Make painwhel's tag a regular grab and pea/bella/pw becomes the coolest thing in the game.
lol that last one was real on vanilla
I mean..ANY change that would make a character broken would be quite significant anyway lol
The 2 best examples in this thread involve subtly changing a move so that they function the same way in all circumstances, which is effectively a negative amount of work.
But she can combo after tho, only in corners but it is possible @Mayor of Earth showed me, it is hard to consistently do though
What about:
you never played against a good reset-happy peacock, did you?
Haha were you in the Skullgrlrs Oceanic chat? That and the 1 meter buff were agreed upon as 2 changes that would make PW's current use (ie. 2nd on a team in a point/point configuration) much more effective and we would probably see more Painwheel. At least 1 move with frame 1 armour would be nice too, though.
Nope. I don't even know what that is!