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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

I know what you guys are referencing
When you realize that King Crimson is just basicly The World he gets a lot lamer
It's weird how their powers are very different but the effect is pretty much the same.
No, ASB does not work.
To be fair, King Crimson is practically an skip time movement with Hirohiko Araki's signature on it, to represent KC on images is practically hard, hell, during the manga he had to impose images to show how the stand actually work, seeing this thing animated is not going to be easy, i can assure you.

I know, ASB does not work for many things, it's good for the 1 or 2 hours, then it get's boring, it's more repetitive than HTTF so, at least i really like the music from that game, so, i don't have problems, i hope that Eyes to the Future fixes some of the problems ASB had.
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King Crimson also skips time, just that Araki tried to make it overcomplicated on purpose, the true advantage of King Crimson is predicting 2 seconds of the future.
I'm gonna get killed for this but compared to Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, All Star Battle seems to have put more effort into it, both fighting mechanics and representation of the series.
All-star Battle had a lot of love put into it - the fighting mechanics were a little rough around the edges, but it felt very faithful to the characters. I mean, look at all of the taunts, menus, colors, and character interactions! Conversely, I am very disappointed with the demos for Eyes of Heaven, it feels like a less fun version of Power Stone (so far). That being said, I'm still going to get it since it's JoJo :P
All Star Battle seems to have put more effort into it, both fighting mechanics and representation of the series.
I can't speak to the comparison but I'd certainly say as far as representation of the series goes ASB clearly had a ton of effort and love poured into it, practically everything in that game is just the manga in motion, it's great on that front. They did a lot of neat things too with character interactions and just details in general.

Fighting mechanics, 1.0 was garbage, what we got as the American release is at least fine if you're playing because you're a fan, as said I dumped a lot of time into it (enough to unlock all the tauntd, colors, costumes, etc. nd the time customizing stuff) but I don't know that I'd really recommend it to anyone as a game if they don't care about JoJo.

I am very disappointed with the demos for Eyes of Heaven
I've never really played a game in the genre Eyes of Heaven is but I can easily say that first demo was utter trash, but the second demo was a huge improvement. That said, it's still not great, though certainly something I will buy anyway, especially if it's localized since supporting JoJo in the west and all. I really kind of wish they just polished ASB some more added some characters, stages, maybe some new features and more cross part interaction stuff and called it a new game though.
Here they didn't even try with making KC's power act at all like it's supposed to. They had it right the very first time you fight him with him teleporting around without the filter and slowdown.
I got over 100 hours in ASB, for me that's alot. It makes me wonder how the hell people get like 4 or 500 hours in a game. I can't even.
I can imagine it as more of a fourth wall break.
like those Looney Toons episodes where the animator is fucking around with the character.
but instead of art, it's just the frames.
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Know what I find funny? The last line of OP 1 fits a lot of anime characters with names ending in "O"

Sono Chi no Sadame... IIIIIIIIIIPPO

Sono Chi no Sadame.... ZOOOOOOOORO

Sono Chi no Sadame..... Chibi ROOOOOOOBO okay maybe not that one

what the fuck
Someone put the (slightly off-key) Gurren Lagann OP over the Stand Proud opening
Why does this fit so goddamn perfectly

Reminds me of that one time somebody put the Stand Proud song over the Sailor Moon Crystal opening and it did fit perfectly too:

And of course there is a reversed version:

Extra points that the Sailor Moon song is called "Moon Pride" and well....Jojo's is Stand Proud.
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So if/when they announce a Part 4 anime, what songs are you all hoping for the ending theme? Shine on you Crazy Diamond, Killer Queen, and Another one Bites the Dust are of course the first ones you would think of, but that seems a tad too on the nose.

I think I'd enjoy Time being an ending theme, especially since they can overlap the instrumental intro over the last 30 seconds of the show, a la Roundabout.