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USA New England thread - Not UK

Anyone have any objections to playing on the PS4 version this week? PS3 sticks should work on it.
Give me a picture and I'll make us a cardboard cutout to replace you Deer. Also dMags, think I can hitch a ride with you? Commuter rail's spensive.
When would we be getting back?
Dunno it would sort of depend on how many people were going and other factors. I will say this though, it is a 4 hour drive and the tournament starts at 4pm EST, so no matter how you slice it we'd be getting back to my place pretty late on Saturday night/Sunday morning.
If that's the case then I'm pretty sure I can go. Might have to spend the night at your place a second day depending on when we would get back if that's ok
@Tommer - I can take you home from GU, but I won't be able to pick you up to take you there. I head to GU from work on Fridays, and I work near Worcestor so I'm coming from the other side of the map
@mcpeanuts I'm tentatively a 'maybe' for the July18th JAMMMERZZZ tournament, I'll let you know soon but I am leaning towards Yes. What are the SGE crew battles?
@Tommer - I can take you home from GU, but I won't be able to pick you up to take you there. I head to GU from work on Fridays, and I work near Worcestor so I'm coming from the other side of the map
You live in Boston and work in Worcestor? That commute sounds horrible
@mcpeanuts I'm tentatively a 'maybe' for the July18th JAMMMERZZZ tournament, I'll let you know soon but I am leaning towards Yes. What are the SGE crew battles?
It was an impromptu thing that we did at the first two Hitbox Arena tournaments that's now just a regular thing apparently. Basically just a big team tournament with two teams. The two times we did it my team was called "The Charlie Brown Gang" for some reason (I think because of Peacock s.HK? I don't really know). Teams were made up of whoever was interested which ended up being a 5 v 5 both times.
do not reserve the spot for me just yet but I am going to try to work out the possibility for slamjamming since I couldn't make it last night, I should be able to let you know by tonight
person i had to get some details from never got on tonight but I'd say there's about an 80% chance that I can go so I guess I'll say sign me up
so im thinking about trying to get a ride up to GU on friday, if I do can I stay at your place @mcpeanuts ?
person i had to get some details from never got on tonight but I'd say there's about an 80% chance that I can go so I guess I'll say sign me up
Word. Alright imma say the car is full for this weekend.
Yeah I think I should be there. I reinstalled my stick firmware so hopefully it doesn't randomly disconnect on laptop setups anymore.
Sounds like we should have a good number of people, would there be any interested in a $1 tournament?
Okay, its Story Time with Cenobite for anybody who left Game Underground before I did tonight, or is lurking this thread and could use a laugh.

So as I was getting ready to leave I stopped to snag that inflatable cow I've been wanting from the ticket redemption area. While Jamie was getting it for me some guy came up to ask him a question:

Scrub: "Hey, do you know if there's an official tier list for Smash 4 yet?"

Jamie: "Not that I know of."

Scrub: "Oh, ok. Who do play in Smash?"

Jamie: "I like playing as Ryu."

Scrub: *pause* "...Oh. Is he from Fire Emblem?"

Jamie: >_> *beat* "...He's from Street Fighter."

Scrub: "Oh."

Jamie later told me that if I'd smacked the guy he wouldn't have thrown me out.
I think I'll be missing the Saturday monthly, forgot I had a wedding to go to.

Sorry to bail guys :(
There's no fight night tomorrow due to saturday monthly?
That is typically what we do. Up to y'all. I probably am gonna go either way to get some MKX practice, I'm entering that at the monthly too.
okay, I prob won't make it, SFV beta goes live at 9pm tonight so...ya know how that goes....
That'll only go live on PC for the second round of testing, right?
That'll only go live on PC for the second round of testing, right?

Correct! I think this picture has the most details out there at the moment, it's from the presentation Capcom did at EVO

This should be of interest to several of us. Unsurprisingly, the Street Fighter V beta servers are down currently. While waiting for them to come back up I've been looking at the documentation and something caught my eye: Though they will not be supported in the beta, Capcom is looking into supporting PS3 sticks/pads in the final game.

Last I'd heard they'd said they weren't going to do it at all, but using the Lab Zero driver in PS4 Ultra must have changed their tune.