part 8 if its done by then. Some anime series dont even break 30 episodes so it works.
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There is some anime original content that is author-approved, however.
All the Strawhat Separation arc expansion stuff in One Piece was all stuff Oda wanted it, but had to cut because his editors were up his ass.

Even 2003 FMA anime was approved by Hiromu Arakawa. She thought the direction it went in was very interesting and different from her own ideas.

I guess so, but, considering one of the biggest offenders of going against the manga, is actually one of my favorite mangas, Black Cat, I have always hated it when an anime goes against the original source material. like, Black Cat the anime is unwatchable compared to the manga.


Thats what i'd do, just treat each part as its own anime series (save for parts 1 & 2). Just keep consistently running until completing part, or part 8 if its done by then. Some anime series dont even break 30 episodes so it works.
and yeah, I can see ALL of JoJo's arcs being standalone animes (a couple of them were their own standalones as anime and video games) and I think it'd be a no brainer for the current animation studio to pick up where they left off once Araki finishes another arc.
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honestly, at the rate that they're adapting things (slow) and the sheer amount of fights that Part 3 has (a lot)
I wouldn't be surprised if they split Stardust into two seasons
nor would I mind. Part 3 is long and full of tasty fights to animate, so taking their time with them wouldn't be a problem in my book, even if it does mean Part 4 is a long ways off
that's fine with me. :PUN: it means I can marathon part 3 before the thing I don't like happens!
im still saying they'll do a bunch of fights in the half of an episode, and the mayor ones will take the other half plus a good bunch of the next episode
I liked speedwagon until he became the group's cheerleader/narrator. Though after that he wasn't bad just significantly less cool.

It kind bothers me that stroheim becomes a "good guy." The very first scene that guy is introduced in he's being a dick and killing a cage full of brown people. He also leads to Pillar Raditz getting released which may or may not have been a very bad thing. I dunno he just kinda seems like a nazi jerk that happens to also not want to live under leg-guitar playing ultimate beings.
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Well, you gotta admit, aside from being a Nazi, he was a pretty cool guy.

and hey, his leader did kill Hitler.
He may be a jerk, but don't forget he's extremely patriotic and an army general (general? Don't remember). The release of Santana could've resulted into Germany's ruin and he couldn't allow that. Since Joseph helped him, he owned Joseph a favor, and he payed it. It's not like he suddenly became a good person that does charity and helps elders crossing the street.
It kind bothers me that stroheim becomes a "good guy." The very first scene that guy is introduced in he's being a dick and killing a cage full of brown people.
I think the point was to make the audience uncomfortable.
I think the point was to make the audience uncomfortable.
well, he was a Nazi. we can't expect him to be like "oh okay kid, you can die everyone else can leave" if an anime is gonna have Nazis it needs to show SOME semblance of Nazi cruelty.

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Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there he is



All this hype isn't good for my heart!!
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I can't wait till people start compiling the ost, lot of great background tracks this episode.
Dr. Doofenschmirtz said it best, just because he's evil it doesn't mean that everything he does is evil.
They also sort of build him up later on as a good guy working for bad people.Compare early him to later him.
Wow that was a great episode. I love Polneraff's voice too
They also sort of build him up later on as a good guy working for bad people.Compare early him to later him.
I think that rather than that they were just building him up as a bad man with a few noble ideals.
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So, I haven't read the manga, but did Dio have Purple Hermit there as well? If not, then between Jon's body and Joseph's Stand, it seems like the anime is going for a thing where Dio has something from each Jojo, save for Jotaro.
it seems like the anime is going for a thing where Dio has something from each Jojo, save for Jotaro.

well you wouldn't know but he definitely has some Jotaro going on lol
So, I haven't read the manga, but did Dio have Purple Hermit there as well? If not, then between Jon's body and Joseph's Stand, it seems like the anime is going for a thing where Dio has something from each Jojo, save for Jotaro.
If the Jojo's Wikia is to be trusted, that stand is not hermit purple although it does have the exact same functions and is actually Jonathan's stand.
Jojo's wiki is kind of a shaky place for info since the guys that run it aren't exactly the most professional
Jojo's wiki is kind of a shaky place for info since the guys that run it aren't exactly the most professional
At the very least, I can buy the idea of DIO unlocking Jonathan's stand postmortem. It happening to exactly be like Hermit Purple is where it gets sketchy, unless that's supposed to mean all Hamon users would end up with the same stand.
the theory goes that the clan has plant stands but then japanese blood turns them into punch ghosts
that's what I think
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the theory goes that the clan has plant stands but then japanese blood turns them into punch ghosts
that's what I think
I've been wacthing Jojo's and even I can't make sense of this statement, I can only imagine what my dad would say.

I love this anime/manga, it's so nuts.
I can see how plant themed stands would be common among hamon users. plants make oxygen, oxygen is used for us to breath, and breathing gives us energy, which can be made as hamon. I like this idea.

does this mean Holy Kujo can use Hamon? :0c
Anyone can!
even speedwagon got to use it a little in the manga to kill zombies
no, I mean do you think Joseph would have taught his daughter how to use it?
probably not
I mean Joseph slacked off on his Hamon after the trip to space so i doubt he taught holly much of it.
Holly probably would be too much of pacifist to even want to learn how to use hamon even for the self-defense.

I do sort of wish hamon stuck around in the series, if only for the sake of giving more power variety.
so many people find this scene homoerotic.

those people don't know JoJo's
I must add for those that havent read part 5 yet, that is from part 5 and not some fanfic.
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I must add for thaose that havent read part 5 yet, that is from part 5 and not some fanfic.
Even better, this scene is pretty messed up in context and that's not anticipation in Giorno's eyes.