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Mighty No. 9

And how did those work out for them?
It does not matter how it ended. That's where the money went.

Also whether 3D or 2D costs more depends in many situations on team size and technuiqes used.
You think Shantae's team was bigger than MN9? Was that said somewhere?

budget does not always equal quality. Mn9 doesn't look to great but that may not be due to the budget it may just be due to lack of artistic skill/ art shift/ trying to make it playable on both last hen and current gen etc.

I'm not saying they wasted the money. (Heck making it on most consoles and platforms must cost a lot.) I'm just saying maybe it's not the budget but rather the ability of the team.
re: games are expensive

Technically you can make a game for cheap...

...if you're willing to work for free...

...which some people do. There are a lot of really impressive games in the doujin community that were basically made as a hobby.

Still, that doesn't mean anything for a game with an actual commercial development team filled with people who develop games as a full-time job in order to put food on the table for their families. I'm not sure it's possible for us to really judge MN.9 by the budget. We can judge it by the quality of the finished project, however.

re: why the quality is low

according to an interview, apparently, they underestimated how much porting would cost and it ended up eating up most of the money and time that was supposed to go toward developing the game itself. Lots of last minute bugs and bad luck as well while making it work for the various consoles.
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It does not matter how it ended. That's where the money went.

Yeah, that's where it went, so why can't I complain on money going into a bunch of terrible stuff anyone else can do with pennies again? Or are you SERIOUSLY trying to say you think THIS is best you can do with that money.

You think Shantae's team was bigger than MN9? Was that said somewhere?

Just pointing out that it doesn't HAVE to cost more.

"I mean, just switch all the girls into guys, switch skullhearts to psycho power, and make all the sprites 3d models and what's the difference between SG and SFV other than Gameplay Nuances?"

You tell me. After all Skullgirls is a game as great as Street Fighter for much less money.

Just like Shantae is a better game than Mighty No 9 for much less money.

After all basic engine of Skullgirls WAS used with SF sprites in early stages. Which means that besides that the only difference was artistic choice.
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how does that explain how one team did much better job with 1m when other did much worse with 4m?

Did you just not read or watch the video? The games that came out for 1M were not only receiving 1M. In the example of Shantae, WayForward received almost 3/4 of a million (776k) on their Kickstarter. This number is the final amount because after Kickstarter actually processes the money, tons of people do not pay. Indiegogo is better in that regard because as soon as you pledge the money, its taken out of your account; Kickstarter does not do that, which means the original Kickstarter amount of 950k was a bit inflated.

Using the example of Shantae again, these game developers often have publishers that are responsible for additionally monetary support. In Shantae, their publisher is a company named Marvelous USA. You can find more information about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvelous_USA. I can't find any documentation stating how much additional capital they are receiving from this publisher, but I'm sure they aren't making a game for multiple platforms with just 1M. Like Mike stated in his rant, they would have to work for less than 20k a year in order to compensate for it.
i'm sitting back and not enjoying this.

someone hand me a really stiff drink that tastes like fire please.
Mighty No 9 is recognized as a virus on Windows 10 and by Avast.
It got a last minute delay to 360 and Mac/Linux

I really hope this doesn't sour things for good Kickstarter games in the future
Did you just not read or watch the video? The games that came out for 1M were not only receiving 1M. In the example of Shantae, WayForward received almost 3/4 of a million (776k) on their Kickstarter. This number is the final amount because after Kickstarter actually processes the money, tons of people do not pay. Indiegogo is better in that regard because as soon as you pledge the money, its taken out of your account; Kickstarter does not do that, which means the original Kickstarter amount of 950k was a bit inflated.

Using the example of Shantae again, these game developers often have publishers that are responsible for additionally monetary support. In Shantae, their publisher is a company named Marvelous USA. You can find more information about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvelous_USA. I can't find any documentation stating how much additional capital they are receiving from this publisher, but I'm sure they aren't making a game for multiple platforms with just 1M. Like Mike stated in his rant, they would have to work for less than 20k a year in order to compensate for it.

Well I'll give you that. Need to think deeper about it. Thought Mighty No 9 also has a publisher. :P

Say hello to "4 milion + unknown ammount".
Yeah, that's where it went, so why can't I complain
Fine. Fuck it. Complain all you want.
Fine. Fuck it. Complain all you want.
Glad this mess is over. Was more interested in the topic and not almost a full page of bickering.

So bricking a WiiU? That's impressive, even by modder standards. Guess I won't be getting that version. Oh Xblox 360, when arn't you going to screw up someone's registration thing?

So with so many issues, I think I'll wait about... hmm.. a year... to pick this up. Don't need to loose my WiiU and not interested in struggling to play it on this crummy laptop.
rre: why the quality is low

according to an interview, apparently, they underestimated how much porting would cost and it ended up eating up most of the money and time that was supposed to go toward developing the game itself.

@Kawalorn as a reminder, LabZero didn't make Skullgirls FROM SCRATCH for 1Million. The game had already been mostly made. The 1 Million went to FINISHING the game and creating DLC for the game. They didn't remake the entire engine after that Kickstarter.
@Kawalorn as a reminder, LabZero didn't make Skullgirls FROM SCRATCH for 1Million. The game had already been mostly made. The 1 Million went to FINISHING the game and creating DLC for the game. They didn't remake the entire engine after that Kickstarter.

Dunno where the idea that I don't remember that came from, but K. I guess I may have worded the Those Fighting Herds part wrongly.

@porting Yeah that sounds about right. I mean how many platform were there? 9?
I really hope this doesn't sour things for good Kickstarter games in the future
It's the reason I'm wary of backing any more projects. Outside of three games I just wait for the finished product because Comcept betrayed a lot of people's trust on this, mine included.

RE: Funds
The biggest problem is that Comcept had eyes WAY too big for their stomachs. Porting to every platform under the sun, trying to make a second project (obviously it would have seperate funding), merchandising, an animated adaptation. With so much going on I wasn't sure when they really focused on polishing the game itself and all of this fallout shows that to be the case. Regardless of how much money they got to do this they still put out a crappy product from a technical standpoint (haven't played it yet myself). We knew this when the demo came out and people thought it was an alpha build.

I understand why $1mil is what they needed, but I do agree that people with smaller budgets have put out better products and that speaks more to their individual work ethics and ability to maintain scope of a project.
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So what, you telling me that Skullgirls actually cost more money than Street Fighter (by which I meant IV/V)? :P

Cause it didn't. :P Considering the whole "Ryu's arm" thing it probably didn't even come close. Otherwise game wouldn't be sold for 15$ at the start.
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Also, don't we, as the SGC, know better than anyone how costly game development of any size is? Why are we making jabs at the seemingly large sum of money this game costed? We already know game development is super expensive.
well, SG isn't really a fair example because that kickstarter was for characters, not a game.
but also, each of the characters are expensive to make on their own, and they had plenty of beta testing and input from fans on the matter.

Using the example of Shantae again, these game developers often have publishers that are responsible for additionally monetary support. In Shantae, their publisher is a company named Marvelous USA. You can find more information about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvelous_USA. I can't find any documentation stating how much additional capital they are receiving from this publisher, but I'm sure they aren't making a game for multiple platforms with just 1M. Like Mike stated in his rant, they would have to work for less than 20k a year in order to compensate for it.
I can see WHY Wayforward would need to use a kickstarter to make the game without the excess need for publishers. Wayforward probably wants Shantae to be their own thing, and in order to do that, they would have to pool money from the other projects that they do in order to cover costs of making it, hence why it takes so long to get shantae games. and I think that after some of their more recent publisher debacles (an example being Majesco's dropping of Double Dragon Neon getting further development like the online co-op mode that Wayforward wanted to do) they probably wanted to just cut out the middle man and make Shantae on their own and use funds they already had to cover porting costs, which I will say is a smart thing to do. fans pay for the game, and the company covers the additional cost from their own pocket. I know not everyone can do this, but for more well known devs who have had good budgets before, I think this is the better thing to do for kickstarters.

take note that this is my own personal speculation on their situation.
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oh and here's something uncomfortable

the documentary episode 1 where Inafune checks up on the progress of the game, and you can feel the tension in the air. and it becomes really awkward when Inafune tries to make small talk with the employees who are all nervous around him.

it reminds me of the making of videos of the Star Wars Prequels where George Lucas would do the same thing and people just got deathly quite.

Remind me, wasn't Inafume a bit of a prick about the whole Dina debuckle some time ago? Like he actually publicly refused to do something about her? I think there might have been something like that, but I'm not sure.
Huh, as much as I didn't like that situation I never thought it might have been a sign that the game might not turn out to be very good...
well, SG isn't really a fair example because that kickstarter was for characters, not a game.
but also, each of the characters are expensive to make on their own, and they had plenty of beta testing and input from fans on the matter.
I wasn't comparing quality, it was just an example of "making games costs a lot of money". SG DLC def had a leg up on quality for the reasons you mentioned. MN9 could have also done those things, tho.
Well it could, like ninja said, be George Lucas syndrome. You have this man who created a series of games that is forever embedded into gaming history as a great and influential series. Same goes for George Lucas and Star Wars.

However it's been stated and shown that George Lucas worked best when there were people keeping him and his work in check: Fix this, this won't work, rethink the premise, etc. people challenged him.

However when the prequels came around he was already a well respected director and no one challenged him because they feared going against his "ideals" so they just nodded and laughed at his jokes. The same can be said for Inafune.

Inafune's challenge was Capcom. After Mega man 1 didn't sell that well Capcom didn't want to make a sequel so the deal was they could make a sequel but only on their free time and with a tight budget. So Inafune needed to make it perfect or Capcom wouldn't release it, the team had many sleepless nights working on this and other capcoms projects. Inafune and his team were challenged.

With Infaune in charge and a massive budget at his tips with too much ambition and no one to go "No Inafune." It makes sense that the game turned out the way it did.
I just decided to check out the first page of this forum thread.
I'm just gonna say
People are spreading rumors to make it seem worse? Nice.

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