STILL can't believe I found that shit on the spur of the moment. I just lost my shit I was like man IDGAF what the FUCK did I just even DO!?
I fucking called Item Drop M Level 3, SCOOPED you up with A-Train H, into SSJ, LANDED THE ITEM DROP, GOT A TAUNT, AND, BUSTED OUT TUBATUBATUBA.
That shit was next level and led me to find that there's actually quite a bit of validity to Item Drop Level 3 Assist both in combos, in baits, and, if in neutral control, a combo breaker should the person manage to get an upperhand and hit you while your Peacock is sitting back tap dancing.
Anyways, I am a little mad though about having dropped a bunch of stupid simple shit otherwise, I don't know what was happening.
I guess it might've been the Mayflash adapter? I dunno, something felt off, though, blugh.
But that moment is a goddamn keeper for the ages.