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Killer Instinct - Series in General

My friend was offering to help build me one and found all the parts for I think $650-690, which isn't that bad, I've just never have a built PC before
The computer I built (I named her Elsa) Cost roughly $800 from schematics made by my buddy
even with an Nvidia GTX 950 Graphics Card (Which is the newest budget price card), it'll definitely last you a while.
I can confirm though, keep your eyes on both Amazon and Newegg.
Ther's a site called PC Part Picker, I believe, that's what I used as my checklist building her.

See if you can get a friend to help build it for you
My friend was offering to help build me one and found all the parts for I think $650-690, which isn't that bad, I've just never have a built PC before
building a computer is super easy. Step 1. Make sure you're no where close to any electronics that might be on. Step 2. have a handy little flashlight. Step 3. Make sure you have a small screwdriver. Step 4. Have Zip Ties. For the love of God make sure you have Zip Ties so you can organize and keep your wires neat and not jumbled inside your PC.
Step 5 Duct Tape. I used Duct tape to keep my SSD in place. Zip Ties are amazing.

I wasn't too fond of the old Tusk, but this new Tusk looks amazing.
oh and if you want to be kinda fancy you can get a computer frame that has a built in digital thermometer to help you tell if your computer is running hot or not. ( I got one and I'm quite happy with it. ontop of that I got a program that tells me the temperature of each core in my computer is at "Core Temp") Also make sure to have fans... if it's a gaming PC having 4 small ones or a medium side fan will keep your PC cool enough if the Pc is a mid-tower. If it's a full tower then getting two small fans for the top vents a large side fan and medium and a small fan for the bottom/ back will do nicely.

Lights are optional.

So first, I'm going to just say that $600 is pretty low, but I think I can help. On that note, I generally recommend picking up a better PC if possible if for no other reason than you aren't simply getting a console. You're getting something you'll do HW/Work on. You're getting something that will let you learn to code and finally build that kick ass game you've talked about. You're getting a media center. Etc. Further, you can upgrade it. From my original first PC purchase, nothing is the same. I have a fairly high end rig that has been upgraded over 8 years. And when you upgrade, you don't typically have to put in the up front cost of buying a new console. For instance, one year you could just upgrade the GPU. The next you could do the RAM, CPU, and MOBO. So on.

Are you married to a laptop? You'll typically get a little less bang for your buck as laptops being portable is factored into its dollar amount.

Anyway for ~$700, here is the PCGamer "budget build". Even if that is a little steep, it might be worth looking at. The downside with a build is... that you're going to have to build it. But I recommend this anyway. It allows you to upgrade easier (and cheaper). It gives you more knowledge into what exactly is wrong with your PC. Etc. If you're worried about how difficult it is, it isn't. Most things are idiot-proof these days, and worst case scenario, grab your tech buddy to help out. Anyway, on the budget build, you could cut dollars by getting 500GB HDD. The way Steam works, you don't typically need to have everything installed. I have 1TB, but I only use 500GB on the Windows side... so it is totally doable. Also keep in mind that you'll need to pick up peripherals. You can get a decent flatscreen from Craigs list or a Pawn shop, so the cost can be negligible.

I also found this site that might help you out. Most of the builds look on the nose, but once you find one you like, I'd ask about it just to be sure. Also, it looks like to save costs you lose memory. For example one has 250GB which isn't terrible for an *only* gaming machine, but otherwise is ass. The same build only has 4GB of memory which is... quickly becoming too little. You won't feel the pinch for a little while, but I'd almost guarantee that you'd upgrade to at least 8GB of RAM before your first year.

As far as pre-builts, I'd double check Newegg and Tigerdirect. Generally, I stay away from big brands (especially Alienware even though their comps are good) because you do pay for that name ie less product for your money. There are pre-built companies like iBuyPower, but you'll want to double check with someone to make sure it is solid. They... sometimes cut corners. My first comp ages ago was iBuyPower and everything was fantastic, except their PSU couldn't support the GPU so random blackouts... yay. In fairness, I bitched and moaned enough that they eventually sent one out that worked fine.

Anyway, hope this helps.
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I have to say, out of all the fighting games I've played, Killer instinct is one of the hardest games to play. Simply because, winning neutral doesn't automatically mean you get rewarded.

I think the hardest part is the whole combo breaker system, since you basically have to know the opponents normals inside and out (and specials) and this game has almost 20+ characters, so that's a lot of normals and specials to learn how to break.

I have lost so many matches simply for being locked out because I couldn't tell teh difference between their heavy and medium lol

wowie Double didn't know you jumped ship over to KI you Nun... lady.. flesh pile.
Rainbow Rash confirmed strongest in KI Canon, Gargos and Eyedol are his bitch and he can destroy anything with a single use of his wrecking ball
Seems shoryuken made an article about the leaks...

Kinda feeling bad for IG since they worked hard to surprise us and the suprise for two of these characters are ruined now lol
So apparently talking about the leak in the Ultra Combo forums gets you banned... wanted to see some discussion about it from the core of their community, but hey.
So apparently talking about the leak in the Ultra Combo forums gets you banned... wanted to see some discussion about it from the core of their community, but hey.

Neogaf has an entire thread about it lol
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Killer In-leak
This roster is more or less what I expected.
I'm glad the Gears of War rep isn't Marcus Phoenix, there's only so much you can do with a gun that's also a chainsaw
A Gears rep is exactly what I wanted, figured they'd spring for that. Kick ass.
I'm glad James Chen started commentating KI. When both players select Mira... we'll be seeing Mira Matches.
I'm glad James Chen started commentating KI. When both players select Mira... we'll be seeing Mira Matches.

I wonder if they'll switch to PC if it's optimized... I assume only if they have one with enough RAAM.
man trolls are just posting leak threads left and right on the ultra combo forums. I feel so bad for IG lol
I know this feeling is kind of weird, but I'm not to pleased with the General Raam. I guess it somewhat has to do with a few things like how I don't really know him, how he's not very iconic(at least in my mind), and I was hoping for someone else retro.

Is Mira an original character? She looks like a vampire. Is she one?
I know this feeling is kind of weird, but I'm not to pleased with the General Raam. I guess it somewhat has to do with a few things like how I don't really know him, how he's not very iconic(at least in my mind), and I was hoping for someone else retro.

Is Mira an original character? She looks like a vampire. Is she one?
Yeah apparently she is the sister to (insert name here) but hey most of you probably know who that is ; )
They chose General Raam because he's the most memorable part of Gears of War Part 1, he kills a character you've been liking for a while, he showcases some cool abilities, and also takes a lot more punishment to kill than you'd expect.
There are other characters they could've chosen but none of them are nearly as cool or memorable as him.
Be honest, the thing you think of when you think Gears of War is the human dudes, but they can't really do that because there's not much to do.
Raam at least has Locust Weaponry, as well as summoning a horde of essentially flying Piranha

Mind you, I'm not even a fan of Gears of War, I only played the first one, but I remember him a lot more than other parts of the game.
To be honest I played very little of Gears of War. My most memorable moment was traveling inside the Blood Worm thing. My second most memorable moment was probably the berserker breaking through the door. I didn't get very far so I probably didn't get to meet General Raam.

It's good to hear that he's the most memorable part of Gears of War though.
Xbox Ensemble: Fight to the Final when

Xbox mascot fighter when
Mind you, I'm not even a fan of Gears of War, I only played the first one, but I remember him a lot more than other parts of the game.
His mini-campaign DLC in Gears 3 was pretty fun too.
sigh... I personally wanted someone cooler than General RAAM...

someone hunky... powerful... cunning... someone who has a bone to pick with pretty much any goodie goodie two shoes...

someone like....


Oh shit he had a mini-campaign? Might go look that up.
It's called RAAM's Shadow. But it's only a few levels.

RAAM also offers a ton of customization possibilities like Arbiter does with the elite armors with various Locust enemy types throughout the games.
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Yeah, that's another thing. Makes total sense too.

It's a sad thing Maximilian can't really comment on these leaks like he usually does with these kinda leaks.
'cuz you know
He's actually working there.
All this fps guys in a fighting game... Add Duke nuken next!
If they had to pick one GoW character that wasn't an obvious Marcus Fenix [which I'm glad they didn't pick him just like Master Chief instead of Arbiter since the latter fits KI much more] then General Raam was the obvious pick. Anyone that played a GoW game would know how popular the guy was as a villain still no matter how many Gow games that happened since.

Also Mira is definitely that character that they been hinting is a sibling of an existing character.

Of the two remaining characters Gargos is obviously one of them.

Of the stages used Mira is likely gonna share the Maya stage, but Raam [like Rash] sadly couldn't get his own like Arbiter since there are several ideas they could have used in the GoW world.
So we have two more unknown characters if the leak is true.

Eyedol and Gargos? Unless they continue his theme of guests and original/new characters.