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Mighty No. 9

I just remembered something that makes me really bummed out.
open for sad I dont know how to put words into the spoiler tab
somebody spent 1000 dollars on this game to relive the memories of playing Megaman with his now deceased brother....
I'm six bosses through and I think I can sum the game up pretty well from here, it's an okay platformer mired with terrible instant-kill crazy level design with very little polish, graphically or gameplay-wise, with a terribly executed gimmick in the form of the dash-absorption.
Unless something major changes in the last few levels, I'd give it a 'Just buy the Legacy Collection out of ten'.
Unless something major changes in the last few levels, I'd give it a 'Just buy the Legacy Collection out of ten'.
By Legacy Collection you mean Anniversary Collection, right? Right?
By Legacy Collection you mean Anniversary Collection, right? Right?

If you're referring to the black screen issues, then there are easy fixes.
If you're referring to input lag, Anniversary collection is worse.
Only thing it really has over Legacy is the Power Battle games, which aren't great.
Anniversary is also way more expensive than Legacy on anything but PS2, and it isn't easy to find outside of ordering.
Legacy is $15 and available on PC, along with quite a few systems. Not quite seeing what you're talking about.
how about a new title fitting for the game?

Mighty Number Better Than Nothing.
Mighty number 5.6
strap in for the most interesting 4 hours of your life.

in other news it appears that Fangamer might not have the resources to even make or distribute backer rewards for the game.
can you all say it with me?

"Uh Oh... SpaghettiOs~!"

That is literally the only response I can give right now. I just-

It's like a really steep hill you know? A hill in which this is tumbling and screaming for help.
I just remembered something that makes me really bummed out.
open for sad I dont know how to put words into the spoiler tab
somebody spent 1000 dollars on this game to relive the memories of playing Megaman with his now deceased brother....
I'm not going to post anything else I just wanted to say this
I just spent 6 goddam minutes chasing down Steven Blum and you're telling me that if I get hit by his instant death trip wires even once I have to do it all over again?

Comcept you amaze me.
strap in for the most interesting 4 hours of your life.

in other news it appears that Fangamer might not have the resources to even make or distribute backer rewards for the game.
can you all say it with me?

"Uh Oh... SpaghettiOs~!"
strap in for the most interesting 4 hours of your life.

in other news it appears that Fangamer might not have the resources to even make or distribute backer rewards for the game.
can you all say it with me?

"Uh Oh... SpaghettiOs~!"
Where'd you see that about Fangamer? Because they're usually great about fulfilling things.

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If you're referring to the black screen issues, then there are easy fixes.
If you're referring to input lag, Anniversary collection is worse.
Only thing it really has over Legacy is the Power Battle games, which aren't great.
Anniversary is also way more expensive than Legacy on anything but PS2, and it isn't easy to find outside of ordering.
Legacy is $15 and available on PC, along with quite a few systems. Not quite seeing what you're talking about.

IIRC Legacy Collection is just a bunch of emulators in a box. You're better off playing them in an actual emulator IMO. Unless you don't already own them in some form or another, and just want to have an official copy.

I remember reading a long argument about whether Anniversary has input lag or not, can't remember what the conclusion was.

I'm six bosses through and I think I can sum the game up pretty well from here, it's an okay platformer mired with terrible instant-kill crazy level design with very little polish, graphically or gameplay-wise, with a terribly executed gimmick in the form of the dash-absorption.
Unless something major changes in the last few levels, I'd give it a 'Just buy the Legacy Collection out of ten'.

Yeah, I remember being a bit weirded out by how spikes and instant kill boss attacks comprised most of the challenge during the Comic Con demo. I figured they were just still balancing things.
it is a shame that Inafune's own words got localized, but a comment on here sums up my feelings toward the mistakes Inafune had made

"I think Dr. Wily said it best, Inafune:
"Thanks for being an idiot."

Seriously. Admitting you made mistakes is great and all, but that doesn't change the fact that some of the mistakes you mad werehumongous. You over-extended yourself, your staff, and your IP while acting like everything was going to turn out okay, yet you knew it wasn't going to. I think I've said this before, but there's a world of difference between "being positive" and "being willfully ignorant/oblivious". Three guesses as to which one you were.

Why am I writing like Inafune's actually going to read this anyway...? I should know better."
The Article said:
But the reality is, during production, the key creative pieces really happen for the first 70% and then beyond that, it’s all about doing porting and bug testing.
That's BS, though. I was doing 'key creative stuff' through the end of SG and all through the DLC, and on Battlefront II we did it up through like a month before ship. Sure, you're not determining how the mechanics of the base game will work, but you are tuning and modifying things until ship.
That's BS, though. I was doing 'key creative stuff' through the end of SG and all through the DLC, and on Battlefront II we did it up through like a month before ship. Sure, you're not determining how the mechanics of the base game will work, but you are tuning and modifying things until ship.

This is not to be disrespectful in any way- and I apologize if it comes off as such- but wouldn't that depend on the game/developer/team, or maybe more the way they handled it during production?
I can't discuss it without sounding disrespectful and/or getting my ass handed to me in the reply before even getting to the point.
This is not to be disrespectful in any way- and I apologize if it comes off as such- but wouldn't that depend on the game/developer/team, or maybe more the way they handled it during production?
Would it sound right if I said I stopped needing creative process of a painting/book/movie halfway through?
I dont know how to put words into the spoiler tab
since I don't see the answer, figured I'd go ahead ^_^'' when you goto spoiler som'in, use

I'm surprised someone added that line to the translation. That's kind of weaksauce really. I mean, yeah, he's already getting some flack, but doesn't need the added "mistranslated" bit.
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Would it sound right if I said I stopped needing creative process of a painting/book/movie halfway through?
Exactly its like if Leonardo only painted the rough outline of the Mona Lisa looked at it and went: yup that's good enough! and spent the rest of the time fitting it to multiple different picture frames.

That's what mighty number 9 is.
This is not to be disrespectful in any way- and I apologize if it comes off as such- but wouldn't that depend on the game/developer/team, or maybe more the way they handled it during production?
That's not disrespectful! But as an answer...kinda? Kinda not really though.

If you stop making the game better 70% of the way through the time you have to make the game, you miss out on making the game that extra 30% better. That's my view anyway. Design/"creative" should be making adjustments up until the rest of the team has to forcefully pull them away from their computers so they can make a submission build.

From the Super Metroid staff interview:
Super Metroid staff interview said:
Sakamoto: Finally in about January*, we decided on the map, but up until that point we were killing parts that weren't working well.

*Probably January 1994. The game was finished in February 1994, which is pretty amazing.
This whole thing has been disappointing and I dread to look back on my optimistic posts. I can't even will myself to open up steam and test it out. I don't know what to say anymore, really.
This whole thing has been disappointing and I dread to look back on my optimistic posts. I can't even will myself to open up steam and test it out. I don't know what to say anymore, really.
I have, and lemme just say

you don't want to see the you back then. ya just dont.
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Okay uh the credits to the game. Wow. Just wow. Also keep an eye out for Mighty No. 5040.

But seriously, that's longer than the entirety of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Holy crap, I do not have the patience to sit and see all those names.
Okay, so, I'm currently playing the game, cause I backed it when it looked like an incredible, amazing way to bring back some good memories. The game is not that bad, at least gameplay-wise, but that's just my opinion, maybe I'm trying to cope with the fact that they got rid of the "absorb your enemies' skills ala Kiry" and simply stuck to the classic "steal the bosses' powers" gimmick. The absorbing dash could be way better, and it's tiresome when you try to absorb 100% in each stage, even when some enemies spawn on top of an instant death trap, and man, there's a lot of those. The game could be considered a mediocre Megaman clone, and that would be okay with me... if only Comcept didn't waste 4 million dollars on who knows what. Even the music isn't as good as the classic Megaman game soundtracks, and the English voice acting leaves a lot to be desired -I do like to listen to the English voice acting in my games so I can improve my listening skills while playing-.
My game boy runs better looking games than this
My game boy runs better looking games than this
well duh.

all you have to look to is Shantae on the GBC. They made that thing use Alpha layers so it could transition between different colours with ease. Making a Day/Night Cycle and some what dynamic Lighting.
I had fun as long as I didn't run out of bulldozer juice
There are 2 things I know to be true: do not go underground, and do not run out of bulldozer juice

It looks like you use up juice for as long as you hold down attack, so the best way to use the bulldozer might be to wait until you're about to run into an enemy then hit attack. Unless you're using it to reflect bullets or something.
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What about play the game instead of post carried away from the reviews and opinions about others?, im not defending the game, obviously they doesn´t delivered what they promise but it´s not a terrible and shit game.

I started playing, so far an average platformer, though.
I dont gotta play the game to come to the conclusion that, design-wise, it looks like doodoobutter.
The same way a lot of people said Skullgirls was, design wise, a lot of fanservice and panty shots and we both know it's much more than that.
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What about play the game instead of post carried away from the reviews and opinions about others?, im not defending the game, obviously they doesn´t delivered what they promise but it´s not a terrible and shit game.

I started playing, so far an average platformer, though.

Because then you end up owning a game you don't like.

Seriously, you are SUPPOSED to check opinions on those before buying.